Faculty/students: 2008-2009

Faculty publications  |  Faculty presentations  |  Student publications  |  Student presentations  |

Publications by faculty members
(2008 calendar year)

Journal Articles

Boberg, Charles. 2008. Canadian English vocabulary: National and regional variants. Anglistik 19/2: 65-79.

Boberg, Charles. 2008. Regional phonetic differentiation in Standard Canadian English. Journal of English Linguistics 36/2: 129-154.

Gillon, Brendan. 2008. On the semantics pragmatics distinction. Synthese, v. 165: 373-384.

Goad, Heather and Lydia White. 2008. Prosodic structure and the representation of L2 functional morphology: A nativist approach. Lingua 118: 577-594.

Grodzinsky, Yosef, and Andrea Santi. 2008. The Battle for Broca's Region. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 12.12: 474-480.

Paradis, Michel. 2008. Bilingualism and neuropsychiatric disorders. Journal of Neurolinguistics 21.3: 199-230.

Paradis, Michel. 2008. Bilingual laterality: Unfounded claim of validity: A comment on Hull & Vaid (2007). Neuropsychologia 46.5: 1588-1590.

Paradis, Michel. 2008. Bilingual effects are not unique, only more salient. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 11.2: 181-183.

Travis, Lisa. 2008. Bahasa Indonesia as a predicate fronting language. Lingua 18.10: 1583-1602.

Book Chapters

Gillon, Brendan S. 2008. The role of knowledge of causation inDharmakirti's theory of inference'. In William Edelglass and Jay Garfield, eds., 2008 Buddhist Philosophy: Selected Primary Texts, 286-300. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Goad, Heather. 2008. Some reflections on abstractness and the shape of inputs: The case of aspiration in English. In J. Peter Avery, B. Elan Dresher & Keren Rice, eds., Contrast in phonology: Theory, perception, acquisition, 323-346. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Paradis, Michel. 2008. Language and communication disorders in multilinguals. Brigitte Stemmer and Harry A. Whitaker, eds., Handbook of the Neuroscience of Language., 341-349. Amsterdam: Academic Press.

Piggott, Glyne. 2008. The spell-out of lexical categories within words: violating the onset requirement in Ojibwa. In Sarah Cummins, Bridget Jankowski and Patricia Shaw, eds., All the things your are: A Festschrift in honour of Jack Chambers. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics (Special Issue), Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto, 109-128.

Shimoyama, Junko. 2008. Indeterminate Pronouns. The Handbook of Japanese Linguistics. Shigeru Miyagawa and Mamoru Saito, eds., 372-393. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Travis, Lisa. 2008. The role of features in syntactic theory and language variation. In Juana Liceras, Helmut Zobl, and Helen Goodluck, eds., The Role of Formal Features in Second Language Acquisition, 22-47. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

White, Lydia. 2008. Some puzzling features of L2 features. In Juana Liceras, Helmut Zobl and Helen Goodluck, eds., The role of features in second language acquisition, 301-326. Mahweh, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Conference Proceedings

Nissenbaum, Jon, and Bernhard Schwarz. 2008. Two Puzzles about Infinitivals with Too, in Natasha Abner, Jason Bishop, and Kevin Ryan, eds., Proceedings of the 27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, (2008): pp. 344-352.

Travis, Lisa and Mona Luiza Ungureanu. 2008. Choose one: head or phrasal movement in the same domain. In Susie Jones, ed., Proceedings of Canadian Linguistics Association (CLA). (link)

White, Lydia. 2008. Different? Yes. Fundamentally? No. Definiteness effects in the L2 English of Mandarin speakers. In Roumyana Slabakova, Jason Rothman, Paula Kempchinsky and Elena Gavruseva, eds., Proceedings of the 9th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2007), 251-261. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.

White, Lydia. 2008. Definiteness effects in the L2 English of Mandarin and Turkish speakers. In Harvey Chan, Heather Jacob and Enkeleida Kapia, eds., Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 550-561. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Conference presentations and talks by faculty members: 2008-09

Boberg, Charles and Deena Fogle. 2008. Extraphonemic foreign (a) production in American English. New Ways of Analyzing Variation 37. Houston, TX, November 2008.

Dobler, Eva, Heather Newell, Glyne Piggott, Tobin Skinner, and Lisa Travis. Features, phrase structure, and movement after Spellout. Bilingual Workshop in Theoretical Linguistics (BWiTL08), Ottawa, Ontario, December 2008.

Dobler, Eva and Glyne Piggott. 2009. Phonological sensitivity to syntactic cycles: Swedish and other cases. 17th Manchester Phonology Conference, Manchester, UK, May 2009.

Gillon, Brendan. 2008. The model theory of verbs with implicit arguments. Canadian Linguistics Association, annual meeting, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, June 2008.

Gillon, Brendan. 2008. Typing English words with implicit arguments. Invited speaker Verb Concepts: Cognitive Science Perspectives on Verb Representation and Processing, Concorida University, Montreal, QC, October 2008.

Gillon, Brendan. 2009. Underspecification and the mass count distinction. Invited Speaker. Workshop on Mass and Count Nouns, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, February 2009.

Gillon, Brendan. 2009. The correspondence principle. World View and Theory in Indian Philosophy. Barcelona, Spain, April 2009.

Gillon, Brendan. 2009. Grammars and types. Seminar: Philosophy of Logic, Department of Philosophy, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, May 2009.

Gillon, Brendan. 2009. The development of logic in early Classical India. Colloquium. The Oriental Institute, The University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, May 2009.

Gillon, Brendan. 2009. Grammars and types. nternational Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, Lodz, Poland, May 2009.

Gillon, Brendan. 2009. Underspecification and the mass count distinction. Canadian Linguistics Association, annual meeting, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, May 2009.

Gillon, Brendan. 2009. Underspecification and the mass count distinction. Meeting of Semanticists Active in Canada, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, May 2009.

Goad, Heather. 2008. Are children’s grammars ‘rogue grammars’? A troubling case of laryngeal allophony. Bilingual Workshop in Theoretical Linguistics (BWTL 12), University of Ottawa, December 2008.

Goad, Heather and Adèle-Elise Prévost. 2009. Markedness in the acquisition of Québec French prosodic structure. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), Carleton University, May 2009.

Goad, Heather and Lydia White. 2009. Articles in Turkish/English interlanguage revisited: Implications of vowel harmony. Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (GASLA 10), University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, March 2009.

Goad, Heather. 2009. Allophony without features? Montréal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonology Workshop (MOT), University of Toronto, February 2009.

Goad, Heather. 2009. Crazy kids! A grammar with laryngeal allophony but no laryngeal features. Plenary talk, McGill’s Canadian Conference for Linguisics Undergraduates (McCCLU 3), McGill University, March 2009.

Grodzinsky, Yosef. 2008. Keynote address at The 16th meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands, June 2008.

Grodzinsky, Yosef. 2008. Brain Mechanisms. Invited speaker at the 4th Tel Aviv Conference on Human Brain Mapping, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel, July 2008.

Grodzinsky, Yosef. 2008. Brain mapping of syntax and semantics. Invited symposium, The 23rd Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany, July 2008.

Grodzinsky, Yosef. 2009. Neurolinguistics: functional Anatomy and pathology of language. Mini-course (with Katrin Amunts and Karl Zilles), Joint doctoral Program in Neurolinguistics, UC San Diego and San Diego State University, San Diego, California, February 2009.

Grodzinsky, Yosef. 2009. Comments on Snyder & Pylkkänen. Invited address, Events Across Categories Conference, CSIC Madrid, Spain. May 2009.

Grodzinsky, Yosef, Stefan Heim, Sarah Hautvast, Simon Eickhoff & Katrin Amunts. 2009. A parametric fMRI study of quantifier types. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, California, March 2009.

Heim, Stefan, Sarah Hautvast, Simon Eickhoff, Katrin Amunts and Yosef Grodzinsky. (2009). A parametric fMRI study of quantifier types. Poster presented at the TEAP conference, Jena, Germany, April 2009.

Larsen, Blakey and Lisa Travis. 2009. Morphology and restrictions on non-subject extractions. Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA 16), Santa Cruz, California, May 2009.

Noonan, Maire. 2009. A ‘clitic’ position inside PPs; revenons là-dessus. 39th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages. University of Arizona, Tucson Arizona, March 2009.

Noonan, Maire. 2009. Object clitics in Literary Welsh. Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics. University of Arizona, Tucson Arizona, March 2009.

Paradis, Michel. 2008. Bilingual conceptual representations. Invited lecture Intercultural Pragmatics Lecture Series, SUNY, Albany, USA. September 2008.

Paradis, Michel. 2008. Acquisition et apprentissage de plusieurs langues par un même cerveau. Invited lecture, Quatrième colloque de didactique des langues. Mende, France, October 2008.

Paradis, Michel. 2008. Implications from the use of the Bilingual Aphasia Test on patients with mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, and aphasia. Invited lecture, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain, December 2008.

Santi, Andrea, and Yosef Grodzinsky. 2009. An adaptation study of relative clauses. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, March 2009.

Schwarz, Bernhard. 2008. Infintivals with too, Department of Linguistics, Tübingen University, July 2008.

Schwarz, Bernhard. 2008. A note on plural superlatives, Angelika Kratzer Birthday Workshop, MIT, December 2008.

Schwarz, Bernhard. 2009. Degree operator scope and distributivity, McGill's Canadian Conference for Linguistics Undergraduates (McCCLU 3), McGill University, March 2009.

Schwarz, Bernhard. 2009. Degree operator scope and distributivity, University of Ottawa, March 2009.

Shimoyama, Junko. 2008. Clausal Comparatives and Cross-linguistic Variation. Invited talk, University of Tübingen, Germany, July 2008.

Shimoyama, Junko. 2008. Degree Quantification and the Size of Noun Modifiers. The 18th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, New York, November 2008.

Shimoyama, Junko. 2008. Clausal Comparatives and Cross-linguistic Variation. The 39th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 39), Ithaca, NY, November 2008.

Shimoyama, Junko. 2008. Direct and Indirect Modification in Japanese. Linguistics Colloquium, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, November 2008.

Shimoyama, Junko. 2009. Concerning a Phrasal Analysis of Clausal Comparatives in Japanese. Invited talk, TOM 2009: The Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal Workshop on Semantics, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, March 2009.

Travis, Lisa. 2008. Malagasy no constructions and new observations. Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA 15), Sydney Australia, June 2008.

Travis, Lisa. 2009. Malagasy clefts: within typology and theory. Invited speaker, Department of Linguistics Colloquium, MIT, Cambridge, MA, March 2009.

Wagner, Michael. 2008. A compositional theory of contrastive topics. Invited talk, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, June 2008.

Wagner, Michael. 2008. Focus and Recursion. Invited talk, UCL Workshop on Information Structure. London, U.K., October 2008.

Wagner, Michael. 2009. Interpreting Prosodic Boundaries. Colloquim talk at UCLA, Los Angeles, California, February 2009.

Wagner, Michael. 2009. More on Nested Foci, Contrastive Topics, and Intonation. MOSAIC Semantics Workshop, May 2009.

Wagner, Michael. 2009. Relative Prosodic Boundary Strength in Production and Perception. Conference of Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, May 2009.

White, Lydia. 2008. Definiteness effects in L2 English. Invited talk, Sendai University, Sendai, Japan, June 2008.

White, Lydia. 2008. Innate linguistic constraints in second language acquisition: maturational effects or not? Paper presented at the Second International Symposium on the Cognitive and Neuronal Bases of Language, McGill University, June 2008.

White, Lydia. 2008. Changing perspectives on parametric variation in SLA. Plenary address presented at GALANA 3, University of Connecticut, September 2008.

White, Lydia. 2008. Crosslinguistic differences in the representation of definiteness: consequences for L2 acquisition. Invited talk, University of Calgary, October 2008.

White, Lydia, Alyona Belikova, Paul Hagstrom, Tanja Kupisch and Öner Özçelik. 2008. Restrictions on definiteness in L2 English. Paper presented at Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), November 2008.

White, Lydia. 2009. Second language acquisition and UG: an historical overview. Invited talk, Harvard University, March 2009.

White, Lydia. 2009. Language acquisition at the interfaces. Keynote address, Workshop on Mind Context Divide: Language Acquisition and Interfaces of Cognitive Linguistic Modules. University of Iowa, April 2009.

Publications by graduate and postdoctoral students: 2008–09

Journal Articles

Belikova, Alyona and Lydia White. 2009. Evidence for the Fundamental Difference Hypothesis or not? Island constraints revisited. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 31(2):199-223.

Grodzinsky,Yosef and Andrea Santi. 2009. Response to Willems and Hagoort: an imperfect theory gets you further than random facts. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 13.3: 102.

Grodzinsky,Yosef and Andrea Santi. 2008. The battle for Broca’s Region. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 12.12: 474-480.

Conference Proceedings

Belikova, Alyona. 2008. Explicit instruction vs. linguistic competence in adult L2-acquisition. In Harvey Chan, Heather Jacob, and Enkeleida Kapia, eds., Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 32), 48-59. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Belikova, Alyona. 2008. Reciprocal verbs in the L2 French of native speakers of Russian. In Elena Gavruseva, Paula Kempchinsky, Jason Rothman, and Roumyana Slabakova, eds., Proceedings of the 9th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 9), 1-14. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. (link)

Belikova, Alyona. 2009. Syntactically challenged rather than reduced: Participial relatives revisited [PDF]. In Susie Jones, ed., Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA-ACL 2008), 1-15.

Bouchard, David-Étienne. 2008. Comparaison discontinue et quantification de degrés [PDF]. In Susie Jones, ed., Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA-ACL 2008).

Dobler, Eva. 2009. The morpho-phonology of (in)alienable possession [PDF]. In Susie Jones, ed., Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA-ACL 2008).

Dobler, Eva. 2009. Creating as putting something into the world. In Sylvia Blaho, Camelia Constantinescu & Bert Le Bruyn, eds., Proceedings of the ConSOLE XVI, 39-50. (link)

Lochbihler, Bethany. 2008. Person Licensing: The Algonquian-Romance Connection [PDF]. In Susi Jones, ed., Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA-ACL 2008), 13 pages.

Lieberman, Moti, Theres Gruter and Andrea Gualmini. 2008. The interpretation of disjunction under negation in L2 English and L2 Japanese. Boston University Conference on Language Development 33 (BUCLD 33), Boston, MA, October 2008.

Özçelik, Öner. 2008. Children’s scope assignment: A Relevance Theoretic account [PDF]. In Susie Jones (ed.), Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA-ACL 2008).

Nossalik, Larissa. 2008. L2 acquisition of Russian outer aspect [PDF]. In Roumyana Slabakova, Jason Rothman and Elena Gavruseva eds., Proceedings of the 9th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2007), 165-180, Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.

Nossalik, Larissa. 2008. The aspectual function of inceptive morphemes [PDF]. In Susie Jones ed., Proceedings of the 2008 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA-ACL 2008), ISSN 0027-9633.

Sadlier-Brown, Emily and Meredith Tamminga. 2008. The Canadian Shift: Coast to Coast [PDF]. In Susie Jones, ed., Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA-ACL 2008).

Santi, Andrea and Yosef Grodzinsky. 2009. Adaptation to syntactic complexity: fMRI adaptation distinguishes syntactic specificity in subregions of Broca’s Area. 16th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS 16), San Francisco, CA, March 2009.

Skinner, Tobin R. 2008. The consequences of cyclic Spell-out for verbal stem-allomorphy [PDF]. In Susie Jones, ed., Proceedings of the 2008 Canadian Linguistics Association Annual Conference (CLA-ACL 2008).

Sugimura, Mina. 2009. Phasehood of DPs: a study of Japanese noun-verb incorporation [PDF]. In Proceedings of Conference of Student Organization in Europe (ConSOLE XVI).

Sugimura, Mina. 2009. Similarities in covert syntax and overt syntax: some diagnostics from reflexive licensing [PDF]. In Susie Jones, ed., Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA-ACL 2008).

Tsiamas Athanasios. 2008. Reverse sluicing in Modern Greek; A new answer to an old problem [PDF] . In Susie Jones, ed., Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA-ACL 2008), ISSN 0027-9633.

Vander Klok, Jozina. 2008. Modality in Javanese [PDF]. In Susie Jones, ed., Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA-ACL 2008), 15 pages.

White, Lydia, Alyona Belikova, Paul Hagstrom, Tanja Kupisch, Öner Özçelik (2008). Restrictions on definiteness in L2 English. Proceedings of BUCLD 33. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press., November 2008.

Working Papers

Fogle, Deena. 2008. Indianapolis, Indiana: a prototype of Midland convergence. In Joshua Tauberer, Aviad Eliam and Laurel MacKenzie, eds., University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics: Vol. 14, Iss. 1, 135-148.


Belikova, Alyona. 2008. Overriding wrong L2 classroom instruction: Mission impossible? Arts Insights, Spring 2008: 8. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press.

Conference presentations and talks by graduate and postdoctoral students: 2008-09

Belikova, Alyona. 2009. Adult L2 acquisition: Domain-general or domain-specific? Evidence from acquisition of reflexive and reciprocal verbs. Linguistics Colloquium, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, February 2009.

Belikova, Alyona. 2009. The Puzzle of se adjectives: New data and preliminary ideas. Canadian Linguistics Association Conference (CLA-ACL 2009), Ottawa, ON, May 2009.

Belikova, Alyona. 2009. Getting over misleading classroom instruction: The case of French se. First and Second Languages: Exploring the Relationship in Pedagogy-Related Contexts, Oxford, UK, March 2009.

Belikova, Alyona. 2009. Lakshmanan and Lindsey’s (1998) Genitive of Negation study reloaded: Non-acquisition as evidence of knowledge. The 10th Biannual Conference of Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (GASLA 10), Urbana-Champaign, IL, March 2009.

Belikova, Alyona. 2009. Interlanguage grammars boycott instruction: The case of Genitive of Negation in L2 Russian. Graduate Student Poster Presentation Session, Calgary, AB, February 2009.

Belikova, Alyona and Tanja Kupisch. 2008. Filler use in early child language: Representational deficit or morphological challenge? Bilingual Workshop in Theoretical Linguistics 12 Atelier bilingue de linguistique théorique (BWTL 12 ABLT), Ottawa, ON, December 2008.

Belikova, Alyona. 2008. The case of reciprocal/reflexive se: An argument against domain-general models of adult SLA. The 13th Annual Alberta Conference on Linguistics (ACOL 13), Banff, AB, October 2008.

Belikova, Alyona. 2008. Overriding wrong classroom instruction: Mission possible. Second Language Research Forum (SLRF 2008), Honolulu, HI, October 2008.

Belikova Alyona, Tanja Kupisch, Öner Özçelik, and Emily Sadlier-Brown. 2008. Monosyllabic fillers as proto-syntactic devices: Evidence from a bilingual German-English child. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America Conference (GALANA 3), Storrs, CT, September 2008.

Belikova, Alyona. 2008. Syntactically challenged rather than reduced: Participial relatives revisited. Canadian Linguistics Association Conference (CLA-ACL 2008), Vancouver, BC, June 2008.

Boberg, Charles and Deena Fogle. 2008. Extraphonemic foreign (a) production in American English. New Ways of Analyzing Variation 37. Houston, TX, November 2008.

Bouchard, David-Étienne. 2009. Une structure événementielle sans VP dans les nominaux complexes. CLA Annual Meeting. Ottawa, Canada. May 2009.

Bouchard, David-Étienne and Heather Burnett. 2009. Degree Fronting and the Semantics of DP-internal Comparatives. LSA Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. January 2009.

Dobler, Eva, Heather Newell, Glyne Piggott, Tobin Skinner, and Lisa Travis. 2008. Features, Phrase Structure, and Movement after Spellout, 12th Bilingual Workshop in Theoretical Linguistics, Ottawa (ON), December 2008.

Fogle, Deena. 2009. Stress assignment in the acquisition of French by English speakers. Montréal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonology Workshop. Toronto, ON, February 2009.

Fogle, Deena. 2008. Settlement history and the speech of Indianapolis, Indiana. Midwest/Modern Language Association Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN, November 2008.

Gruter,Theres, Moti Lieberman and Andrea Gualmini. 2008. Acquiring the scope of disjunction and negation in L2 Japanese and L2 English. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition, North America 3 (GALANA 3), Storrs, CT, September 2008.

Lochbihler, Bethany. 2009. (Dislocated) Quantifier-Restrictor Association. Canadian Linguistics Association annual conference/Association canadienne de linguistique congrès annuel (CLA/ACL), Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario. May 2009.

Lochbihler, Bethany. 2009. Quantifier Constructions in Ojibwe. Semantics of Under-represented Languages in the Americas V (SULA 5), Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. May 2009.

Lochbihler, Bethany. 2009. Quantifier/Operator Scope in Ojibwe. Second meeting of the Toronto-Ottawa-Montréal Workshop in Formal Semantics (TOM 2), University of Ottawa, Ontario. March 2009.

Lochbihler, Bethany. 2009. (Non-)Derived Word Minimality in Turkish. Montréal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonology Workshop (MOT), University of Toronto, Ontario. February 2009.

Lochbihler, Bethany. 2008. Feature Organization for Complex Morphology. Bilingual Workshop in Theoretical Linguistics 12 (BWTL/ABLT 12), University of Ottawa, Ontario. December 2008.

Lochbihler, Bethany. 2008. Binding and Syntactic Obviation in Algonquian. 40th Algonquian Conference, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis. October 2008.

Lochbihler, Bethany and Eric Mathieu. 2008. Wh-agreement in Ojibwe as Feature Inheritance. 40th Algonquian Conference, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis. October 2008.

Lieberman, Moti. 2009. Interpretation at the semantics/pragmatics interface: scalar implicatures in L2 acquisition. The Mind-Context Divide Workshop, Iowa City, IA, May 2009.

Lieberman, Moti. 2009. L2 acquisition of scalar implicatures: Interpretation at the syntax/pragmatics interface. Generative approaches to second language acquisition 10 (GASLA 10), Urbana-Champaign, IL, March 2009.

Özçelik, Öner. 2009. Capturing the lawful behavior of exceptional stress: Prosodic faithfulness constraints. Canadian Linguistic Association 2009 Annual Conference (CLA 2009). Carleton University, Ottawa, May 2009.

Özçelik, Öner. 2009. Scope ambiguity in child language. Mind Context Divide: Language Acquisition and Interfaces of Cognitive Linguistic Modules, University of Iowa, Iowa, USA, April/May 2009.

Özçelik, Öner. 2009. L2 acquisition of scope: Testing the Full Transfer Full Access Hypothesis. Tenth Biennial Conference on Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (GASLA 10), University of Illinois, Illinois, USA, March 2009.

Özçelik, Öner. 2009. Exceptions are not exceptions: Towards a unified analysis of Turkish stress. Montreal Ottawa Toronto Phonology Workshop 2009 (MOT 2009), University of Toronto, Toronto, February 2009.

Özçelik, Öner. 2008. Scope of negation and quantification in child language. Psychoshorts 2008, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, October 2008.

Özçelik, Öner. 2008. Children’s scope assignment. 3rd Biennial Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America. (GALANA 3). University of Connecticut, Connecticut, USA, September 2008.

Pedersen, Walter. 2009. Degree Achievements, Comparatives and Lexical Decomposition. Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal Semantics Workshop (TOM) 2, Ottawa, ON, March 2009.

Pedersen, Walter. 2008. The Semantic Variability of the by-locution. Bilingual Workshop on Theoretical Linguistics (BWTL 12), Ottawa, ON, October 2008.

Melkonyan, Eva. 2009. Affixation in Armenian DPs: A closer look at phonologically influenced allomorphy. Montreal-Toronto-Ottawa Phonology Workshop. Toronto, February 2009.

Melkonyan, Eva. 2008. Affixation in Armenian DPs (and the difference between Eastern and Western dialects). Bilingual Workshop in Theoretical Linguistics. Ottawa, December 2008.

Newell, Heather, Glyne Piggott, Tobin Skinner, and Lisa Travis. 2008. Features, phrase structure, and movement after Spellout. 12th Bilingual Workshop in Theoretical Linguistics (BWTL 12), Ottawa, Ontario, December 2008.

Nossalik, Larissa. 2009. The aspectual function of Slavic inceptive morphemes. The Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics - 18th Meeting (FASL), Ithaca, NY, May 2009.

Nossalik, Larissa. 2009. Slavic inceptive verbs: accomplishments or achievements?, The 2009 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), Ottawa, ON, May 2009.

Nossalik, Larissa. 2009. L2 acquisition of the Telicity parameter. The 10th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA-10), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, March 2009.

Nossalik Larissa. 2008. The [telic] feature: do we need it? Bilingual Workshop in Theoretical Linguistics (BWTL 12), Ottawa, ON, December 2008.

Nossalik, Larissa. 2008. Telicity in L2. Psycholinguistic Shorts Conference, Ottawa, ON, October 2008.

Nossalik, Larissa. 2008. The aspectual function of inceptive morphemes. The 2008 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), Vancouver, BC, May 2008.

Simonenko, Alexandra et Paul Hirschbühler. 2009. Évolution de la périphérie gauche de la phrase et de la position des clitiques dans l’histoire du français. Atelier de syntaxe historique – GRTC, Les voies du français, Montréal, Québec, Canada, mai 2009.

Simonenko, Alexandra. 2008. Non-inflectional nominal features in syntax: the dative alternation. Bilingual Workshop in Theoretical Linguistics 12 (BWTL 12), Ottawa, ON, Canada, December 2008.

Skinner, Tobin R. 2009. Variations in tense-hopping cross-linguistically. 24th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop (CGSW 24), Brussels, Belgium, May 2009.

Skinner, Tobin R. 2008. Why don't main verbs raise? A unified approach to affix-hopping and auxiliary-raising in English. Linguistics Student Association speaker series, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, November 2008.

Sugimura, Mina. 2009. Root vs. n: a study of Japanese light verb construction and its implications for nominal architecture. Conference of Student Organization in Europe (ConSOLE XVII), Nova Gorica, Slovenia, January 2009.

Sugimura, Mina. 2008. A non-movement approach to noun-incorporation (NI). Annual Toronto Workshop on East Asian Languages (TWEAL 3), Toronto, October 2008.

Sugimura, Mina. 2008. Noun-Incorporation (NI) as Root-v merger. Michigan Linguistics Society (MLS 38) Annual Conference, Detroit, Michigan, October 2008.

Tamminga, Meredith and Emily Sadlier-Brown, 2008. The Presence and Progress of the Canadian Shift in Halifax and Vancouver. Change and Variation in Canada (CVC 2), Ottawa, ON, June 2008.

Tsiamas Athanasios. 2008. Why Yiannis can figure out “if and who the police have arrested”, but John can’t: Notes on reverse sluicing in Greek and English. Canadian Linguistics Association Conference (CLA-ACL 2008), Vancouver, BC, June 2008.

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