
The main research activities of the group, developed with the long-term objective of protecting our water resources, span four main research areas:

Two People Drudging Water

Assessing Fate & Exposure: 
Monitoring presence and fate of contaminants of emerging concerns in the environment and engineered systems and exposure through drinking water.


Water Flea

Assessing Effects:
Studying the nature and toxicity of transformation products of contaminants of emerging concerns and of treated wastewaters.

Wastewater deposit

Treating Wastewaters:
Developing and improving treatment technologies for wastewaters to mitigate the release and impacts of contaminants of emerging concerns. 


Wastewater surveillance

Wastewater-Based Epidemiology:
Using wastewater as a complementary source of information on illicit drugs consumption providing data in quasi-real time for population of various sizes.

Main Ongoing Projects

Water ozonation

NSERC Discovery - 2020-2025
Ozone-based wastewater treatment for disinfection and removal of micropollutants
PI: V. Yargeau

Logo for People Network

NSERC Create - 2019-2025
Persistent, Emerging, and Oil Pollution in cold marine Environments
(People Create)
PI: B. Chen, Memorial University

Agricultural Field

AgriRisk Initiatives Program - 2021-2024
Optimizing methods to monitor presticides in agriculture-adjacent streams
PI: V. Yargeau

FRQNT LogoRegional Municipality of York 2022-2024
Prioritization of emerging substances of concern (ESOC) in water and wastewater
PI: V. Yargeau

Fish Forever Logo

NSERC 2023-2024
Fish Forever
PI : M-C. Buell, Trent University

PFAS Container FRQNT 2023-2026
Nouveaux materiaux d'electrode pour le traitement electrochimique des PFAS
PI: S. Omanovic

Types of Contaminants

  • PFAS
  • Pesticides
  • Flame Retardants
  • Plasticizers
  • Drugs of Abuse
  • Endocrine Disruptors
  • Antibiotics
  • Transformation Products


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