
  1. Ferrari, M., Pawliuk, N., Pope, M., MacDonald, K., Boruff, J., Shah, J., Malla, A., & Iyer, S. N. (2022). A Scoping Review of Measures Used in Early Intervention Services for Psychosis. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.), appips202100506. Follow this link for the article.
  2. Iyer, S. N., Taksal, A., Malla, A., Martin, H., Levasseur, M. A., Pope, M. A., Rangaswamy, T., Ramachandran, P., & Mohan, G. (2022). Show me you care: A patient- and family-reported measure of care experiences in early psychosis services. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 1– 8. Follow this link for the article.
  3. Iyer, S. N., Pope, M., Taksal, A., Mohan, G., Thara, R., Loohuis, H., Shah, J., Joober, R., Schmitz, N., Margolese, H.C., Ramachandran, P., & Malla, A. K. (2022). Whose responsibility? Part 1 of 2: Development of a scale to assess how stakeholders apportion responsibilities for addressing the needs of persons with mental health problems. International Journal of Mental Health Systems.16:1. Follow this link for the article.
  4. Iyer, S. N., Malla, A. K., Pope, M., Mustafa, S., Mohan, G., Rangaswamy, T., Schmitz, N., Joober, R., Shah, J., Margolese, H. C., Ramachandran, P. (2022) Whose responsibility? Part 2 of 2: Patients’, families,’ and clinicians’ views about responsibilities for addressing the needs of persons with mental health problems in Chennai, India and Montreal, Canada. International Journal of Mental Health Systems.16:2. Follow this link for the article.
  5. Pawliuk, N., Mohan, G., Taksal, A., Pope, M., Birchwood, M., Mangala, R., Padmavati, R., Loohuis, H., Schmitz, N., Joober, R., Shah, J., Rangaswamy, Thara, R., & Iyer, S. N. (2021). Adapting, updating, and translating the Social Functioning Scale to assess social, recreational, and independent functioning among youth with psychosis in diverse sociocultural contexts. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. Follow this link for the article.
  6. Iyer,S.N., Malla, A., Taksal, A., Pawliuk, N., Ramamurti, M., Mohan, G., Pope, M.A., Schmitz, N., Loohuis, H., Ramachandran, P., Joober, R., Shah, J., & Rangaswamy, T. (2021). Fit for purpose: Conception and psychometric evaluation of developmentally appropriate measures to assess functional recovery in first-episode psychosis across geo-cultural contexts. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. Follow this link for the article.
  7. Iyer SN, Pope MA, Jordan G, et al. ShareDisk: A novel visual tool to assess perceptions about who should be responsible for supporting persons with mental health problems. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2020;66(4):411-418. Follow this link for the article.
  8. Nair, N., Farhat, M. A., Boruff, J., and Iyer. S. (2022, September). Examining Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Psychosis and Schizophrenia through an Equity Lens: An Umbrella Review of Published Reviews. Poster presentation at the Sixth International Conference on Youth Mental Health, Copenhagen, Denmark.
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