APC Subcommittee on Teaching and Learning (STL)
The STL was created in fall 2001 as a Senate Committee for a three-year term. At the end of that term, on April 21, 2004 Senate approved the STL's recommendation that the Committee on Teaching and Learning should revert to being a subcommittee of the Academic Policy Committee with a mandate which reads as follows:
- Recommend to the University through the Academic Policy Committee (APC) initiatives and policies to enhance the quality of teaching and learning.
- Consider medium and long-term trends and issues affecting post-secondary education as they would apply to McGill University, including, but not limited to, enhancing student engagement, online delivery of courses and programs in both campus-based and distance programs, alternate credit structures, feedback and assessment, experiential learning, and the integration of teaching and research.
- Report to Senate through APC once a year.
Its membership is broadly representative of the University community, and is defined to be:
Ex-officio: |
Associate Provost (Teaching and Academic Planning) or designate, Chair |
Dean of Students or designate |
Director of Teaching and Learning Services or designate |
Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies or designate |
Associate Provost (Equity and Academic Policies) or designate |
One representative to be appointed by each Faculty, (staggered) three-year terms renewable |
One representative to be appointed by the University Libraries |
Two undergraduate student representatives |
One graduate student representative |
Secretary |