Comme les microbrasseries, les microdistilleries se sont multipliées de façon spectaculaire au cours des dernières années. Aux États-Unis, leur nombre est passé de 50 à 700 en moins de 10 ans. Au Canada, on retrouve aussi des vodkas, des brandys et des gins artisanaux de qualité. Mais les réglementations provinciales ne facilitent pas la vie des distillateurs artisanaux.

Published on: 10 Jan 2017

Derek Norman Linfield, aged 60 (Proposed Non-Executive Director)

Classified as: Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Published on: 9 Jan 2017

Interviewed by Karl Moore

Asheesh Advani, 45, is president and chief executive officer of Junior Achievement Worldwide, one of the largest NGOs in the world, dedicated to educating young people about financial literacy, entrepreneurship and work-force readiness.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 9 Jan 2017

The year 2016 started with an insane US decision concerning the Middle East and the world: signing a deal on January 16 with Iran’s mullahs (a deal whose details have not been revealed to these days).

Classified as: Reuven Brenner
Published on: 9 Jan 2017

Whereas countries’ Secret Intelligence Services tapping one anothers’ politicians, armies and companies has not been a secret, it is sometimes tough to assess if accusations are true or false, and, at other times, recognize with delay what previously not-spied-on institutions  would suddenly be subject to intelligence gathering – Central Banks, for example, as I show below.

Published on: 9 Jan 2017

In the Silicon Valley, many senior leaders are introverted—in fact, many more than in most other industries we’ve studied in our research of over 200 C-Suite Executives. There are some great lessons that we can learn about introverts from the Valley.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 9 Jan 2017

Henry Mintzberg: The first rule of academia: “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.”

Mintzberg did just that in 2004, when he authored Managers Not MBAs. The premise? MBA programs were teaching management backwards by focusing on science over craft and experience. “In management, if you don’t have the practice, the science doesn’t take you very far,” he told Poets & Quants. “And if you leave the MBA program with the impression that you can manage, you tend to lean on technique and numbers, and so you’ve got all kinds of people mismanaging because of that.”

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, Poets & Quants
Published on: 9 Jan 2017

At the Inuulitsivik Health Centre, where she is chief of medicine, Dr. Auclair oversees the scheduling for physicians in three remote Inuit communities clustered along the shores of Hudson Bay: Puvirnituq, Inukjuak and Salluit.
She also recruits new doctors who, like her, have travelled thousands of kilometres to practise medicine in the Canadian North. Its a balancing act.
Like most health-care professionals who are not from the region, we always say we have two lives, one north and one south of the 55th parallel, says Dr. Auclair.

Published on: 9 Jan 2017

Last year, McGill University finance student Charles Feng’s big investment idea was buying stock in Tesla Motors Inc.

This year, he is searching for better investments, as the stakes are far higher, and a strategy that worked in the past may not pay dividends going forward: Tesla shares were down 11 per cent in 2016.

Published on: 9 Jan 2017

Consumers have greater access to air travel than ever before, but with long lines, uncomfortable seats and additional fees now commonplace for most travellers, it s tempting to long for a time when things were simpler.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 9 Jan 2017

Détentrice d’un doctorat en sciences économiques et de gestion de l’Université de Liège en Belgique, la professeure Rijpens est la nouvelle boursière postdoctorale de la Faculté de gestion Desautels de McGill. Suite à un appel à candidatures, elle a été choisie l’an dernier pour diriger le Laboratoire d’intégration des innovateurs sociaux (LIIS), une cellule de réflexion regroupant spécialistes, étudiants et chercheurs ayant pour but d’examiner les entreprises sociales innovantes montréalaises ainsi que les facteurs qui les vouent à l’échec ou à la réussite.

Published on: 9 Jan 2017

St. Catharines Hydro has fallen victim to cyber fraud after more than $655,000 was removed from one of its accounts.

At a special meeting last Friday the board appointed Mark Steinman, a member of the board, to oversee the investigation and the utility’s operations.

Published on: 9 Jan 2017

...An obvious person to ask for help on understanding how to deal with introverts is fellow extrovert Professor Karl Moore of McGill University, whose work on the treatment of introverts in the corporate environment has gained much attention, including in this popular Economist article. He combines real-world experience with academic thinking, which has led him to publish 28 refereed journal articles and ten books, leading to over 1,950 Google Scholar cites.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 9 Jan 2017

Efforts to advance evidence-based approaches to diversity and inclusion are more important than ever, particularly in the wake of the U.S. election. The campaign and its outcome exposed misogyny and racism and seemingly legitimized barbaric views on women and immigrants.

Classified as: Suzanne Gagnon
Published on: 9 Jan 2017

Business school professors share the books and articles that changed their outlook.

Henry Mintzberg, John Cleghorn professor of management studies, McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management

I love to read books, and usually I have one that I am reading but I haven’t even given myself a chance to do that recently because of what has been going on with the US election. Instead, I have been consumed by the commentary in The New York Times international edition. 

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg
Published on: 9 Jan 2017


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