Cell Analysis

BD FACSCanto Flow Cytometer

Our Canto is configured with three lasers—blue, red, and violet—to detect up to eight colors.

Common procedures such as startup, shutdown, and cleaning cycles are automated by the BD FACSDiva software, allowing you to jump into the action more easily.

Image of the BD FACSCanto II flow cytometer

BD LSRFortessa Cell Analyzer

Our Fortessa is configured with 5 lasers—blue, red, yellow/green, violet, and UV—and can detect up to 18 colors simultaneously. This provides flexibility in laser wavelengths so assay design can be optimized using the latest fluorescent dyes and substrates.

As with the BD FACSCanto II, the Fortessa is compatible with the FACSDiva software allowing for efficient setup, acquisition, and analysis of flow cytometry data.

Image of the BD LSRFortessa cell analyzer
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