In a new interview with Nature, Physics Professor and Shaw laureate Victoria Kaspi reflects on the inaugural Hong Kong Laureate Forum and how researchers can foster communication across different generations of scientists. 

What was the most common question students asked at panel discussions?

Published on: 18 Dec 2023

Until now, most disinformation research, datasets, and tools to protect users like bot detectors, have only included English-language social media. This lack of linguistic diversity leaves Francophone internet users in Quebec and beyond more vulnerable to disinformation as the phenomenon becomes increasingly pervasive in online spaces. 

Published on: 15 Dec 2023

Researchers zero in on spinocerebellar ataxia type 6, a disease that disrupts brain function

Researchers from McGill University, led by Professor Alanna Watt of the Department of Biology, have identified previously unknown changes in brain cells affected by a neurological disease. Their research, published in eLife, could pave the way to future treatments for the disease.

Published on: 12 Dec 2023

In a new study from McGill University, researchers bring science into an unexpected setting: a tattoo parlor. In this first characterization of the human piercing microbiome, the uniquely human cultural practice of piercing serves as a model system to help us better understand how biological communities (re)assemble after catastrophic environmental disturbances.

Published on: 5 Dec 2023

What if you could charge your electric vehicle in the same amount of time it takes to fill a tank of gas?  

In a new paper published today in Joule, researchers from McGill University and the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) announced the development of a novel method that enables researchers to peer inside Li-ion batteries and, for the first time, track the physical processes that take place in both the liquid and solid parts of the battery cells as they happen.  

Published on: 28 Nov 2023

Students coming from high school often arrive with specific – and mistaken – expectations of the mathematics classroom. In Rustum Choksi’s courses he emphasizes a pedagogical paradigm shift, whereby mathematics is not about memorization nor symbolic manipulations and calculations but rather a beautiful and diverse discipline which is often a means to understanding our complex world.

Published on: 20 Nov 2023

Early in his career in physics, Martin Grant thought he had it all figured out.

“When I started, I said to myself ‘well, this is good. Nobody’s going to tell me what to do,” said Grant, Emeritus James McGill Professor and former Dean of the Faculty of Science. “I’ve got the world’s greatest postdoc – me – and I’ll be able to do all the projects that I want to do pretty much by myself.”

“But I quickly realized that if I followed that route, I would be doing a disservice to the students.”

Published on: 20 Nov 2023

On November 3-5th, the McGill Physics Hackathon held its eighth annual event in person at the Rutherford Physics Building. The event attracted around 150 hackers, from CEGEP and undergraduate backgrounds, who joined forces to produce spectacular projects.

Congratulations to all those who participated!

Classified as: STEM Outreach, hacker
Published on: 20 Nov 2023

In a ceremony today at Simon Fraser University, the Honourable Terry Beech, Minister of Citizens’ Services, announced that Professor Jason Hessels has been named the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Transient Astrophysics at McGill University.

Published on: 16 Nov 2023

The results of the 2022 Canada Excellence Research Chairs competition were announced this morning at Simon Fraser University by the Honourable Terry Beech, Minister of Citizens’ Services. The announcement was made on behalf of the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry and Ted Hewitt, President of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and Chair of the Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat Steering Committee.

Published on: 16 Nov 2023

Sixteen McGill researchers have been included on the Highly Cited Researchers™ (HCRs) list, as published by Clarivate. To be included in the prestigious list, researchers must rank in the top 1 per cent worldwide for their fields and publications in the Web of Science index. In being named to this list, these investigators join a cohort of 6,849 individuals around the world who have been recognized for their academic contributions.

Published on: 15 Nov 2023

On November 3, the McGill Physics Hackathon kicked off its eighth annual event. Over the course of 24 hours, spread over three days, participants formed teams and took over the Rutherford Physics Building in a friendly computer programming competition. The goal? Use any programming language to demonstrate a concept or phenomenon in the physical sciences. At the end of the weekend, projects were judged based on their technical execution, ability to clearly communicate what was accomplished, and aesthetics.

Published on: 15 Nov 2023

From December 2022 to May 2023, a group comprising seven Faculty of Science instructors from six different departments met monthly to discuss ways of making their courses more inclusive. The Inclusive Teaching Initiative is part of the Faculty’s response to the McGill Provost’s Action Plan to Address Anti-Black Racism (ABR) 2020-2025 and the Strategic Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Plan 2020-2025.

Published on: 6 Nov 2023

A recent article in Le Devoir highlighted FSCI 198, a three-credit course for undergraduates focused on building skills for individual and collective actions to address climate change:

Devant les changements climatiques et leurs effets de plus en plus visibles, nombreux sont les jeunes paralysés par l’écoanxiété. À McGill, un cours veut susciter l’espoir et outiller les étudiants pour faire face aux changements climatiques.

Published on: 2 Nov 2023

Reposted from the Teaching for Learning blog from McGill’s Teaching and Learning Services.


Have you ever wondered what the difference is between well-being, wellness, and mental health? Or how students’ learning and well-being are linked? Have you considered what the connections might be among assessment, student performance, and heightened emotions?

Published on: 2 Nov 2023


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