Special Investigators (Sexual Violence)

A Special Investigator is...









All reports of sexual violence on campus are investigated by a duly qualified external special investigator.

Investigations led by a special investigator will:

  • Be trauma-informed
  • Adhere to the requirements of procedural fairness and, insofar as possible, confidentiality
  • Involve interviews of the parties individually (who may each be accompanied by an advisor) and witnesses, and an assessment of all other relevant evidence (e.g., documents, written communications)
  • Be completed expediently, and within not more than 90 days
  • Result in a confidential written report setting out findings, which will be sent to the relevant disciplinary officer (Faculty Dean, Dean of Students, or Dean of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies) for disciplinary or other action, where appropriate. Parties to the investigation will be informed of the special investigator’s findings and the justification on which these are based, with care taken to ensure that the process is fair, transparent, and protects the interests of the parties.


Report Sexual Violence

Contact the SEIA if you're ready to make a report of sexual violence under the Policy. To discuss your case or ask questions before making a report, contact the Office of Sexual Violence Response, Support and Education (OSVRSE).


Need support?
OSVRSE can help.

The Office for Sexual Violence Response, Support and Education (OSVRSE) provides support and resources for all members of the McGill community who have been impacted by sexual violence. You can access support from OSVRSE at any time, whether or not you decide to file a report.

They provide services like crisis intervention, short-term counselling, reporting assistance, and more.

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