Rien ne prédestinait la triathlète Kathy Tremblay et la joueuse de volleyball de plage Marie-Andrée Lessard à lancer une entreprise ensemble. Pourtant, c'est au coeur du village olympique des Jeux de Londres, l'été dernier, qu'une rencontre fortuite leur a permis de jeter les bases d'Équipe Altius, qui propose des services de santé aux entreprises.

Classified as: alumni, BCom Alumni
Published on: 24 May 2013

Formal energy design reviews help to ensure that energy is treated as a key factor in decision-making throughout the various stages of a design project. This approach can significantly improve a site's energy performance.

... ROBERT GRIESBACH (MBA'74), P.Eng., CMC, is Director of Energy Consulting for Hatch, Ltd., where he is responsible for Hatch's energy management practice and its supply-side energy consulting work.

Classified as: alumni, MBA Alumni
Published on: 6 Jun 2013
History is hardly new at the Canada Air and Space Museum in Ottawa, but the eclectic display of vintage and modern aircraft was enhanced on May 30 by the presence of living history – specifically, the 2013 inductees into Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame (CAHF).
Classified as: alumni, BCom Alumni
Published on: 4 Jun 2013

Alderon's current CFO, Keith Santorelli, gave notice to Alderon of his intention to pursue other opportunities and is committed to ensuring a seamless transition of his responsibilities to Laurin.
Alderon Iron Ore Corp. (TSX: T.ADV, Stock Forum) announced the appointment of François Laurin (BCom'82, DPA'83) as Chief Financial Officer of the company.

... Laurin earned a graduate diploma in Public Accountancy and a Bachelor of Commerce degree from McGill University.

Classified as: alumni, BCom Alumni
Published on: 12 Jun 2013

Over 60 years ago, Yves Clermont and Charles Leblond characterized the steps of sperm differentiation in the testis. This enabled them to identify for the first time the population of spermatogonia responsible for the production of spermatozoa. We celebrate 60 years later the publication of their landmark paper and their discovery. Read more

Classified as: alumni
Published on: 13 May 2013

The Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance issued the following news release: Please take five minutes to view the video of TELUS President & CEO, Darren Entwistle (MBA'88), who was interviewed recently by Hart Hillman, CATA National Leadership Council member, on the importance of innovation and mentorship to creating Canada's competitive innovation nation.

Classified as: alumni, MBA Alumni
Published on: 26 Apr 2013

Alan Desnoyers (BCom'85) a été promu vice-président et directeur général pour le Québec de BMO Banque privée Harris. M. Desnoyers, qui dirigera une équipe d'une centaine de personnes, sera responsable de la mise en oeuvre de la stratégie globale de cette entité qui offre aux plus fortunés des services bancaires et fiduciaires, ainsi que des services de gestion de placement, de planification successorale et philanthropiques.

Classified as: alumni, BCom Alumni
Published on: 6 May 2013

“In our globalized world, religion is a vital dimension of our humanity,” said Barbara Keenan. “It is very important that today’s students – no matter what their course of study – have an understanding of and sensitivity to the multitude of faith traditions and the cultures they produce. This knowledge will help to shape them as tomorrow’s leaders.”

Classified as: donation, alumni, Barbara Keenan, Faculty of Religious Studies, Patrick Keenan
Published on: 1 May 2013

Imagine, if you can, America’s most influential celebrity telling the world that she loves you and she loves your product.
And all of this, at the low price of next-to-nothing.
... All in all, David’s Tea “hit the jackpot,” marketing expert Demetrios Vakratsas concluded Friday.
For any company, especially one that relies on word-of-mouth advertising — rather than paid advertising in traditional media — Oprah’s endorsement “is a dream placement,” the McGill University, Desautels faculty of management professor, said.

Classified as: alumni, BCom Alumni, Demetrios Vakratsas
Published on: 15 Apr 2013

Occasions for defining moments do not arise every day. When they do, we must seize the opportunities they present for improving everyone’s life.

Classified as: alumni, BCom Alumni
Published on: 15 Apr 2013

Anyone who’s experienced the absurdity and terror of being nearly run over by one of Montreal’s little sidewalk snowplows will certainly relate to the feature debut of screenwriter Marc Tulin (MBA'02).
Co-written with and directed by Tulin’s long-time creative collaborator Emanuel Hoss-Desmarais, Whitewash premieres April 19 at New York’s Tribeca Film Festival, with additional screenings April 21 and 27.

Classified as: alumni, MBA Alumni
Published on: 4 Apr 2013

The Golub Group LLC is proud to announce the addition of two equity analysts to its research team: Michael Kon (MBA'04) and Matt Gordon, both CFA charterholders.

Classified as: alumni, MBA Alumni
Published on: 12 Apr 2013

'Total Diving - Montreal Scuba', a PADI Career Development Center, is announcing the opening of a new dive shop to serve scuba divers in the East-End of Montreal.

Classified as: alumni, MBA Alumni
Published on: 12 Apr 2013

The Women in Capital Markets Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Jennifer Reynolds (MBA'98) as President, effective April 22, 2013.
... Ms. Reynolds received her MBA from McGill University, where she had earlier obtained a Bachelor of Arts with a double major in Economics and Political Science. She is currently Chair of the Board of the Microskills Business Incubator. She is also a Director on the Board of Studio 180, and a member of Canadian Women in Private Equity.

Classified as: alumni, MBA Alumni
Published on: 12 Apr 2013

Tredegar Corporation (NYSE:TG) announced that W. Brook Hamilton (BCom'78) has been named President of the William L. Bonnell Company (“Bonnell”), effective June 1, 2013. Mr. Hamilton, who currently serves as Bonnell’s Director, Business Planning, will succeed Duncan A. Crowdis, who will retire June 1, 2013.

Classified as: alumni, BCom Alumni
Published on: 12 Apr 2013


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