Fetherstonhaugh Family Foundation Recognizes Teaching Excellence at Desautels

Published: 29 November 2022

In 2018, when the Fetherstonhaugh family envisioned an award to recognize and reward teaching excellence, they hoped for great teachers and at the Desautels Faculty of Management extraordinary...

What The Younger Generation Wants At Work - With OgilvyOne CEO Brian Fetherstonhaugh

Published: 31 May 2013

One of the youngest and with-it industries is advertising and no where more so than the new media side. One of the smarest people I know is Brian Fetherstonhaugh (BCom'79), who is the CEO of...

Career Rocket Fuel: Whether You're a Millennial or Eyeing Retirement, Here's What You Really Need to Get Right about Work

Published: 19 March 2014

Ogilvy One's Brian Fetherstonhaugh (BCom'79) spends a lot of time thinking and talking about careers. Here, he offers a detailed plan for each stage of work life, designed with long-term success in...

Young People Stop Just Texting Me And Give Me A Call Once In A While! PLZ Part Deux

Published: 6 December 2012

This week is the 20th anniversary of the 1st text. As a middle aged person I have mixed feeling about this. I can’t decide if it’s got worst or maybe better. This week I got messages by text, email...

Worried about job automation? Not so fast…

Published: 17 May 2017

Dire predictions about the impending robot-worker invasion abound. It seems like every day, academics and other thought-leaders trot out statistics about how many jobs are going to be vaporized by...


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