2023-2024 TRaCE Talks

Careers in Communications and Marketing


Chris Chhim (PhD, Political Science), Lead Analyst, Custom Research at CBC/Radio-Canada

Hélène Laurin (PhD, Communication Studies), Communications Supervisor at Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montreal

Ryen MacDonald (PhD, Neurology and Neurosurgery), Director of Marketing, Decipher Urologic Cancers at Veracyte

Careers in Climate and Sustainability


Janet Janzen (PhD, German Studies), Senior Marketing Manager at OYA Ventures

M. Taha Manzoor (PhD, Mechanical Engineering), Energy Storage Specialist at Hatch

Careers in Technology Development

Promotional poster for TRaCE Talk: Careers in Technology Development

In-person session: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 (5:30-7:30 pm), Thomson House Ballroom.


Amanda Jarrell (PhD, Educational Psychology), User Research Topic Lead at Ubisoft

Andrew King (PhD, Computer Science), Director of Performance Research, D-Wave Systems Inc.

Careers in Research Management and Promotion


Alyona Belikova (PhD, Linguistics), Specialist, Research Funding, Awards, Facilitation at University of Calgary

Laura Gougeon (PhD, Human Nutrition), Research Director - Health Programs at Dell Medical School, University of Texas, Austin.

Monica Granados (PhD, Ecology), Assistant Director, Open Climate at Creative Commons

Paolo Saporito (PhD, Italian Studies), Senior Research Coordinator at University College Cork

Careers in Project Management and Leadership


Carlos Yoong (PhD, Mechanical Engineering), Senior Noise and Vibration Engineer at Wood

Ava Schlisser (PhD, Pharmacology and Therapeutics), Senior Clinical Operations Lead at Syneos Health

Careers in Research and Policy Analysis


Anthony Imbrogno (PhD, Political Science), Senior Policy Analyst, Natural Resources Canada. 

France-Pascale Ménard (PhD, Sociology), Senior Analyst, Statistics Canada. 

Vanessa Sung (PhD Biochemistry), Policy Advisor, Office of the Chief Science Advisor Canada. 

TRaCE Talks/Connected Academics: Journey From Academia

In-person panel. March 15, 2024, 5:30-7:30.

What is the right career path after finishing your Ph.D.? In this session, we will talk about the process of exploring and assessing academic and non-academic career paths and what to consider when thinking about your career.


Marie-Pierre Gadoua (PhD, Anthropology/Archeology), Coordinator, Cultural Programming and Social Mediation, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec.

Emily Raine (PhD, Communication Studies), Senior Editorial Content Manager, Unity.

Chantelle Thauvette (PhD, English), Graduate Career Advisor, CaPS, McGill.

Learn more about the Connected Academics program.

Careers in Community Outreach and Education


Danielle Barkley (PhD, English), Career & Professional Development Educator, University of British Columbia

Laura Jones-Donaldson (PhD, Biochemistry), Director of Clinical Trials & Education, Moleculight Inc.

TRaCE Talks at Congress: PhD Career Pathways Beyond Academia

In 2024, McGill Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies organized two TRaCE Talks, one in English and another in French, as part of the Career Corner programming of the Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities 2024. The Congress digests provide more information about the English and French panels.

Panelists (English panel):

Marie-Pierre Gadoua (PhD, Anthropology/Archeology), Coordinator, Cultural Programming and Social Mediation, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec

Amanda Jarrell (PhD, Educational Psychology), User Research Topic Lead at Ubisoft

Janet Janzen (PhD, German Studies), Director of Marketing at Revenue Management Labs

Hélène Laurin (PhD, Communication Studies), Communications Supervisor at Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montreal

Panelists (French panel):

Marie-Pierre Gadoua (PhD, Anthropology/Archeology), Coordinator, Cultural Programming and Social Mediation, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec

Hélène Laurin (PhD, Communication Studies), Communications Supervisor at Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montreal

Laurent Corbeil (PhD, History), Program Manager at Fonds de recherche du Québec

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