This website has been created to provide you with online access to our documentation. Our goal is to promote and provide comprehensive spine care throughout our province.
Related Content
Jean Ouellet Director Spine surgeon (Orthopedics)
Rudy Reindl Spine surgeon (Orthopedics)
Peter Jarzem Spine surgeon (Orthopedics)
Michael Weber Spine surgeon (Orthopedics)
Jeff Golan Spine surgeon (neurosurgery)
Mohan Radhakrishna Physiatrist
Max Folkersma Physiotherapist
Daniella Ruscio Spine nurse
Pauline Tessier Spine nurse
Vincent Lacroix General Practitioner- Sports Medicine
Viola Grasso Manager-MNH
Contact Information
Mailing Address 1650 Cedar Ave Office B5-158.4 Montreal, Qc H3G1A4