From 1971-1980

  • Ayad, Samir: The development of alternative uses for locally-available building materials: particularly building agents in order to decrease the building cost and increase the quality of construction in self-built housing, 1972
  • Rybczynski, Witold: The sanitary aspects of housing in rural and urban areas in which water supply plays an important role, 1972
  • Acheson, Arthur L. K: The sanitary aspects of housing in rural and urban areas in which water supply plays an important role, 1972
  • Acheson, Arthur L. K.: Emergency housing, 1973
  • Boon, Jonathan J.: Intermediate housing technology within community development, utilizing sulphur concrete, 1974
  • Hanna, Makram A. M.: A survey of solid wastes and their current and potential uses in building construction, 1974
  • Nournia, Behrooz: Design of consumer containers for re-use as building components, 1974
  • Ali, Aquil Ahmed: Re-use of containers for post-disaster housing , 1975
  • Bhatt, Vikram C.: The user and the house building process, 1975
  • Moayeri, Hassan: New housing systems for the Iranian desert area, 1975
  • Santiago, Arturo Mercado: Residential rehabilitation--with special reference to Montreal, 1975
  • Fukushima, Masaharu: An analysis of the transition between community and privacy in urban housing, 1975
  • Endo, Tokiko: Tondo low-income housing study, 1976
  • Morse, Alexander B.: The use of atomization for washing and showering to conserve water , 1976
  • Kevorkov, Garo O.: Solar heated houses in Canada, 1977
  • Lefebvre, Bernard G.: Implantation d'industries locales pour ameliorer les communautes marginales et taudis, 1977
  • Rajk, Laszlo: The activities of the United Nations in housing, building and planning between 1945-76, 1978
  • Etherington, A. Bruce: Physical and social factors in the rehabilitation or resettlement of squatter communities in South East Asia, 1978
  • Kovatsi, Athena: The Church and the urban structure of the Aegean Island towns, 1979
  • Nataraj, Valkalathur S.: The development of a low cost solar water heater, 1979
  • Mitra, Shantanu: Lowrise housing forms and urban residential patterns: an overview, 1979

AUTHOR: Ayad, Samir
TITLE: The development of alternative uses for locally-available building materials: particularly building agents in order to decrease the building cost and increase the quality of construction in self-built housing.
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1972


To provide homes for everyone despite explosive population growth, the development and maximum use of locally-avaijable building. materials must be considered. For most populations, particularly in developing countries, the simplifying of building techniques and encouragement of self-built housing are important tools in improving housing conditions. This study is concerned to determine new uses for sulphur, a widely available material, in the field of housing. The techniques suggested are simple and could be successfuily employed in self-built housing. Two sanitary units were built with simplified plumbing and assembly. These units require a minimum of space and reduce the erection costs. Reduction in water and power consumption are also achieved. A self-built house with a pre-cut timber system suitable for self-help is studied with respect to the costs of the principle phases of construction. The problem of contingency housing is also sketched out.

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AUTHOR: Rybczynski, Witold
TITLE: The sanitary aspects of housing in rural and urban areas in which water supply plays an important role.
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1972


Experiments in building and operating single-house solar stijis suitable for isolated communities, were carried out in the field. Eight stills assembled from mass-produced components were built to assess the effects of insulation, glass covers, filon covers, and orion mats on daily water production. Experiments in order to extract water from the air were carried out in the laboratory using domestic de-humidifying units. The amounts of water produced were coilected and measured. Experiments with water atomization for hand washing in order to reduce water used were carried out in the laboratory. Spraying characteristics of different types of low-cost commercially produced atomizers and sprayers were measured and assessed.The possibility of the mass application of these techniques was demonstrated by the experiments. Experiments in building a controlled climate greenhouse suitable for modular extension were done.

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AUTHOR: Acheson, Arthur L. K.
TITLE: Emergency housing
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1973


This thesis surveys some existing technologies which might be used to produce housing for emergency situations, particularly those following natural disasters. Emergency Housinq includes not only the provision of shelter but also water supply, sanitation, emergency uses for sulphur and other techniques such as site preparation.

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AUTHOR: Boon, Jonathan J.
TITLE: Intermediate housing technology within community development, utilizing sulphur concrete
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1974


Aluminium, the third most abundant element on the earth's surface1 is the most representative material of the 20th century and could well become an important material for the development of our society throughout the 21st century. Aluminium will be examined in order to provide architect8 and other users with a broader view of how the metal and the technology available may be used to greater advantage in the expression of our architectural intentions. It is through the investigation of the properties of a material and a knowledge of the technical methods available in the development of advanced techniques in other domains, that design solutions could be more appropriately executed, and furthermore, take technology a step forward.

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AUTHOR: Hanna, Makram A. M.
TITLE: A survey of solid wastes and their current and potential uses in building construction
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1974


This paper represents an analysis of the problems of different kinds of solid wastes and an investigation of how these may be utilised for new construction materials, resulting in an ecological contribution to the housing shortage, in addition to reducing pollution in the environment. The different categories of solid wastes are examined both in the processes which produce them and their current utilisations in building construction. An industrial waste, sulphur, is studied in detail to demonstrates its potential for reutilisation. A cross-section of solid waste are combined with sulphur in research towards new compositions. The report indicates a direction for future research into the technology of re-cycling and beneficial re-use generally of industrial and other solid wastes.


Cette thése consiste en une analyse du probleme des differents dechets solides, ainsi qu'une recherche de methode pour leur utilisation comme de nouveaux matariaux de construction; ce qui, d'une part, diminuerait de facon ecologiquement acceptable la penurie de logements et, d`autre part, reduirait la pollution de l'environnement.

Les differentes categories de dechets solides sont exaninees au point de vue des processus de leur composition et de leur utilisation actuelle dans la construction de batiments.

Dechet industriel, le soufre est etudie en detail pour demontrer son potentiel de re-utilisation et des recherches sont faites sur la variete de dechets solides pouvant etre melanges efficacement avec le soufre.

La these signale une direction au developpement des recherches dans le domaine du recyclage et de la re-utilisation souhaitable des dechets solides et industriels.

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AUTHOR: Nournia, Behrooz
TITLE: Design of consumer containers for re-use as building components
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1974


Problems of solid waste, littering and previous experiences of building with waste are discussed. Proposals have been made to utilize containers as building components. with these proposals will be created low-cost building materials for small-scale applications, as well as reducing pollution of the environment. A.variety of new shapes and designs of containers to facilitate their second use as building materials were developed. Mock-ups, models and prototypes are described. Possible uses for interlocking containers to build houses as well as furniture are shown.


Ce rapport présente des expériences tentées en construction, en utilisant des déchets solides, surtout des con-tenants de toutes sortes. Ces contenants sont soit adaptés directement ou modifiés de faeon être utilisés comme elements de construction. Ceci permet de construire bon marché et de reduire la pollution. Une varieté de contenants de forme nouvelle ont ete fabriques en vue de les reutiliser comme materiau de construction. On presente ici des maquettes et prototypes des contenants proposes, ainsi que divers arrangements possibles non seulement pour construire des maisons mais aussi des meubles.

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AUTHOR: Ali, Aquil Ahmed
TITLE: Re-use of containers for post-disaster housing
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1975


The effect on housing needs due to population increase and the added effect due to natural disasters are discussed in detail. Alternative ways are looked into to provide 'immediate' and permanent post disaster housing, with critical approach. A viable alternative is shown through the process of research, design and models in re-using containers for 'post-disaster' housing.


Les besoins de l'habitation dus a l'accroissement de la population ainsi qu'aux desastres naturels sont discutes en detail.

Différentes facons de fournir un habitat 'immediat'et un autre, celui-la permanent, 'suivant un cataclysme' sont etudie-es dans un approche critique.

Une solution plausible, basée sur la re-utilisation des contenants, est demontrée dans le processus de recherche, les plans et maquettes.

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AUTHOR: Bhatt, Vikram C.
TITLE: The user and the house building process
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1975


This report describes a building project that was built at St. Francois du Lac, (a small village about eighty miles North-East of Montreal) where the Minimum Cost Housing Group was involved in building an "en famille" orphanage. It outlines the new material (sulphur for house-building) and new construction techniques that were developed for this particular house; it also includes the cost analysis of the same house. The appropriate analysis of self-help housing systems is presented in order to find a right place for this kind of housing system.


Ce travail décrit la construction d'un orphelinat "en famille" par le Minimum Cost Houusing Group a St-Francois du Lac (un village `a 8O milles au nordest de Montreal) pour les Freres Franciscains. On presente ici un nouveau materiau (le souffre en construction) ainsi que de nouvelles techniques de construiction developpées pour cette maison; on a aussi indu une analyse (les couts de la maison. L'analyse approprié des systemes d'autoconstruction y est presente afin de determiner quand employer ce genre de systéme de construction.

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AUTHOR: Moayeri, Hassan
TITLE: New housing systems for the Iranian desert area
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1975


Traditional housing solutions as well as contemporary housing problems of the Iranian Desert villagers is the main topic of this thesis. As the cost of housing constitutes a significant part in the economy of the villager, this cost must be evalluated socially, economically as well as aesthetically. The conventional ways of dealing with the housing problem do not adequately respond to the needs of the people in the desert. New methods are described with the objective of improving shelter and raising the standards of living among villagers.


Le sujet principal de cette thése concerne l'habitation traditionel ainsi que les problemes contemporains de l'habitation des villageois du Desert Iranien.

Puisque le cout de l'habitation constitue une grande partie de l'economie du-villageois, ce cout doit être evaluer en termes sociologique, economique ainsi que esthetique.

Les méthodes conventionnelles employées pour resoudre le probléme d'habitation ne repondent pas adequatement aux besoins du peuple du desert. On decrit ici de nouvelles methodes en vue d'ameliorer les maisons et augmenter le standard de vie des villageois du desert.

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AUTHOR: Santiago, Arturo Mercado
TITLE: Residential rehabilitation--with special reference to Montreal
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1975


This thesis deals with the study of different aspects of residential rehabilitation. The aspects dealt with are the following: The definition of rehabilitation. The advantages of rehabilitation compared to demolition and redevelopment in urban renewal purposes. Canadian Government policies related to residential rehabilitation. The process of residential rehabilitation in Canada. The needs and objectives of residential rehabilitation. The feasibility and constraints of the accomplishment of residential rehabilitation.

The latter part of the thesis is devoted to the study of residential rehabilitation activities in Montreal. These activities are divided into the following categories: government sponsored, non-profit organization and coop sponsored; private enterprise sponsored, and sponsorship through the individual or collective action of home owners. Assesirnent is given regarding the merits of the different rehabilitation activities at the end of each category. Finally, certain conclusions and suggestions are formulated regarding residential rehabilitation.


Cette thése concerne l'étude des différents aspects de la réabilitation résidentielle. Les points de vue examinés sont les suivants:

La définition de réhabilitation.

Les avantages de la réhabilitation en comparaison avec la démolition et le redéveloppment dans toute rénovation urbaine.

Les politiques du gouvernement canadien se rapportant a la réhabilitation résidentielle.

Le precédé de la réhabilitation résidentielle au Canada.

Les besoins et les objectifs de la réhabilitation résidentielle.

La possibilité et les contraintes liées a la réalisation de la réhabilitation résidentielle.

La derniére partie de cette these est consacreé a l'étude des activités en réhabilitation résidentielle a Montréal: subvention neés par le gouvernement; initieés par des organisations sans but lucratif et par des co-opératives; initieés par l'entreprise priveé initiés par l'action individuelle ou collective des propriétaires de maisons familialles A la fin de chaque catégorie, une évaluation est donnée selon des mérites des différentes activités de réhabilitation.

Pour terminer certaines conclusions et suggestions sont formulées en ce qui concerne la réhabilitation résidentielle.

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AUTHOR: Fukushima, Masaharu
TITLE: An analysis of the transition between community and privacy in urban housing
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1975


Owing to the recent sociological studies, the link between overcrowding in present cities and social and physical pathology has become clear. Given that this pathology is caused by both overstress because of lack of privacy and isolation due to lack of contact following withdrawal from the stress, this study is devoted to finding a healthy relationship between the private and public domain in urban dwelling.

In the first two chapters, a basic conception and implications of the transition between private and public domain will be clarified. The followingchapter deals with spatial characteristics which support these implications. And in the final chapter, physical patterns will be presented as the methods to sustain human contact and at the same time defend privacy.


Depuis l'élaboration récente d'études sociologiques, le lien entre le surpeuplement actuel des villes et la pathologie sociale et physique de ces villes est devenu évident. Etant donné que cette pathologie provient d'un double stress engendré, d'une part, cause d'une manque d'intimité dans les villes et, d'autre part,d'un isolement du manque de communication qui suit l'éloignement du stress, cette étude a pour but de trouver une relation saine entre les domaines privé et public dans un lieu de résidence urbain.

Dans les deux premiers chapitres, nous tenterons d'éclaircir la conception de base et les implications de la transition entre les domains privé et public. Le chapitre suivant est consacré aux caractéistiques spatiales qui appuient ces implications. Le denier chapitre présente des modeles physiques comme méthodes soutenant les relations humaines et, dan un meme temps, protégeant l'intimité.

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AUTHOR: Endo, Tokiko
TITLE: Tondo low-income housing study
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1976


The problem of squatter housing is a dilemma facing viturally every developing nation. It is a problem which defies conventional architectural solutions, since it is invariably a consequence of complex socio-economic and political factors. This thesis is a study of squatter housing and planning problems in the Tondo Foreshore Land of Manila, the Philippines. The study presents observations of socio-economic and physical conditions in the area and a critical analysis of existing strategies and attempted solutions with a view to developing a new approach to the housing problem by means of a specific architectural proposal based on new strategies.


La quéstion du logement des squatters constitue un probléme real auquel chaque pays en voie de developpement a a faire face. C'est un probléme qui defie les solutions architecturales classiques, car il decoule toujours de facteurs politiques et socio-economiques complexes.

Cette thése est une étude portant sur l'habitation des squatters et les problémes de planification dans la region de Tondo Foreshore, a Manila, aux Philippines. Elle comporte des observations sur la situation physique et socio-economique de la region et une analyse critique des strategies actuelles ainsi que des tentatives de solution laborees dans le but de developper une nouvelle approche du probléme de l'habitation au moyen d'un projet architectural specifique appuye sur de nouvelles strategies.

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AUTHOR: Morse, Alexander B.
TITLE: The use of atomization for washing and showering to conserve water
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1976


In order to reduce the amount of water needed for individual bathing, and, in turn, to reduce household consumption of water in areas of water scarcity and in areas having polluted water, the use of atomized water is proposed. Combinations of pressure systems and nozzings for showering are examined; and bathing feasibility by this method is tested. Results show a water saving of over 90%.


Afin de reduire la quantite d'eau necessaire pour prendre une douche et, donc, reduire la consonnation domestique d'eau dans les regions arides ou les regions ou l'eau est polluee, on propose ici l'emploi d'appareils d'atomization. Differentes combinaisons de systemes de pression et de becs sont mises a l'epreuve afin de de terminer le moyen le plus efficace, tout on utilisant le moin d'eau possible, pour prendre une douche. Les resultats demontrent une economie d'eau de plus de 90%.

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AUTHOR: Kevorkov, Garo O.
TITLE: Solar heated houses in Canada
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1977


The changes in energy supply and demand shape new patterns of energy consumption. The search of new energy sources brings a new attention to the renewables. The abundance of solar energy all over the world globe proved again to be a reliable source and the space heating with solar energy becomes a commercial reality. The Canadian experience in solar energy application for residential heating needs is reviewed. There is a brief analysis of the principles ruling the solar heating systeris and their applicability in Canadian conditions. The availability of solar energy at the Canadian latitudes on a surface perpendicular to the sun '5 rays is a sufficient ground to develop a reliable heating system based on solar energy. The most appropriate tilt of the solar collector gets considerable importance in the solar collecting process in Canada. The right choice of storage medium and its quantity is the second most important component of the solar heating system and its significance increases in Canadian winter conditions of low radiation inputs during consecutive cloudy days. A comparison of some solar systems is made and their advantages and disadvantages for a Canadian application are pointed out. In the second part of the thesis an analysis of fifteen Canadian solar heated houses is made. The question of the adaptability of the architecture to the constraints of the new system involved is discussed and the response of the architectural conceptual design to the system and to the need of conserving the energy into the house are evaluated.


Les changements dans le domaine des ressources energetiques ainsi que la demande d'energie ont amene la creation de nouveaux modes de consommation d'energie. Cette quete de nouvelles sources d'energie attire l'attention sur les sources renouvelables. L'abondance d'energie solaire partout sur la surface du globe s'est averee d'un grand secours et le rechauf fement de l'espace grace a la chaleur du soleil devient maintenant une realite commerciale. On s'interesse desormais a l'application de l'energie solaire au secteur residentiel au Canada.

Voici une breve etude traitant des principes des systemes de chauffage solaire et de leur application dans les conditions prevalant au Canada. Les rayons du soleil disponibles aux latitudes du Canada sur une surface perpendiculaire sont suffisants pour qu'on puisse songer a developper un systeme de chauffage base sur l'energie solaire. L'angle le plus approprie du collecteur solaire revet une grand importance pour ce qui est du processus d'emmagasinage de l'energie solaire au Canada.

Le choix approprie d'un moyen d'entreposage ainsi que sa quantite constituent le deuxieme point d'importance du systeme de chauffage a l'energie solaire. Son importance s' accrott durant les conditions hivernales au Canada alors que les radiations sont faibles et les jours nuageux souvent repetes.

Differents systemes solaires sont etudies ici et mis en comparaison selon leurs avantages et leur inconvenients en vue d'une application au Canada. Dans un deuxieme temps, cette these etudie 15 maisons chauffees au systeme solaire au Canada. On y etudie la question d'adaptation de l'architecture aux contingemces imposees par ces systemes de chauffage et les reponses aux systemes et au besoin de conservation de l'energie amassee proposees par le design architectural y sont evaluees.

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AUTHOR: Lefebvre, Bernard G.
TITLE: Implantation d'industries locales pour ameliorer les communautes marginales et taudis
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1977


In order to improve existing housing conditions in two countries, The Republic of the Philippines and the United Arab Emmirates: industries utilizing sulphur concrete as a bullding material are proposed. Organizing and production methods as well as demonstrations are discussed.


Il s'agit ici d'implanter des industries pour produire du beton de soufre en des elements de construction pour ameliorer les conditions d'habitation dans deux pays: les Phillippines et les Emirats Arabes Unis. Les problémes et sollutions d'organisation, de production, de construction et de certaines alternatives y sont discutes.

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AUTHOR: Rajk, Laszlo
TITLE: The activities of the United Nations in housing, building and planning between 1945-76
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1978


The author argues with the idea of self-help in the developing countries and claims that self-build techniques, as a result of their inevitably low output, can never play a significant part in solving the housing problem. As far as productivity is concerned he believes self-build housing is a voluntary return to the "Stone Age". From this standpoint the author examines how the United Nations finally arrived to the idea of self-help and why it still rewards it as a promising method to overcome the housing shortage. The thesis analyses the reasons of this new trend, first through revealing the problems within the very structure of the United Nations. Then the theme is expounded in a chronological order, and the author accordingly follows the sequence of the United Nations operations in the course of the last thirty years. Finally the author tries to summarize the present trends having appeared during the Vancouver conference.


L'auteur plaide contre l'ideé de "self-help" dans les pays en voie de developemment Il soutient que les techiques de construction particuliere "self-build techniques", en raison de leur rendemient inevitablement ~ai~e, ne pourront jamais jouer un role significatif dans la solution du probleme du logement. Quant a'la productivite, il peuse que la role du "self-built-housing" constitue un retour volontaire a un nouvel "age de la pierre".

Partant de cette Notion, l'auteur examine comment les Nations Unies sont £inalement arriees a' l'idee de 'self-help" et pourquoi elles la prennent toujours pour un mettode pleine de promesses en vue de la solution de la penurie de logement. La these se procede de l'analise des raisons de cette nouvelle tendance, d'accord en revelant les problemes a' l'interieur meme de la structure des Nations Unies; le sujet est ensuite expose dans un ordre cronologique: l'auteur poursuit la serie des activites des Nations Unies an cours des trente dérnieres années. Comme conclusion, il resume les tendances recentes apparues lors de la conference de Vancouver.

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AUTHOR: Etherington, A. Bruce
TITLE: Physical and social factors in the rehabilitation or resettlement of squatter communities in South East Asia
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1978


An examination of the potential of low income groups in developing countries to improve their environmental, social and economic condition through self-help. A study is drawn from a squatter community in Malaysia, and is used to test the hypothesis.


Étude des couches défavorisées des pays en voie de développement en vue de déterminer le potentiel de celles-d'ameliore leurs conditions environmentales, sociales et economiques grace a leurs propres efforts. L'auteur se sert de l'exempl tire d'une comminaute de squatters de Malaisie pour mettre a l'essaie l'hypothese anacee.

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AUTHOR: Kovatsi, Athena
TITLE: The Church and the urban structure of the Aegean Island towns
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1979

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AUTHOR: Nataraj, Valkalathur S.
TITLE: The development of a low cost solar water heater
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1979


A domestic solar water heater was developed and a model unit was built in the workshop and tested in the field. The outstanding feature of the heater is its extremely low capital cost, which was kept below $2. This was achieved primarily by adapting an inexpensive and widely available industrial product - the polyethylene 'garbage' bag, to form the solar collector. A simple procedure was also developed, by which the user may put together a unit by himself with minimum time and effort, simple tools and no special skills.

The first section of the thesis presents the background research on domestic solar water heaters and examines their design possibilities and operating principles. The other section deals with the actual development of a prototype in the workshop. The results of the tests and the overall performance have been analysed and discussed. The procedure for making such a unit has been carefully explained and illustrated to aid the user or owner-builder.


Un chauffe-eau solaire pour l'usage domestique fut elabore; un modele fut construit dans l'atelier et fut soumis des essais sur le terrain. Le trait remarquable de l'appareil est son cout extremement bas: moins de $ 2. Cette economie fut reussie grace a l'adaptation d'un produit industriel courant a prix modique: le sac a ordures en polyethylene qui sert de capteur solaire. Un procede simple fut egalement developpe qui permet a l'usager d'assembler un appareil tout seul avec un minimum de temps et d'effort, des outils simples et sans technique speciale.

Une section de la these fait un compte rendu des recherches deja faites sur les chauffe-eau solaires pour l'usage domestique et en examine les principes d'operation et les differents dessins possibles. L'autre section traite de l'elaboration du prototype effectuee dans l'atelier. Les resultats des essais et le fonctionnement generaI de l'appareil sont analyses et discutes. Le procede de construction est soigneusement explique et illustre de facon a aider celui qui, eventuelleinent, emploierait ou se fabriquerait un tel appareil.

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AUTHOR: Mitra, Shantanu
TITLE: Lowrise housing forms and urban residential patterns: an overview
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1979


The lowrise housing forms, employing stairs as sole means of vertical circulation is the topic of the thesis. Selected examples in the urban context, from the past and present are examined. The historical events which contributed to the development of ideas in lowrise housing design are briefly reviewed.

Part-I examines housing forms between the 17th. and 19th. centuries. It focuses on the French and the English residential squares, the Circus and the Crescents.

Part-lI reviews housing forms from the period of the industrial revolution, up to the middle of 20th. century. Examples demonstrate the progression from minimal speculative housing to improved designs. New theories and concepts in lowrise housing are also examined.

Part-Ill concentrates on several contemporary examples such as, new perimeter planning, carpet housing and streets in-the-air.

Analysis of various aspects of lowrise housing are incorporated in Part-IV. The sociological and the behavioural aspects of lowrise housing design is also reviewed. A bibliography follows the conclusion.


La presente thése porte sur les types d'habitation construction basse dont l`escalier constitue le seul mode de circulation vertical. Cette etude analyse des exemples passes et actuels dans un contexte urbain. Les evenements historiques ayant contribue l'elaboration des concepts sont etudies sommairement.

Le premier chapitre traite des types d'habitation entre le 17e et le 19e siécles. Il s'attarde plus particulierement aux places residentielles francaises et anglaises la place circulaire et l'arc de cercle.

Le deuxiéme chapitre relate les types d'habitation à partir de la revolution industrielle jusqu'au milieu du 20e siécle. Des exemples demontrent la progression de l'habitation depuis les conceptions sans recherche jusqu'aux conceptions ameliorées. De nouvelles theories et de nouveaux concepts d'habitation construction basse sont egalement etudies.

Le troisiéme chapitre porte sur des exemples contemporains tels que le nouvel amenagement des péripheries, les constructions haute densite et rues elevees.

Le quatriéme chapitre comprend une analyse de divers aspects de l'habitation construction basse. Les points de vue sociologique et comportemental de la conception des habitations construction basse sont egalement etudies.

Une bibliographie suivra la conclusion.

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AUTHOR: Shah, Mahendra
TITLE: Servicing options for African low-cost housing
PUBLISHED: Montreal, 1980


The growth of urban centers continues to outstrip the ability to supply dwellings and urban services in many African cities which have limited financial resources. It is becoming increasingly harder for the urban poor to acquire an affordable dwelling which is a basic necessity. To put housing within the reachof these people it is essential to develop ways of reducing the investments by lowering the standards of services. The present thesis examines such a possibility and outlines specific options for Lusaka, Zambia.


L'expansion constante des centres urbains continue de l'emporter sur la capacite de fournir des logements et des services urbains dans beaucoup de villes africaines dont les ressources financieres sont limitees. Il devient de plus en plus difficile pour les mal nantis de la ville d'obtenir des logements abordables, bien qu'il s'agisse d'un besoin fondamental. Pour mettre l'habitation a la portee de ces gens, il importe d'elaborer des moyens de reduire les mises de fonds en reduisant les normes visant les services. La présente thése cherche a étudier ces possibilités et a abaucher des choix particuliers Lusaka, au Zambie.

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