The search of life beyond our world is an exciting venture that may yield an enormous discovery in the not-too-distant future. However, space agencies around the world, including NASA and the European Space Agency, have long been aware of the potential risks of biological contamination and have set in place planetary protection policies.

Classified as: Faculty of Science, biosecurity, invasive species, space exploration, Anthony Ricciardi
Published on: 2 Dec 2021

Concentrations of dissolved oxygen in the deep waters of the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary (LSLE) have dropped by over 50% over the past two years. The consequences for many marine species, who depend on oxygen to survive, are potentially very serious. A compilation of historical data reveals that dissolved oxygen concentrations in the deep waters of the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary decreased by about 50% during the fifty years between 1934 and 1985. And then remained fairly constant until 2019, when the situation changed dramatically.

Classified as: Faculty of Science, St. Lawrence river, Alfonso Mucci, Sustainability
Published on: 26 Nov 2021

In humans, the dopamine system has been tied to rewards and pleasurable sensations. As well as to memory and learning. A recent study from McGill University, published in Current Biology, suggests that dopamine may also play a key role in shaping what songs female songbirds enjoy, which may ultimately affect mating as females choose (and then remember) their mates based on the songs they prefer.

Classified as: Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Sarah Woolley, dopamine, songbirds
Published on: 23 Nov 2021

McGill University scientists have developed a new system for sharing the enormous amount of data being generated by the CHIME radio telescope in its search for fast radio bursts (FRBs), the puzzling extragalactic phenomenon that is one of the hottest topics in modern-day astronomy.

Published on: 18 Nov 2021

The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment fast radio burst (CHIME/FRB) team, which discovered more than 500 new fast radio bursts in the first year of the detector’s operations, will receive the 2022 Lancelot M. Berkeley − New York Community Trust Prize for Meritorious Work in Astronomy.

Classified as: American Astronomical Society, astrophysics, Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) telescope, Vicky Kaspi
Published on: 17 Nov 2021

Surprising as it sounds, all life forms in the ocean, from small krill to large tuna, seem to obey a simple mathematical law that links an organism’s abundance to its body size. For example, although small krill are individually only about one millionth of the weight of a large tuna, they also tend to be a million times more numerous throughout the oceans. The idea, known as the Sheldon size spectrum theory, was first advanced in the 1970s, but has never been tested for a wide range of marine species and on a global scale until now.

Classified as: Sustainability, eric galbraith, oceans, fishing industries, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Research
Published on: 10 Nov 2021

Short growing seasons limited the possible size of hunter-gatherer societies by forcing people to rely on meat, according to a recent study by a team of international researchers, including McGill University professor Eric Galbraith.

Classified as: eric galbraith, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, hunter-gatherers, meat eating
Published on: 8 Nov 2021

Improving representation is one of the key goals behind McGill’s current drive to recruit a greater number of Black faculty members. The Faculty of Science is proud to be a part of this effort, with applications now open for tenure-track positions in the School of Computer Science and the Department of Geography.

Published on: 4 Nov 2021

A team of computer scientists, including Claude Crépeau of McGill University and physicist colleagues from the University of Geneva, have developed an extremely secure identity verification method based on the fundamental principle that information cannot travel faster than the speed of light. The breakthrough has the potential to greatly improve the security of financial transactions and other applications requiring proof of identity online.

Classified as: School of Computer Science, Claude Crepeau
Published on: 3 Nov 2021

Satellite images reveal where forest-dependent people live inside the forests of the South American Gran Chaco, and how deforestation for cattle ranching leads to an erosion of their resource base. (Background photo: Google EarthTM / Inset photo: I. Gasparri).

Classified as: Sustainability, Department of Geography, Gran Chaco, agribusiness, Yann le Polain de Waroux
Published on: 26 Oct 2021

unEarth is one of the impact200 Bicentennial Student Sustainability Challenge finalists' and their platform and supplemental educator's manual are designed to reach out and teach youth about sustainability through environmental systems thinking.

Classified as: STEM Outreach
Published on: 21 Oct 2021

Considering outreach for Fall 2021?

Read about how McGill students share their passion for science!

By Jacky Farrell, Science Outreach Program Advisor

Published on: 19 Oct 2021

The mussels’ beards (which cooks remove before preparing them) are made up of byssal threads and are used to help keep the mussels tethered in place. At the end of each thread is a disc-shaped plaque that acts as an underwater glue. The unusual qualities of the glue and the byssal threads have interested people since ancient times, when the threads of certain species were woven into luxurious berets, purses, gloves, and stockings. More recently, scientists have developed underwater adhesives and surgical glues inspired by byssal thread chemistry.

Classified as: Faculty of Science, Sustainability, Matthew Harrington, mussels, Department of Chemistry
Published on: 7 Oct 2021

Part 2: Considerations for Online Course Delivery

By Hilary Sweatman, Jacqueline Kort Mascort, Véronique Brulé, Jennie Ferris

Published on: 30 Sep 2021

Part 1: Engaging Students Online

By Jacqueline Kort Mascort, Hilary Sweatman, Véronique Brulé, Jennie Ferris

Published on: 28 Sep 2021


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