Arthur S. Hawkes Fellowship
Established in 2000 through a generous bequest by Dr. Arthur S. Hawkes, Ph.D. 1945.
Eligibility | Awarded by the Faculty of Medicine to an outstanding graduate student in the Department of Biochemistry. |
Value | Varies; one award available |
Biomedical Engineering
Geddes Prize in Biomedical Engineering
Eligibility | Dr. L.A. Geddes, B.Eng. 1945, M.Eng. 1953, Hon.D.Sc. 1971, established an annual prize in Biomedical Engineering at the discretion of the Chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering. |
John F. Davis Award
Established in 2003 by John F. Davis, B.Eng. 1942, M.Eng. 1949, M.D.,C.M. 1950.
Eligibility | Awarded every year to a graduate student enrolled in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, by the Chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering. The award will be for a significant contribution (Master's or Doctoral thesis, major conference paper or journal paper) for a subject applicable to diagnostic or treatment procedures for Neurological or Psychiatric disorders. |
Value | $500 |
Last update: 06 Dec. 2016
Biomedical Ethics
I.M. Rabinowitch Fellowship
Established in 2006 by a bequest from William J. Prager, to honour the career of Israel Mordecai Rabinowitch, M.D.,C.M. 1917, D.Sc. 1932 (1890-1983), described as the father of clinical chemistry in Canada. Dr Rabinowitch joined the McGill Faculty of Medicine in 1922, and helped build the Metabolism and Toxicology Department at the Montreal General Hospital. He was one of the first medical scientists to test insulin, and by the 1930s, his diabetic clinic was the second largest in North America. He also organized and commanded Canada's Chemical Warfare Defense Laboratory during World War II, and developed educational materials directed at protecting civilians from chemical warfare agents.
Eligibility | Awarded on the basis of academic merit by the Faculty of Medicine, on the recommendation of the Biomedical Ethics Unit, to one or more Master's or PhD students pursuing studies through the Biomedical Ethics Unit. Preferences will be given to graduate students pursuing theses that are in line with Dr. Rabinowitch's medical and scientific legacy, or commitment to Jewish ethics and jurisprudence |
Value | Approximately $15,000 per recipient. May be renewable. |
Last update: 07 Oct. 2019
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Lucie Besner Neuroscience of Human Communication Fellowship
Created in 2012 by Lucie Besner, to be used for graduate students in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders. This fellowship will be granted yearly to one or more masters or doctoral students who are performing research in the field of neuroscience of human communication.
Eligibility | Granted by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences on the recommendation of the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders. |
Value | Varies |
Last update: 26 Jan. 2021
Montreal League for the Hard of Hearing Award
Established by a gift from the Montreal League for the Hard of Hearing Inc. for students in training.
Eligibility | Candidates must be enrolled at the graduate level in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders doing work in the area of hearing impairment. Awarded by the School. |
Value | Varies |
Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health
Ely and Ezequiel Franco Fellowship in Epidemiology
Established in 2020 by Dr. Eduardo L. Franco, OC in honor of his mother, Mrs. Ely Franco and his late father, Mr. Ezequiel Franco.
Eligibility | Awarded on the basis of academic merit by the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health within the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, upon the recommendation of the Chair of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health. For one or more graduate students in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences who are pursuing research in the field of epidemiology. |
Value | Varies. May be renewable. |
Last Updated: 26 Jan. 2021
Zhongci Wang and Marlene Abrams Fellowship
Established in 2024 by Ye Hua, MSc 1999 in honour of his mother, Zhongci Wang, and Marlene Abrams, former graduate program coordinator in the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health.
Eligibility | Awarded annually by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences on the basis of academic merit to Master’s or Doctoral students entering or enrolled in the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents. |
Value | Varies. Renewable twice at the Master’s level and up to three times at the PhD level. |
Experimental Medicine
Dr. Gerald B. Price Memorial Awards
Established in 2004, by family and friends, to honour Dr. Gerald B. Price's memory and his many contributions as Director of the Division of Experimental Medicine.
Eligibility | Awarded by the Division of Experimental Medicine on the basis of merit, through an annual competitive process to students enrolled in the 2nd or 3rd year of the Ph.D. program in the Division of Experimental Medicine. The awards will be used to enhance the students' graduate training by providing travel funds for the presentation of a scholarly contribution at a scientific conference. The amount of the award is expected to be matched by the awardee's supervisor. |
Value | Varies |
Last updated: 27 Sep. 2018
Experimental Surgery
Gaston Schwarz Fellowship in Plastic Surgery
Established in 2022 by family and friends in loving memory of former professor and plastic surgeon Dr. Gaston Schwarz, BSc 1962.
Eligibility | Awarded by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences on the basis of academic merit to one or more outstanding graduate students accepted as an MSc or PhD candidate to conduct research in the Division of Plastic Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. |
Value | Varies. May be renewable. |
Last updated: 16 Feb. 2023
Ingram School of Nursing
Alumnae Association of The McGill School Of Nursing Award
Eligibility | Awards are available for students in graduate nursing programs. |
Value | $1,000 per award, prorated by student status |
Deadline | September 30 |
Application | To the Chair of the Awards Committee. Application form will be posted under the Student Information/Funding Opportunities page at the start of the academic year, i.e., September. |
Canadian Nurses Foundation Fellowship
Members of the Canadian Nurses Foundation and Canadian Nurses Association may apply for awards to study at the Baccalaureate, Master's and Doctoral level. Special awards are identified for neurosurgical, oncology, community health nursing, epidemiology, etc.
Eligibility | Applicants must be registered in a program and be willing to serve in a nursing position in Canada for one year for each academic year funded. Quebec applicants must apply for licensure in another Canadian province or territory in order to apply for a Fellowship. |
Deadline | April 15 |
Application | Apply to the Canadian Nurses Foundation, 50 The Driveway, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 1E2 after November 1. |
Corporation of Nurses of the District of Montreal Bursary
Eligibility | Bursaries are awarded yearly for study leading to a Master's degree or to a Doctorate in nursing. |
Application | For further information re: application, please write to: Corporation of Nurses of the District of Montreal, 666 Sherbrooke Street W., Suite 1004, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1E7. |
Dr. Susan E. French Bursary
Established in 2022 by Dr. Susan E. French, OC, BN 1965 for one or more undergraduate (entering or enrolled) and graduate (enrolled) students in the Ingram School of Nursing.
Eligibility | Awarded by the Scholarships and Student Aid Office on the basis of demonstrated financial need and good academic standing. |
Value | Varies. May be renewable. |
Last update: 21 Feb. 2023
Evelyn Rocque Malowany Prize in Nursing
Established in 2007 by Evelyn Rocque Malowany, M.Sc.(A) 1963.
Eligibility | Awarded by the Ingram School of Nursing to a graduating student who has demonstrated initiative and leadership in the profession. |
Value | $500 |
Last update: 06 Jun. 2013
F. Moyra Allen Prize
Established in 1987 in honour of Dr. F. Moyra Allen, B.N. 1948, Emeritus Professor of Nursing 1985, for her distinguished career and international renown.
Eligibility | Awarded by the School to a graduating student in the Master's program who shows potential for a distinctive career in the study and practice of nursing. |
Value | Varies |
Last update: 11 Sep. 2017
Helen Mussallem Bursaries
Established in 2013 by the donor-supported McGill Nursing Collaborative in memory of Dr. Helen Mussallem, CC, for graduate students in the direct-entry MSc(A) program in the Ingram School of Nursing.. Dr. Mussallem, a McGill Nursing bachelor's graduate (1947), was widely considered to be the most distinguished Canadian nurse of her time. Her tireless advocacy for the profession and for public health internationally, as well as her pioneering spirit and path breaking leadership in nursing education were the hallmarks of her remarkably rich career.
Eligibility | Awarded by the Scholarships and Student Aid Office on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic standing. Preference will be given to students in their qualifying year of the MSc(A) program. |
Value | Varies |
Last update: 01 Mar. 2013
Irma K. Riley Awards
Established through a bequest from Irma K. Riley, Cert. Nurs. 1951.
Eligibility | Awarded on the basis of scholarly achievement by the School of Nursing to outstanding non-nurse applicants entering the Qualifying program for a Master’s degree in Nursing. |
Value | Minimum $2,800 each |
McGill Nursing Collaborative Doctoral Fellowship
Established in 2013 by the donor-supported McGill Nursing Collaborative for outstanding doctoral students pursuing research in patient- and family-centered care at the Ingram School of Nursing.
Eligibility | Awarded by the Ingram School of Nursing on the basis of academic merit. |
Value | $35,000 |
Last update: 05 Dec. 2013
Nessa Leckie Memorial Award
Established in 2001 through a generous bequest from Nessa Leckie, B.N. 1961.
Eligibility | Awarded by the School of Nursing to an outstanding student enrolled in the Master's program in the School of Nursing whose major area of studies is mental health nursing, who is working or has previously worked in the nursing field in an area relating to mental health and who has demonstrated clinical expertise in this area. |
Estimated value | $2,300 |
Application | For further information, apply to the Alumnae Office, Nurses' Home, Royal Victoria Hospital, 687 Pine Avenue West, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1A1. |
Royal Victoria Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association Bursary
Eligibility | Bursaries are available for graduates of the Royal Victoria Hospital, School of Nursing, who have been accepted into an approved university program. |
Application |
For further information, apply to the Alumnae Office, Nurses' Home, Royal Victoria Hospital, 687 Pine Avenue West, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1A1. |
St. John Ambulance (Order of St. John) of Canada Bursaries
Eligibility | Available to experienced registered nurses preparing for leadership positions. Preference will be given to qualified applicants who are volunteers with St. John Ambulance. |
Estimated value | One bursary of $1,000 from the Margaret MacLaren Memorial Fund for studies at the Master's level |
Application | Apply to the Chair of Bursary Funds, St. John Ambulance, National Headquarters, 312 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6P6. |
W.K. Kellogg Foundation Loan Fund
Eligibility | This fund was established to assist students who have unexpected expenses while registered in courses at the School of Nursing. |
Application | Consult the Director, Student Aid Office, Brown Student Services Building, 3600 McTavish Street, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 0G3. |
Medical Physics
Ervin B. Podgorsak Fellowship
Established in 2017 in honour of Dr. Ervin B. Podgorsak, the former director and the outstanding medical physicist of the Medical Physcis unit.
Eligibility | For one or more outstanding graduate studetns entering the Medical Physics program in the Faculty of Medicine. Awarded by the Faculty of Medicine on the basis of academic merit. |
Value | Varies |
Last Update: 16 Aug. 2017
Microbiology and Immunology
F.C. Harrison Fellowships
Established in 1953 by a bequest from the late Francis Charles Harrison, Emeritus Professor of Bacteriology and Emeritus Dean of the Faculty of Graduate studies.
Eligibility | Awarded by the Department of Microbiology and Immunology on the basis of academic merit to full-time graduate students. |
Value | Varies |
Wares Family Fellowship in Microbiology and Immunology
Established in 2014 by Robert Wares, BSc 1979, DSc 2012, for outstanding graduate students in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology.
Eligibility | Awarded by the Faculty of Medicine on the basis of academic merit. |
Value | Varies |
Last Update: 27 Jun. 2014
Wilfred Yaphe Award
Established in 1986 by the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, in memory of Dr Wilfred Yaphe, Professor in the Department from 1966 until his untimely death in 1986.
Eligibility | Granted upon recommendation of the Graduate Committee of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, to two MSc students and two PhD students who obtain the highest seminar grade for a final research seminar. |
Value | Varies |
Last Update: 16 Mar. 2017
Dr. Kamil Nasr Fellowship
Established in 2021 by Dr. Kamil Nasr.
Eligibility | Awarded by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences on the basis of academic merit to one or more outstanding Master’s students entering or enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences in Ophthalmology. Preference will be given to students from: Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt. |
Application | Varies |
Last update: 12 May 2022
Percy Hermant Fellowships in Ophthalmology
This fellowship, established by Mr. Percy Hermant, is divided among the first-year residents in ophthalmology.
Eligibility | Candidates must be graduates of Medicine at McGill or other approved medical schools, must be commencing the study of Ophthalmology at McGill and must be planning to practice this specialty in Canada. |
Application | Apply to the Chair, Department of Ophthalmology, McGill University. |
Sean Murphy Award
Established in 1997 from a bequest of Miss Dorothy Brown.
Eligibility | Award is competitive based on merit and excellence. Awarded for research in Ophthalmology by a committee of the Department of Ophthalmology to one or more residents, graduate students or postdoctoral fellows. |
Application | Varies |
Orthopaedic Surgery
Dr. Albert A. Butler Award in Orthopaedics
Established in 2001 by Kaye Takamatsu-Butler in memory of Dr. Albert A. Butler, M.D.,C.M. 1935.
Eligibility | The award will be used to support residents doing research in the field of orthopaedics and/or postgraduate orthopaedic training at McGill. This support can include travel funds for residents to attend conferences, the purchase of research equipment and acknowledgement gifts such as book prizes. Awarded by the Program Director of the McGill Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program in consultation with the Associate Dean of Postgraduate Medical Education. |
Value | Varies |
Last update: 14 Feb. 2017
Bowman Corning Crowell Award
Established in 1979 by a bequest from Frances B. Crowell.
Eligibility | Awarded by a committee in the Department of Pathology to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows (research or clinical work), or residents. The award is competitive based on merit and excellence. The criteria for selection are determined by a committee appointed by the Chair. |
Value | Varies |
Robert More Award in Pathology
Established in 1997 from a bequest of Miss Dorothy Brown.
Eligibility | Awarded by a committee of the Department of Pathology to a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow. |
Value | One student at $15,000 or two students at $7,500 each |
Pharmacology and Therapeutics
James Frosst Fellowship
Established in 1990 by the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics through a donation from Merck Frosst Canada Inc.
Eligibility | Primarily awarded by the graduate training committee to an outstanding international applicant to the program. Deadline: All international applicants conditionally accepted to the program prior to May 1 are considered for the Fellowship. |
Value |
$10,000 |
Macintosh Prize in Pharmacology
Established in 1991 for graduate studies in Pharmacology by the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics in honour of Professor F.C. MacIntosh, a distinguished McGill scientist.
Eligibility | Awarded annually to a student who has presented, within the last year, a senior seminar and who has progressed towards a submission of thesis. |
Value | Varies |
Last updated: 27 Sep. 2018
Pharmacology Graduate Student Fellowship
Established in 2015 for one or more graduate students in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics in the Faculty of Medicine.
Eligibility | Awarded by the Faculty of Medicine on the basis of academic merit. Preference will be given to international students. |
Value | Varies |
Last update: 14 Dec. 2015
Theodore Sourkes Prize
Established in 1992 by the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics in honour of Professor Theodore Sourkes.
Eligibility | Awarded annually to recognize outstanding contribution by a graduate student in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, as judged from a paper published in a peer-reviewed journal. The supervisor must be a member of the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. The student should have been an active member of the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics community, with input from the Graduate Association of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Students (GAPTS) in an advisory role. Awarded by the Department to a student currently in the program or having graduated within a year. |
Value | Varies |
Last updated: 12 Jul. 2022
Physical and Occupational Therapy
Barbara Rosenthal Prize
Established in 1992 as a tribute to Barbara Rosenthal’s, Dip. PT 1961, B.Sc. OT 1975, M.A. Ed. Tech. 1983, longstanding affiliation with the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy and her devoted years of service to the practice of occupational therapy.
Eligibility | Awarded to a full-time student in the Master's Program in Rehabilitation Science with preference being given to an Occupational Therapist. The prize will be given by the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy on the basis of high academic standing at the end of the first year of study. |
Value | Varies |
Bourse de recherche Anne Lang Etienne
Eligibility | Offered to Occupational Therapists pursuing a Master's or Ph.D. degree who are full members of the Ordre des ergothérapeutes du Québec (OPEQ). |
Value |
$1,000 for Ph.D.; $750 for Master’s. |
Deadline |
November 1 - December 1 |
Application |
For further information, contact the Ordre des ergothérapeutes du Québec, 2021 Union Street, Suite 920, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2S9; telephone: 514-844-5778; fax: 514-844-0478; email: ergo [at]; website: |
Bourse de recherche en milieu clinique et bourse d'études supérieures
Eligibility | Offered to Physiotherapists and also those registered in the Master's Program. |
Value | $1,250 (Graduate Studies) and $7,500 (Research). |
Deadline | January 31 |
Application | Apply to the Ordre des physiothérapeutes du Québec, 7151 Jean Talon Est, bureau 1000, Anjou, Quebec, H1M 3N8; telephone: 514-351-2770, toll-free: 1-800-361-2001; fax: 514-351-2658; email: physio [at]; website: |
Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists' Award
Eligibility | Presented to the student with the highest standing throughout the professional program in Occupational Therapy M.Sc.A. (O.T.). |
Canadian Physiotherapy Association Award
Eligibility | Presented to the student with the highest standing throughout the professional program in Physical Therapy M.Sc.A. (P.T.). |
Canadian Physiotherapy Cardio-Respiratory Society (CPCRS) Student Excellence Award
Eligibility | Presented to the graduating student in the professional program in Physical Therapy M.Sc.A (P.T.) who has demonstrated excellence in the area of cardio-respiratory physiotherapy. |
Carol Rutenberg-Silver Memorial Award
Established by the family in memory of Carol Rutenberg-Silver, a Physical Therapy graduate of 1958.
Eligibility | Awarded annually to the graduating student with the highest standing in the professional program in Physical Therapy M.Sc.A. (P.T.). |
Value | Varies |
Clinical Prize of Excellence
Eligibility | Awarded by l'Ordre professionnelle de la physiothérapie du Québec to the student demonstrating exceptional overall performance in attaining the objectives of the clinical placements throughout the professional program in Physical Therapy M.Sc.A. (P.T.). |
Clinical Prize of Excellence
Eligibility | Awarded by l'Ordre des ergothérapeutes du Québec to the student demonstrating exceptional overall performance in attaining the objectives of the clinical placements throughout the professional program in Occupational Therapy M.Sc.A. (O.T.). |
Fellowship Graduate Certificate in Assessing Driving Capabilities Program
Established in 2009 by the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec, this fellowship is offered according to merit to Occupational Therapists registered in the Graduate Certificate in Assessing Driving Capabilities at McGill University. This fellowship, initiated at the request of the Ordre des ergothérapeutes du Québec in 2005, aims at increasing the number of qualified Occupational Therapists in the area of driving and this for all clients from different regions of the province of Québec. Employers from Québec's health care and social services are also equal participants in the fellowship.
Eligibility | 1. Must be a member of the Ordre des ergothérapeutes du Québec. 2. Must have been accepted and be registered, after October 15, 2009 in the Graduate Certificate Program at McGill University, or in another university program which offers the five courses: POTH 673, POTH 674, POTH 675, POTH 676 and POTH 677. 3. Must complete and sign the fellowship application form and provide: a. for candidates employed in an institution in the health care and social services sector, a written commitment from their employer stating that they will contribute to an equivalent of 50% of the registration fees for each of the five courses of the program; b. for candidates not employed by an institution in the public sector, a written commitment from them or their employer stating that they will finance the equivalent of 50% of the registration fees for each of the five courses of the program. 4. Must confirm their intention to succeed in all of the courses of the graduate certificate program during the admissibility period, which is within 3 years following the official start date of the POTH 673 course as established by the University. |
Value | 50% of registration fees for each of the five courses of the program |
Deadline | June 1, 2011 for September 2011 admission. October 15, 2011 for January 2012 admission. |
Application | Visit website |
Gevorg Chilingaryan Award of Excellence
Established in 2019 by Lilia Soukiasian in memory of her late husband, Gevorg Chilingaryan, to recognize and promote the academic achievements of outstanding graduating PhD and MSc candidates in the School of Physical & Occupational Therapy. This award honours Gevorg's strength of character and unwavering dedication to the field. Moreover, it is inspired by his steadfast commitment to his studies while maintaining a caregiving role to his family, as well as being present for his friends, colleagues and positively affecting so many lives in his path.
Eligibility | Awarded annually by the School of Physical & Occupational Therapy to a distinguished PhD or MSc candidate graduating from McGill University under the supervision of a Faculty member from the Rehabilitation Science program. Preference will be given to PhD candidates that are members of the Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en readaptation du Montreal metropolitan (CRIR) and carrying out their research at the Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital site, under the supervision of a CRIR researcher from the school. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate community engagement and/or resilience in the face of challenging life circumstances. |
Value | Varies |
Hearn Family Foundation Fellowship
Established in 2015 by the Hearn Family Foundation to support one graduate student in the School of Physical & Occupational Therapy associated with Dr. Timothy Wideman's (or his successor's) research laboratory whose research focuses on improving the lives of people living with pain.
Eligibility | Awarded on the basis of academic merit by the Faculty of Medicine upon recommendation of the School of Physical & Occupational Therapy. Preference will be given to students whose research focuses on advancing new biopsychosocial tools for understanding and managing pain, clinical strategies for addressing the subjectivity of pain and/or pain education for health professionals. |
Value | $25,000. May be renewable. |
Helen M. Gault Awards
Eligibility | Presented to a graduating student in the professional program in Occupational Therapy M.Sc.A. (O.T.) and a graduating student in the professional program in Physical Therapy M.Sc.A. (P.T.) who have demonstrated the most outstanding qualities of leadership, scholarship and professionalism throughout their undergraduate program. |
Value | Varies |
Judith Kornbluth Gelfand Paediatric Fellowship
Established by her husband and Dynamic Capital Corporation as a tribute to Judith Kornbluth Gelfand, Dip. PT 1958, Dip. OT 1959, B.Sc. PT 1976, in recognition of her interest in children suffering from neurological and neuromuscular disorders.
Eligibility | Awarded by the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy to an outstanding graduate student conducting research studies to improve the efficacy of physiotherapeutic rehabilitation with preference to paediatrics, neurological and neuromuscular disorders. |
Value | Varies |
Kavita Kulkarni Memorial Prize in Rehabilitation Science
Established in 2002 by family, friends and the Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital (JRH) Foundation in memory of Kavita Kulkarni, B.Sc.(Phys.Ther.) 2001. Kavita was an outstanding student in the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy whose sudden and tragic death was mourned by all who knew her.
Eligibility | Awarded by the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy on the basis of high academic standing excellence to an outstanding graduate student enrolled in a full-time degree program in the School. Preference shall be given to students pursuing research in Rehabilitation Science at the JRH. |
Value | Minimum $750 |
Korner-Bitensky Prize for Generosity of Spirit
This award was established in 2014 by the donor, in recognition of the importance of generosity to the growth and learning of others.
Eligibility | awarded by the Director of the School of Physical & Occupational Therapy at the convocation reception to one OT and one PT student. |
Value | $250 per student, one in OT and one in PT (total: $500/year) |
Last Update: 15 Jun. 2015
Lois Radcliffe Memorial Practitioner Prize
Established in 2013 by Kenneth Radcliffe, BEng 1948, in memory of his wife, Lois Radcliffe, Dip(PTH) 1948, for outstanding graduate students entering the Masters Physical Therapy program at the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy.
Eligibility | Awarded by the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy on the basis of high academic standing, excellent clinical skills, and commitment to the profession. |
Value | Varies |
Last Update: 22 Jan. 2014
Margherita Rapagna Memorial Prize in Rehabilitation Science
Established in 2002 by family, friends and the Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital (JRH) Foundation in memory of Margherita Rapagna. Margherita was an outstanding student in the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy whose sudden and tragic death was mourned by all who knew her.
Eligibility | Awarded by the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy on the basis of high academic standing excellence to an outstanding graduate student enrolled in a full-time degree program in the School. Preference shall be given to students pursuing research in Rehabilitation Science at the JRH. |
Value | Varies |
Patricia Ann Macdonald Wells Van Daele Memorial Award
Established in 2003 by family, friends and colleagues of Patricia Ann MacDonald Wells Van Daele as well as graduates of the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy.
Eligibility | Awarded by the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy to students enrolled in the School's professional programs or to post-baccalaureate physical and occupational therapists registered in the Master's programs in Rehabilitation Science, in recognition of an outstanding clinical, community-based, or research project related to the aging population and/or clinical education. |
Value |
Minimum $500 |
P & OT Alumni Student Travel Grants
The School of P & OT's GREAT Travel Grant in combination with the Alumni Student Travel Grant provides support for Graduate Students in Rehabilitation Science to attend a scholarly meeting or conference where they will be presenting a paper or poster related to their research. These funds may also apply for visits to a laboratory for research activities related to the student's thesis.
Eligibility | While priority will be given to full-time students, there is also possibility of funding part-time students. All students are expected to apply to other external travel funds (i.e., REPAR) during the same cycle. Students may apply prior to receiving confirmation of acceptance, but must have been accepted to present a paper or poster at a scholarly meeting that falls within the specified time period. Eligible expenses include travel, transfer, accommodations, food, conference fees, etc. at the recipient's discretion. Expenditures must be justified with original receipts and boarding passes, where relevant. Further details on School of P & OT website ( |
Value | $600 (International/National conference); $250 (Quebec conference) |
Deadline | September 15 (November 1 to February 29 presentation “oral or poster”);January 15 (March 1 to June 30 presentation “oral or poster”); May 15 (July 1 to October 31 presentation “oral or poster”) |
Richard And Edith Strauss Fellowships
Established in 2007 by the Richard and Edith Strauss Canada Foundation to support research and scholarship in the area of health and rehabilitation sciences. The School of Physical and Occupational Therapy selects outstanding doctoral students in rehabilitation science and notifies the Faculty of Medicine which administers the awarding of the Fellowships to the recipients.
Eligibility | Eligible areas of research include: disease and/or disability prevention; ameliorating symptom impact; and, optimizing function and social participation for individuals with chronic musculoskeletal conditions. Types of research include: translational, clinical and knowledge translation. |
Value |
Maximum $35,000; renewable once based upon evaluation by the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy and a two- to three-page progress report.Note: The Fellowships are accompanied by an allowance for research expenses of up to $2,500/year over the period of the Fellowship. This allowance may, for example, be used to cover travel to major national or international conferences. |
Deadline | October 1 |
Sandra Perlman Memorial Prize
Established by family in memory of Sandra Perlman, a graduate of the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, P.T. Class of 1958, and B.Sc. (Phys. Ther.) Class of 1976.
Eligibility | Awarded annually to the graduating student in the professional program in Physical Therapy M.Sc.A. (P.T.) who, in the opinion of faculty, best exemplifies attributes desirable of a caring professional, these being compassion, empathy, concern for the needs of the patient, and devotion to the profession. |
Value | Varies |
Last Update: 07 Jul. 2016
SPOT Alumnae Doctoral Entrance Fellowship
Established in 2019 by the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy to support one student entering the doctoral program in Rehabilitation Science.
Eligibility | Awarded on the basis of academic merit by the Faculty of Medicine upon recommendation of the School of Physical & Occupational Therapy. |
Value | Varies. Non-renewable. |
Last Update: 07 Oct. 2019
Charles River Laboratories Fellowship
Established in 2018 by the Charles River Laboratories.
Eligibility | Awarded by the Faculty of Medicine, upon the recommendation of the Department of Physiology, on the basis of academic merit to an outstanding graduate student entering or enrolled in the Department of Physiology. |
Value | $10, 000 |
Last update: 14 Jun. 2018
Dr. Richard I. Birks Fellowships in Physiology
Established in 2008 through a generous bequest by Dr. Richard I. Birks, B.A. 1949, M.Sc. 1954, Ph.D. 1957.
Eligibility | Awarded by the Faculty of Medicine upon recommendation from the Department of Physiology to an outstanding graduate student in the department. |
Value | Varies |
Last update: 14 Oct. 2014
Max E. and Jane K. Childress Fellowship in Physiology
Established in 2016 through the generous bequest of Max E. Childress, MD., C.M. 1940, in support of one or more outstanding graduate students in the Department of Physiology.
Eligibility | Awarded by the Faculty of Medicine upon recommendation of the Department of Physiology on the basis of academic merit. |
Value | Varies |
Last update: 11 Nov. 2016
The Dr. Jack and Fanor Hilton and Sons Foundation Fellowship in Physiology
Established in 2023 by The Dr. Jack and Fanor Hilton and Sons Foundation.
Eligibility | Awarded annually on the basis of academic merit by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences to one Master’s student entering or enrolled in the Physiology program and pursuing a research project. |
Value | $10,000. May be renewable. |