Wednesday Research Meetings
ICFP, Room 218B
1:30 – 3:00
Age-based treatment disparities in women with breast cancer (January 25th)
Dr. Karl Looper
Coping in difficult times. The tuberculosis epidemic among the Inuit in the 1950s (February 15th)
Ebba Olofsson
The empowerment of women caregivers of children with special healthcare needs (February 22nd)
Eliane Vernier
The ecocentric self: an emerging model of Inuit identity (March 1st)
Claire Fantus
Movie: Broken Promises, The High Arctic Relocation (April 5th)
Reductionism in Psychiatry (April 19 th)
Ian Gold
Bad moms, good moms: The morality of motherhood in the age of anxiety (April 26th)
Rob Whitley
Movie: Moving the Mountain (May 10th)
Examining a bidimensional model of acculturation across three domains of cultural change in a multi-ethnic community sample (May 17th)
Jessica Dere
Movie: Lost Boys of Sudan (June 14th)
Psychiatric diagnostic Skills of Yachactaita (Inca Healers) -- Forgotten partners in global mental health? (June 21st)
Dr. Mario Incayawar
Movie: Once Were Warriors (July 12 th)
Egorrhea symptoms in normal university students: a Taijin-kyofusho study in Japan (July 26th)
Jun Sasaki
Thinking about trauma and the body (August 2nd)
Kelly McKinney
Why are immigrants at increased risk for psychosis? Two neurobiological hypotheses (August 9th)
Dr. Marie-Jose Dealberto
Psychological perspectives on the origins and maintenance of cultural meaning (August 30th)
Andrew Ryder
The future of somatoform disorders in DSM-V. Discussion of the APA/WHO meeting on “Somatic presentations of mental disorders” in the series on “the future of psychiatric diagnosis: refining the research agenda” (September 13th)
Dr. Laurence Kirmayer
A sociosomatic explanation for not enough breastmilk: the common voice after Kangaroo Care (September 20th)
Ivone Evangelista Cabral
Developments in cultural therapy (September 27th)
Dr. Fred Hickling
Psychological perspectives on the origins and maintenance of cultural meaning, part II: discussion (October 4th)
Andrew Ryder
Collective control, cultural identity, and the psychological well-being of Canadian Aboriginal youth (October 11th)
Melissa Tiessen
The ineffectiveness of symbols and the chemical ecology of shamanic information (October 18th)
Robin Rodd
Why Tibetan refugees don’t use hospital services in South India (October 25th)
Danielle Groleau
Movie: Voices (November 1st)
The role of social factors in the etiology of psychosis: a US-UK comparison (November 8th)
Dr. G. Eric Jarvis
Reflecting on Ethnographic Approaches in Medical Settings: How to Bridge Emic and Etic (November 15th)
Alessandra Miklavcic
Movie: Hank Williams First Nation (November 22nd)
Exploring the healing processes and mechanisms of dang-ki (Chinese Shamanism) in Singapore (November 29th)
Boon-Ooi Lee
Movie: Born into Brothels (December 6th)
A new age of anxiety: Emerging trends in religion, spirituality and disaster mental health in New York City (December 13th)
Josua Moses
Movie: Elling (December 20th)