Contact information
Email: cmt1111111 [at]
BA (History) McGill University, 1952
BA (Oxford) (Politics, Philosophy and Economics), 1955
MA (Oxford), 1960
DPhil (Oxford), 1961
Teaching and research areas
Philosophy of Action, Philosophy of Social Science, Political Theory, Greek Political Thought, Moral Philosophy, the Culture of Western Modernity, Philosophy of Language, Theories of Meaning, Language and Politics, German Idealism.
Current research project
An investigation of the political culture of modernity
Selected publications
Hegel, Cambridge University Press, 1975
Hegel and Modern Society, Cambridge University Press, 1979
Social Theory as Practice, Oxford University Press, Delhi
Human Agency and Language, Cambridge University Press,1985
Philosophy and the Human Sciences, Cambridge University Press, 1985
Source of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity, Harvard University Press, 1989
The Malaise of Modernity, Toronto: Anansi, 1991 (based on the Massey Lectures for the CBC held in 1991)
Multiculturalism and The Politics of Recognition, Princeton University Press, 1992
Rapprocher les solitudes: écrits sur le fédéralisme et le nationalisme au Canada, Presses de l'Université Laval, 1992
Reconciling the Solitudes: Essays on Canadian Federalism and Nationalism, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1993
Multiculturalism: Examining the Politics of Recognition, Princeton University Press, 1994
Multiculturalisme: différence et démocratie, Aubier, Paris, 1994
Philosophical Arguments, Harvard University Press,1995
On Charles Taylor's work
Philosophy in an Age of Pluralism: the Philosophy of Charles Taylor in Question, edited by James Tully, with the assistance of Daniel Weinstock. Cambridge University Press: 1994.
This work (pp.258-64) contains A full bibliography of Charles Taylor's writings to the time of publication.