Which hotels are closest to the McGill Executive Institute?

There are many hotels located in downtown Montreal, within walking distance from the Executive Institute. Always be sure to mention McGill University when making reservations.

We have provided a list of hotels.
Hotel list[.pdf]

Is there parking available?

We recommend the following parking lots:
Parking list[.pdf]

Are vegetarian meals available?

Please speak with our Registration Team in advance, or make sure to indicate your meal preference on your online registration form. We will do our best to accommodate you. You can contact us at 514 398-1202 or executivelanguageprogram [at] mcgill.ca

May I bring my laptop?

Participants may bring laptops.

What is the Executive Institute's smoking policy?

In compliance with McGill University Smoking Policy, smoking is not permitted in classrooms, rest rooms, hallways, stairwells, lobbies, or any other areas not specifically designated for smoking.

Is there a dress code?

Our participants tend to dress business casual. We do recommend, however, that you dress in layers, as not everyone feels comfortable at the same room temperature.

Will I need to bring something?

You will be provided with all course material on the first day of class. However, should there be specific requirements for certain courses, instructions will be sent to you by email approximately two weeks prior to the start of the course. If there is any preliminary work to be completed, it will also be sent at this time.

Where is the McGill Executive Institute located?

McGill Executive Institute
Desautels Faculty of Management
McGill University
1001 Sherbrooke Street West, 6th Floor
Montreal, Quebec Canada H3A 1G5

View map

The McGill Campus is set among beautifully landscaped courtyards at the foot of Mount Royal with easy access to transportation, shopping, and a lively business environment that encourages interaction and camaraderie. Our facilities offer state of the art classrooms, private group study areas, a business centre and executive lounge.

If coming by Metro, we are closest to the Peel Metro station - exit by Peel Street and walk up the hill one block until you get to Sherbrooke Street. Our premises will be on your right at 1001 Sherbrooke Street West, 6th floor, between Peel and McTavish.

Academic FAQ

What do I receive upon completion of a course / program?

Participants will receive a McGill Attestation of Participation from the Department of English and French Language Programs, stating your name, course title and date of training.

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