The SCPC applies state-of-the-art quantitative mass spectrometry-based proteomics and metabolomics methods for research, provides services to the academic, pharmaceutical and biotechnology groups, and translates quantitative mass spectrometry assays to the clinic. The Jewish General Hospital Proteomics Centre encompasses the Segal Cancer Proteomics Centre (SCPC) and the Warren Y. Soper Program in Translational Proteomics.
- (Fundamental) method development
- MultiOMICS for personalized medicine
- Proteogeonomics
- Targeted MS assays for the clinic
- Identification of PTMs
- Relative quantitative proteomics and phosphoproteomics
- Targeted quantitative MS proteomics & metabolomics
- MultiOMICS
- Protein-protein interactions
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Our technologies can be applied to a wide range of samples, from purified proteins and protein complexes to biofluids, cells, biopsies and FFPE tissues, requiring only minimal sample amounts (e.g. few µL of blood; few µg of total protein from cells and tissues).
The Segal Cancer Proteomics Centre is part of two Pan-Canadian networks, TMIC ( and PCPC (