José Avila Cervantes (Ph.D.), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2013 – Winter 2019. Genotypic and phenotypic disparity: population genetics and comparative morphology of the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus).
Robert Bourque (MSc – co-supervised with Peter Douglas, EPSC. Fall 2017 – Fall 2019), McGill Univ. Earth and Planetary Science. Frenchman Formation (Maastrichtian) climate reconstructions with stable isotopes.
Christine Neidhart (Ph.D. incomplete), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2015 – 2018. Evolutionary radiation of bony fishes and the Polypterus enigma.
Alex Demers-Potvin (MSc), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2017 – Fall 2019. Palaeoecology of the Albian deposits of Shefferville, Quebec.
Trina Du. (Ph.D.), McGill Univ. Biology. Winter 2014 – 2018. Geometry of adaptive evolution.
Donald Fowler (Ph.D.), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2010 – 2018. Skeletal patterning and tissue mechanics in limb development.
Louise-Marie Meunier (Ph.D.), McGill Univ. Earth and Planetary Sciences. Fall 2012 – 2018. Evolution of Pholidosauridae and the origin of Crocodylia.
John Ryan Caldwell (M.Sc.), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2014 – Winter 2017. Development of the avian tail.
Rui Tahara (Ph.D.), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2009 – Winter 2016. Evolution and development of the avian cranial pneumatic system.
Benjamin Wilhelm (Ph.D.) McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2010 – Winter 2016. Evolution and development of muscle complexity about the fin-limb transition.
Trina Du. (M.Sc.), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2011 – Summer 2013. Geometric morphometric analysis of walking fish.
Emily Bamforth (Ph.D.), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2008 – Fall 2013. Paleoecology and paleoenvironmental trends immediately prior to the end-Cretaceous extinction in the latest Maastrichtian (66 Ma) Frenchman Formation, Saskatchewan, Canada. 405p.
Luke Harrison (Ph.D.), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2008 – Spring 2013. Estimating evolutionary rates using discrete morphological characters: a case study with birds. 346p.
T. Alexander Dececchi (Ph.D.), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2005 – Winter 2012. The ecology, tempo, and mode of the dinosaur to bird transition: examining multiple aspects of a major evolutionary event. 693p.
Matthew Vavrek (Ph.D.), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2004 – 2011. Palaeomacroecology: large scale patterns in species diversity through the fossil record. 238p.
Audrey Heppleston (Ph.D.), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2004 – 2010. Developmental control of avian digit identity, reduction, and evolution.
Maria de Boef (Ph.D.), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2004 – Fall 2009. Effects of phylogeny, physiology, and function on bone microstructure in extant endothermic vertebrates.
Rui Tahara (M.Sc.), McGill Univ. Biology. Winter 2007 – Spring 2009. Cranial pneumatic anatomy of Ornithomimus edmontonicus (Ornithomimidae: Theropoda). 94p.
Nadia Fröbisch (Ph.D.), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2003 – Summer 2008. [co-supervised with R. Carroll]. Apadeon and the origin of salamanders.
Erin Maxwell (Ph.D.), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2003 – Summer 2008. Ontogeny and phylogeny of the avian skeleton.
Luke Harrison (M.Sc.), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2006 – Spring 2008. Evolution of developmental sequences.
Thomas Dececchi (M.Sc.), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2005 – Spring 2007. Evolutionary rates of the forelimb skeleton of theropod dinosaurs.
Sylvie Tissandier (M.Sc.), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2004 – Spring 2006. Evolution of fish paired fin disparity.
Maria de Boef (M.Sc.), McGill Univ. Biology. Fall 2004 – Spring 2006. Bone microstructure measurement and association to differing life histories.
- Noemie Shephard (6-credit BIOL 466) Fall 2019-Winter 2020. Tartigrade anatomy – from wet to tun.
- Anita Paperelli (3-credit FSCI 396) Winter 2019. Science interpretation at the Redpath Museum: animal locomotion.
- Elliot Hasik (6-credit BIOL 466). Anatomy of the shoulder of Hylonomus.
- Anthony Smith (12-credit BIOL Honours) Vasculogenesis as a roadmap for chonrification in early embryonic chkcien limb buds.
- Charlotte Ridsdale (12-credit BIOL Honours) Crumb rubber and chicken brain development: an ecotoxiology study.
- Chloe Gheradri (6-credit BIOL 468) Development of chicken shoulder and pectoral musculoskeletal system.
- Claudia Selles (6-credit EPSC 470) Bivalve and gastropod signatures of the palaeoclimate and palaeontology of the latest Maastrichtian Frenchman Formation, Saskatchewan Canada.
- Easton Houle (3-credit BIOL 466) A description of pygostyle anatomy in a stage HH41 embryo of Gallus gallus.
- Elton Angoni (6-credit BIOL 468) The development of the chicken forelimb and musculoskeletal system and the epigenteic mechanisms of limb development: quantifying limb spatial development.
- Lauren Mcausland (3-credit REDM 396) Creating and constructing new displays of Redpath Museum collections.
- Victoria Crozier (6-credit BIOL 468) Polyterus senegalus and the emergence of tetrapods onto land.
- Anthony Zerafa (3-credit BIOL 466 ) Fall 2016. Biodiversity of High Arctic arthropods.
- Eva Wu (3-credit REDM 396 ) Fall 2016. PhyloEcology of plants on Axel Heiberg Island.
- Camille Cote Taylor (3-credit REDM 396 ) Winter 2017. The Brain & Beyond: new gallery proposal for the Redpath Museum.
- Charlotte Begouen Demeaux (3-credit BIOL 466) Fall 2016. C-start escape response in P. senegalus during land to water transition.
- Edward McCrady (6-credit BIOL 466) Fall 2016 & Winter 2017. A new taxon of allogatorid from the Margaret Formation (Eocene), Ellesmere Island, Nunavut.
- Robert Bourque, EPSC 482, Winter 2016 (3 credits), Endocast reconstructions and comparisons between Cricosaurus sp. and Stolorkosuchus lapparenti.
- Klara Widrig (12-credit BIOL Honours) Fall 2016 & Winter 2017. Bite force and cranial kinesis in Tyrannosaurus rex.
- Patrick Farias (12-credit BIOL Honours) Fall 2016 & Winter 2017. Anatomical description and functional morphology of the pectoral fin of Pterois volitans and its implications on fin dexterity and evolution.
- Mark Velasquez (6-credit BIOL 468) Summer & Fall 2016. Tip-to-tail investigation: an analysis of tissue structures within chick embryos.
- Victoria Crozier (3-credit BIOL 466) Winter 2017. Terrestrial locomotion of Polypterus senegalus across various substrates and inclines.
- Elton (3-credit BIOL 466) Winter 2017. Epigenetic mechanisms of limb development: quantifying limb spatial development.
- Chloe Gherardi (3-credit BIOL 466) Winter 2017. Development of the avian shoulder: a literature review.
- Koby Song-Nichols (3-credit REDM 396) Winter 2016. Design and construction of a physical and virtual exhibit showcasing Lyme disease research at the Redpath Museum.
- Anthony Zerafa (3-credit REDM 396) Winter 2016. Design and construction of a physical and virtual exhibit showcasing Lyme disease research at the Redpath Museum.
- Nishanth Soundararajah (3-credit BIOL 466) Winter 2016. Preliminary description of a Campanian ceratopsian from Saskatchewan.
- Charlotte Begouen Demeaux (3-credit BIOL 466) Winter 2016. Terrestrial feeding in Polypterus.
- Patrick Farias (3-credit BIOL 466) Winter 2016. Pectoral fin anatomy of the Lionfish.
- Aidan Howenstien (6-credit BIOL 466) Fall 2015 – Winter 2016. Hox and Cdx expression in developing bird tails.
- Fiona Beaty (3-credit BIOL 466) Fall 2015. Terrestrial feeding in Polypterus.
- Melany Massey (3-credit BIOL 466) Fall 2014. Framing character analysis of embryonic Gallus gallus in a phylogenetic context.
- Blake Lerner (6-credit BIOL 468) Fall 2014 - Winter 2015. Paratympanic diverticuli of Stolokrosuchus lapparenti.
- Andrew Deighan (3-credit REDM 396) Paleoclimate estimates just before and after the end Cretaceous mass extinction from leaf fossils of the Frenchman and Ravenscrag Formations.
- Gabrielle Coderre-Chabot (12-credit Honours) Ephrin and Eph expression profiles in developing chick wing buds and the role of vacular networks in skeletal patterning.
- Isabel Fendley (3-credit REDM 396) Paleoclimate analysis of paleosols throughout the upper Frenchman Formation (Late Cretaceous).
- Sarah Popov (3-credit REDM 396) Quarry map and preparation of fossils from the Dinosaur Park Formation of Sask Landing Provincial Park.
- Xiaolei Liu (12-credit Honours) Description of the postcranial skeleton of a new captorhinid from Permian rocks of Niger.
- Evelyn Lo (12-credit Honour's project) Evolution and development of the avian tail.
- Jillian Oliver (12-credit Honour's project) Polypterid neck anatomy and a novel approach to feeding.
- Jillian Oliver (NSERC USRA, summer 2013) Neck bending kinematics and anatomy of Polypterus.
- Gabrielle Coderre-Chabot (NSERC USRA, summer 2013) collaring
- Isabel Fendley (McGill SURA, summer 2013) Paleosol analysis and paleoclimate of the late Maastrichtian of Grasslands National Park.
- Eric Searle (6-credit independent study) limb cell tracking
- Amelia Moursy (6-credit independent study) Expression of Fgf8 and Shh in constrained early forelimb development in the chick.
- Christine Button (6-credit independent study). Palaeoclimate reconstruction of the Upper Frenchman Formation using plant proxies.
- Erin McConnell (6 credit independent study BIOL 468) Physical constraints to limb bud development.
- Danielle De Carle (6-credit independent study), McGill Univ. Palaeobiodiversity of selected microsites in Grasslands National Park.
- Kathleen Sagrin (6-credit independent study), McGill Univ. 3D reconstructions of Alligator and Polypterus skulls.
- Jillian Oliver (NSERC USRA) Summer 2012. Epigenetic constraints to limb development.
- Trina Du (12-credit Honours project), McGill Univ. Geometric morphometrics of theropod cranial evolution.
- Evelyn Lo (NSERC USRA) Summer 2011. Development of the chick tail.
- Trina Du (NSERC USRA) Summer 2010. Field assistant for palaeobiodiversity research in Grasslands National Park, SK.
- Carine Touma (NSERC USRA) Summer 2010. Field assistant for palaeobiodiversity research in Grasslands National Park, SK.
- 2008-2009
- Mandy Silverman (6 credit independent study), McGill Univ., Fall span. Expression profiles of FGFs in the developing chick tail bud.
- Gosia Fiedler (6 credit independent study), McGill Univ., Fall span. Expression profiles of retinoic acid receptors in the developing chick tail bud
- Sian Wilson (3 credit independent study), McGill Univ., Fall. Allometry of skeletal growth in tyrannosaurids.
- Johnathan Werbit (3 credit independent study), McGill Univ., Fall. Rotary biomechanics of the tyrannosaur jaw joint.
- Kaveh Namdaran (6 credit independent study), McGill Univ., Fall span. Evolution of robustness and complexity of human societies.
- Lisa Parente (3 credit independent study), McGill Univ., Winter 2007. Neurovascular development of the bird tail.
- Julie Rousseau (6 credit independent study), McGill Univ., Fall span 2007. Microsite faunal survey of the Upper Frenchman Formation (Maastrichtian) of Saskatchewan.
- Elia Malka (3 credit Undergraduate Independent Studies), McGill Univ., Fall 2007. Evolution of modularity in fish fins.
- Heather Bell (Undergraduate Independent Studies), McGill Univ., Fall 2006. Description of plant macrofossils from the Frenchman Formation, Saskatchewan.
- Diane Liu (Undergraduate Independent Studies), McGill Univ., Fall 2005 – Winter 2006. Possible role of the vasculature in shaping eht early bone structure of the developing embryonic chicken wing.
- Ardeshir Ebn Alnassir (Undergraduate Independent Studies), McGill Univ., Fall 2006 – Winter 2007. On the embryonic development of the avian tail.
- Michael Cournoyea (Undergraduate Biology Honours project), McGill Univ. Fall 2006 – Winter 2007. Justification of Homology and Modularity.
- JP Begly (REDM 396). Winter 2007. Assembly and analysis of a database of Late Triassic Chinese plants.
- Elia Malka REDM 396. Summer 2007. Modularity of fish fins.
- Chase Moser (Undergraduate Independent Studies), McGill Univ., Fall 2006 – Winter 2007. Bone microstructure of arctic seals.
- Ben Wilhelm (Undergraduate Independent Studies), McGill Univ., Fall 2006 – Winter 2007. Description of a complete paleoniscoid fossil fish from Nova Scotia.
- Kenny Arulanantham (Undergraduate Independent Studies), McGill Univ., Fall 2005 – Winter 2006. Possible role of the vasculature in shaping eht early bone structure of the developing embryonic chicken wing.
- Lionel Bure (Undergraduate Independent Studies), McGill Univ., Fall 2005- Winter 2006. Early skeletal patterning of bird tail development.
- Rebeka Church (Undergraduate Independent Studies), McGill Univ., Fall 2005. Phytogeography of the Triassic.
- Ardeshir Ebn Alnassir (Undergraduate Independent Studies), McGill Univ., Winter 2005. On the embryonic development of the avian tail.
- Paul Grinvalds (Undergraduate Independent Studies), McGill Univ., Winter 2006. Development of the vertebrate tail.
- Luke Harrison (Undergraduate Honours Thesis), McGill Univ., Fall 2005 – Winter 2006. A novel approach to inferring ancestral developmental sequences on a phylogeny.
- Michael Konviser (Undergraduate Independent Studies), McGill Univ., Fall 2005 – Winter 2006. Dynamics of limb bud development in chicken (Gallus gallus): vasculature patterning.
- Justyn Lutfy-Lapierre (Undergraduate Independent Studies), McGill Univ., Winter 2005. Three-dimensional modeling of the infant temporal bone, external, middle and inner ear, tympanic membrane, and ossicles using clinical CT scans.
- Stuart Wershof (Undergraduate Independent Studies), McGill Univ., Winter 2005. Cranial kinematics of Tyrannosaurus rex.
- Maria de Boef (Undergraduate Independent Studies), McGill Univ., Fall 2004 – Winter 2005. Bone Histology: sampling techniques, quantitative measurements and examination of a growth series of Phocidae humeri.
- Sam Hapke (Undergraduate Independent Studies), McGill Univ., Fall 2004. Skeletogenic patterning in Alligator limbs.
- Adam Michel (Undergraduate Independent Studies), McGill Univ., Winter 2005. Mesenchymal skeletogenic condensations of Emu wings and legs.
- Stephen Morison (Undergraduate Independent Studies), McGill Univ., Winter 2005. Mesenchymal skeletogenic condensations of the avian tail.
- Martin Brazeau (NSERC USRA), McGill Univ., Summer 2004. Mesenchymal skeletogenic condensations of the paddlefish fins.
- Maryves Guévremont (NSERC USRA), McGill Univ., Summer 2004. Mesenchymal skeletogenic condensations of the chick hindlimb.