Basketball players Mariam Sylla and Francois Bourque combined to received four of 17 bursaries awarded to McGill student-athletes, Wednesday, at the 30th annual Fondation de l’athlète d’excellence du Québec awards gala.

Read full article: McGill Reporter, November 26, 2015

Classified as: Current BCom students, François Bourque
Published on: 27 Nov 2015

The Board of Directors of Women in Capital Markets would like to congratulate Jennifer Reynolds, WCM President & CEO, on being named a Women’s Executive Network (WXN) 2015 Canada’s Most Powerful Women: Top 100 Award Winner. Launched in 2003, the Top 100 Awards celebrate the accomplishments of Canada’s top female leaders and serve to inspire current and future generations.

Classified as: MBA Alumni, Jennifer Reynolds
Published on: 27 Nov 2015

The last Innovation Report of the Conference Board of Canada brought encouraging news for Quebec and Canada. But we can do much better, McGill Principal Suzanne Fortier told the Montreal Council on Foreign Relations on Wednesday.

... Among the recent initiatives at McGill to foster entrepreneurship:

Classified as: Suzanne Fortier, mcgill dobson cup, McGill X-1 Accelerator, McGill Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship, Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship
Published on: 27 Nov 2015

This is Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University with Talking Management for The Globe and Mail. I am delighted to sit down with Richard Whittington, a professor at the Said Business School at Oxford University.

Classified as: Karl Moore, the globe and mail
Published on: 27 Nov 2015

La Corporation des lieux historiques de Pont-Rouge vient de dévoiler qu’elle a recruté quatre nouveaux administrateurs et, selon le président Marcellin Simard, « ces personnes possèdent une expertise en gestion qui permettra d’apporter une contribution significative à la gouvernance et l’essor de notre organisme ». Au conseil d’administration siège désormais Sylvie Germain. Elle est diplômée en commerce de l’Université McGill et a travaillé au sein de diverses sociétés d'État canadiennes, dont l’Office national du film.

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Sylvie Germain
Published on: 27 Nov 2015

On Saturday, Dec. 5, McGill is hosting Hult Prize @ McGill — the university-level competition for the prestigious Hult Prize. 

Classified as: MBA Alumni, aspire food group
Published on: 27 Nov 2015

Cogeco Cable Canada is proud to announce that President and Chief Executive Officer Louise St-Pierre has been named a Women's Executive Network (WXN) 2015 Canada's Most Powerful Women: Top 100 Award Winner. This prestigious distinction celebrates the incredible accomplishments of Canada's top female executive talent as well as their organizations and networks. Louise St-Pierre will be honoured in the Scotiabank Corporate Executives category during a gala celebration at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on November 26.

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Louise St-Pierre
Published on: 27 Nov 2015

L'homme d'affaires Jean Gattuso, président et chef de l'exploitation d'Industries Lassonde, s'est vu décerner lundi soir le prestigieux Golden Pencil Award lors d'une cérémonie tenue à Toronto. Le Golden Pencil Award est accordé depuis 1957 à des professionnels du milieu de l'alimentation s'étant illustrés. Plus de 125 récipiendaires ont déjà mis la main sur cette distinction, la plus prestigieuse remise par l'industrie alimentaire au pays, mais à peine une dizaine de Québécois ont réussi cet exploit.

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Jean Gattuso
Published on: 25 Nov 2015

Bombardier has warned of another challenging year in 2016 before the transformation it has launched, including cost-cutting efforts and shifts in production to low-cost centres, deliver a financial turnaround by 2020.
Karl Moore, professor at McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management, said Bellemare has demonstrated that he’s assembled a team of seasoned veterans who have developed a credible plan to propel the company forward now that public funding has eliminated worries about its survival.

Classified as: Karl Moore, bombardier
Published on: 25 Nov 2015

Late one September evening one of Philip Rooke’s colleagues texted him at home with news that could have crippled his business.
“Disruption is the reality for many organisations right now,” said Melissa Sonberg, executive in residence of Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. “It’s like the plague: disruption doesn’t play favourites, a lot of people try to run from it, but you can’t hide.”

Classified as: Melissa Sonberg
Published on: 25 Nov 2015

Stingray, un fournisseur de services musicaux multiplateformes et de solutions multimédias en magasin interentreprises, a annoncé aujourd'hui la nomination de Tom Pentefountas au poste de vice-président principal ventes, Europe, Moyen-Orient, Afrique et Asie.

Read full article: Le Lézard, November 23, 2015

Classified as: MBA Alumni, Mini-MBA, Tom Pentefountas
Published on: 25 Nov 2015

Segal Building: On November 26, McGill University professor Karl Moore will be presenting “Introverts in the Executive Suite” at the Segal Graduate School of Business.
Moore will look at how introverts function in leadership positions and what challenges they face, based on over 100 interviews conducted with leading executives who are introverted themselves.

Read full artice: The Peak, November 22, 2015

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 25 Nov 2015

Article written by Afaque Riaz Ahmed, McGill MBA alumni. 

The Prevention of Electronic Crimes Bill 2015, which could limit our internet freedom and jeopardise our economy’s ability to create jobs, will soon be tabled in the National Assembly, and there is a good chance that this bill will be passed. Yet, many among the public are still unsure how the bill is detrimental to our progress. So, here are six reasons why this bill needs to be defeated.

Classified as: MBA Alumni, Afaque Riaz Ahmed
Published on: 25 Nov 2015

An Evening with William Shatner feels a lot like being beamed to another planet. Captain Kirk took the helm at Ottawa’s EY Centre last night, in a special ticketed fan event ahead of this weekend’s Ottawa Pop Expo. The energetic, eccentric 84-year-old, clad in a black leather jacket, came as advertised. Shatner looked like a man still fit for the captain’s chair. His one-man show was a stream-of-consciousness rumination on everything from Star Trek to Air Canada (“a test of your sanity”), from Pacific salmon to Twitter. 

Classified as: BCom Alumni, william shatner
Published on: 25 Nov 2015

Evenko, annonce la tenue, le 24 février 2016, de la première édition d’APEX. 

Classified as: Desautels Faculty of Management, Evenko
Published on: 24 Nov 2015


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