A basketball court scene with a young man and three kids posing.



The Choices in Health, Action, Motivation, Pedagogy and Skills (CHAMPS) physical activity research laboratory is focused primarily on research and program development in adapted physical activity.

Our Vision“Healthy Bodies, Minds and Spirits”

Our Mission … to create an internationally-renowned clinical research center specializing in phenomena surrounding mental health and lifelong physical activity.

Specific lab objectives include …

  1. The study of relationships between self-determination, self-regulation, recovery and physical activity in mental health.
  2. To understand the correlates of physical activity for people with and without psychiatric conditions.
  3. The ultra-specialized study of ADHD and physical activity correlates.
  4. The development of physical activity interventions for persons with ADHD across the lifespan.
  5. The training of undergraduate and graduate students in clinical and research practices that promote active healthy lifestyles in mental health.


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