Research Associate
Dr. Martha Lopez-Canul
Postdoctoral Fellow
PhD: Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico
MSc: Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico
Project: Melatonin ligands in pain
Email: martha.lopezcanul [at]
Postdoctoral Fellows
Vitor Bruno
Ph.D. in Sciences (Toxicology) at the University of São Paulo - FCF-USP, Brazil
M.Sc. in Sciences (Toxicology) at the University of São Paulo - FCF-USP, Brazil
B.S. in Chemistry (focus on Forensic Chemistry) at the University of São Paulo - FFCLRP-USP, Brazil
M.Sc. in Sciences (Toxicology) at the University of São Paulo - FCF-USP, Brazil
B.S. in Chemistry (focus on Forensic Chemistry) at the University of São Paulo - FFCLRP-USP, Brazil
Project: studying the role of psychedelics (e.g., psilocybin) in addiction
mail: vitor.bruno [at]
PhD Students
Brandon Richardson
PhD Candidate - Psychiatry: PhD in Mental Health
M.Sc. Experimental Psychology (behavioral neuroscience), Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2023
B.A. with honors in Psychology, St. Francis Xavier University, 2021
Project: Uncovering the anti-depressant mechanisms of 5-MeO-DMT, psilocybin, and lisuride
Email: brandon.richardson [at]
Master's Students
Ella Nield