
Grants and Awards

Principal's prize for public engagement through media, McGill University 2020.

McGill and MUHC given $500000 for cannabis, cancer research projects, Montreal Gazette 2018.

Gabriella Gobbi prima ricercatrice donna a vincere il Premio Dr. Samarthji Lal, Cronache Ancona 2017.

Research and society

Cannabis Act needs update to limit legal THC concentration, The Hill Times, 3 Oct 2022

Le bras du fer du pot, 18 ou 21 ans? Le Droit, 13 September 2022

Gobbi at ParliamentTripping over the potential of psychedelics for autism, Spectrum News, 31 May 2022.

LSD, a future antianxiety pill?, McGill University Health Centre, 17 March 2022.

Lifetime cannabis use disorder is not associated with lifetime impulsive behavior and severe violence in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders from a high-security hospital, The Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology Podcast, Dec 2021.

Santé mentale: le grand retour des psychédéliques, Québec Science, 18 Nov, 2021.

Hallucinogenic Drugs may Effectively Treat Mental Illness, Contemplative studies, 17 Nov, 2021.

Documentary: Les Drogues, une solution? (the drugs, a solution? -- Psychedelics in Psychiatry), Savoir Media, 15 Oct, 2019.

Featured researcher, The Opioid Crisis: How Can Research Inform Solutions? Series 2, Research Canada, 10 Apr 2019.

Does CBD Work for Pain Relief? U.S News, 7 Jan 2019.

Du LSD ou de l’ecstasy pour traiter la maladie mentale [LSD or ecstasy to treat mental illness -- Translated from French], LeDevoir, 10 Dec 2018.

Delivery dilemma for medical marijuana, Financial Times, 19 Nov 2018.

Demand for Legal Cannabis Leads to Growing R&D Investments, FinancialBuzz, 21 Aug 2018.

Video: Cannabis in Canada (lecture by Dr. Gobbi), McGill University, 7 Dec 2017.

Une microdose de LSD avant d'aller au boulot, La Presse, 20 Nov 2017.

How Cannabis in Adolescence Influences Mood and Increases the Risk of Depression and Suicide, Youth Marijuana Prevention - Johnny's Ambassadors, 3 Sep 2021.


Newspaper Interviews

La Repubblica, "Micro-dosi di LSD per curare l'ansia", 2022
Gazette des Femmes, "L’héritage des immigrantes italiennes au Québec", 2022
Le Devoir, "Soigner l’anxiété à petites doses de LSD", 2022
LaPresse, "Avancées montréalaises sur les drogues psychédéliques", 2022
Chatelaine, "LSD : le microdosage pour la santé mental ?", 2022
The McGill Tribune 
Daily Mail Interview
Avvenire newspaper interview (in Italian)
The Gazette/ Vancouver Sun
La Meridiana 2021 (in Italian)

Radio Interviews

Les effets à long terme du cannabis, Radio-Canada, 30 Sept 2022

Une étude sur l'efficacité des antidépresseurs : Les explications de C. Srivastava, Radio-Canada, 24 Apr 2022.

La kétamine pour lutter contre la dépression : le point avec R. Manuguerra-Gagné [in French], Radio-Canada, 10 Jan 2021.

Cannabis and depression in young people, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), 11 Mar 2019. 

The effects of cannabis on the brains of adolescents. The word in search [Translated from Italian], Radio 24, Italy, 2 Mar 2019.

Légalisation du cannabis : la recherche devrait connaître un nouvel essor, Boulevard du Pacifique de Radio-Canada, Vancouver, 21 Oct 2018. 

98.5 Interview with Benoit Dutrizac
La Grande Équation Interview
Radio Canada - Les années lumière

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