This page offers a list of academic journals that engage with Gender, Sexuality and Feminist studies, organized by the different fields/disciplines to which they relate. This list is by no means exhaustive, so please do contact us if you know of other journals that should be added.
Art History and Communication Studies
Journal | About | Frequency |
Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media and Technology | Ada is an open-access, multi-modal, peer-reviewed feminist journal concerned with the intersections of gender, new media, and technology. It is a publication born out of the Fembot Collective, an international feminist collective of media scholars, artists, and professionals. | 2 issues per year |
Camera Obscura | Devoted to providing innovative feminist perspectives on film, television, and visual media. Encompasses a spectrum of media practices including avant-garde, alternative, fringe, international and mainstream. | 3 issues per year |
Feminist Media Studies | Feminist Media Studies provides a transdisciplinary, transnational forum for researchers pursuing feminist approaches to the field of media and communication studies, with attention to the historical, philosophical, cultural, social, political, and economic dimensions of analysis of sites, including print and electronic media, film, the arts, and new media technologies. | 6 issues per year |
Gender, Technology and Development | Gender, Technology and Development serves as a forum for exploring the linkages between changing gender relations and technological development. This multidisciplinary journal develops the theory and practice of gender and technological development and defines policy and programs in their political, economic, and social contexts. | 3 issues per year |
Media Report to Women | Media Report to Women provides information on all types of media and the way they depict women and issues of interest to women, how audiences respond to those images, and the effect they have on women and girls, men and boys. | 4 issues per year |
Women: A Cultural Review | The journal analyses the theory and politics of sexual difference in literature, the media, history, education, law, philosophy, psychoanalysis and the performing and visual arts. | 3 issues per year |
Women and Language | Women and Language is an international interdisciplinary journal providing a feminist forum for those interested in communication, language, and gender. This journal aims to uncover the interconnections among sex, gender, race, class, and heterosexual hegemony, examining the role of symbolic communication, verbal and non verbal, in those processes and connections, attending especially to the impacts of masculinist paradigms in communication. | 2 issues per year |
Women's Studies in Communication | Women's Studies in Communication provides a feminist forum for research, reviews, and commentary that advance understanding of the relationships between communication and women, gender, and feminisms. This journal is topically and methodologically inclusive, publishing manuscripts from quantitative, qualitative, and critical perspectives in areas including, but not limited to, interpersonal and organizational communication, rhetorical criticism, theory, and media and cultural studies. | 4 issues per year |
Journal | About | Frequency |
Advancing Women in Leadership Online Journal | Advancing Women In Leadership represents the first on-line professional, refereed journal for women in leadership. Its mission is to publish manuscripts that report, synthesize, review, and analyze scholarly inquiry that focuses on women’s issues in leadership. | 1 issue per year |
Gender in Management: An International Journal | Gender in Management Review seeks to provide current research, practice, ideas, developments, and news of major issues in the field of gender in management by publishing a unique and often controversial mix of articles, research, interviews, news, and book reviews. Articles aimed at developing appropriate strategies for the advancement of women professionals are invited for submission. | 8 issues per year |
Criminal Justice
Journal | About | Frequency |
Feminist Criminology | Highlighting the gendered nature of crime, Feminist Criminology offers a feminist critique of criminology in a global perspective. Focusing on research and theory, this journal welcomes manuscripts involving empirical research, theoretical analysis, practice-oriented papers, essays on teaching, and book reviews dealing with gender and crime, broadly defined. | 4 issues per year |
Women and Criminal Justice | Women & Criminal Justice is devoted to interdisciplinary and international research and practice dealing with a broad array of women's unique dealings in criminal justice. This journal is seeking original articles from academics and professionals which present innovative research and findings. | 5 issues per year |
Journal | About | Frequency |
Feminist Economics | Feminist Economics is a peer-reviewed journal that fosters open dialogue and debate about economics from a feminist perspective. This journal welcomes diverse voices and critical exchanges through interdisciplinary articles from diverse cultural perspectives. | 4 issues per year |
Journal | About | Frequency |
Canadian Online Journal for Queer Studies in Education | The Canadian Online Journal of Queer Studies in Education was created to provide a forum for scholars, professionals, and activists to discuss queer topics in education and the social sciences in the Canadian context. | 1 issue per year |
Ethnography and Education | Ethnography and Education is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing articles that illuminate educational practices through empirical methodologies, which prioritise the experiences and perspectives of those involved. | 3 issues per year |
Feminist Teacher | Feminist Teacher (FT) provides discussions of such topics as multiculturalism, interdisciplinarity, and distance education within a feminist context. FT serves as a medium in which educators can describe strategies that have worked in their classrooms, institutions, or non-traditional settings; theorize about successes or failures; discuss the current place of feminist pedagogies and teachers in classrooms and institutions; and reveal the rich variety of feminist pedagogical approaches. | 3 issues per year |
Gender and Education | An international forum for discussion of multidisciplinary educational and gender research, Gender and Education seeks to further feminist knowledge, theory, consciousness, action, and debate in the field of education. Articles that examine the interrelated experiences of women, girls, men, and boys in education from feminist perspectives are welcome. | 7 issues per year |
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues in Education | International in scope, the Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues in Education addresses LGBT educational concerns from grade school through undergraduate university levels. Educational policy, curriculum development, professional practice, and pedagogy at all grade levels are the major foci of this journal. Contact the editor for information on upcoming special thematic issues. | 4 issues per year |
Ethnic Studies
Journal | About | Frequency |
Indian Journal of Ethnic Studies | The Indian Journal of Gender Studies is geared towards providing a more holistic understanding of society, where women and men are not compared mechanically but are analyzed with a view to changing social attitudes. | 3 issues per year |
Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context | Placed at the junction of historical and contemporary concerns, Intersections emphasizes the paramount importance of research into Asia's multiple historical and cultural gender patterns-patterns which are crucial for the understanding of contemporary globalized Asian societies, where identities and social relations are constantly being negotiated against the background of dominant narratives. | Varies |
JENdA: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies | Produced by the Africa Resource Center, JENdA publishes articles, poetry, essays, photo essays, and reviews focusing on the unique experiences of African women. Please visit the journal Website for information on submission and upcoming issues. | Varies |
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies | The official publication of the Association for Middle East Women's Studies, the Journal of Middle East Women's Studies advances the fields of Middle East women's studies, gender studies, and Middle East studies through contributions from multiple disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. Book reviews and articles based on original research are welcome for submission. | 3 issues per year |
Nora: Nordic Journal of Women's Studies | Nora is an interdisciplinary journal of gender and women's studies which aims to discuss and examine the realities and myths of women and men's lives in the Nordic countries, today and historically. | 4 issues per year |
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Studies
Journal | About | Frequency |
Canadian Online Journal for Queer Studies in Education | The Canadian Online Journal of Queer Studies in Education was created to provide a forum for scholars, professionals, and activists to discuss queer topics in education and the social sciences in the Canadian context. | 1 issue per year |
GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies | Interdisciplinary and international in scope, GLQ publishes scholarship, criticism, and commentary in areas as diverse as law, science studies, religion, political science, and literary studies. Its aim is to offer queer perspectives on all issues touching on sex and sexuality. Academic research and theoretical manuscripts are accepted. | 4 issues per year |
International Journal of Transgenderism | Committed to multiculturalism and progressive scholarship on gender expression and identity, the International Journal of Transgenderism publishes psychological and biomedical, historical, anthropological, and sociocultural articles on transgenderism. | 4 issues per year |
Journal of Bisexuality | The first professional quarterly to focus on bisexuality and its meaning for the individual, community, and society, the Journal of Bisexuality is dedicated to publishing high-quality articles of interest to both academic and non-academic audiences. | 4 issues per year |
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health | The Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health is a clinical, multidisciplinary professional forum for the exposition, discussion, and exchange of practical information about lesbian and gay psychotherapy, dedicated to enhancing the emotional, psychological, and psychiatric health of gay men and lesbians. | 4 issues per year |
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services | The Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services provides empirical knowledge and conceptual information related to sexual minorities and their social environment. | 4 issues per year |
Journal of GLBT Family Studies | The Journal of GLBT Family Studies is the first journal to address family issues and concerns important to GLBT individuals and their families of origin, as well as families formed in adulthood. | 5 issues per year |
Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling | The Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling provides a professional forum for research, best practices, and emerging trends and issues related to counseling the LGBT community. This journal encompasses all aspects of LGBT counseling for youth as well as adults, with attention to the prevention of problems and the fulfillment of human potential at all stages of life. | 4 issues per year |
Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association | The Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association is the first peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal devoted entirely to the healthcare needs of the lesbian and gay male, bisexual, and transgendered populations. | Varies |
Journal of Homosexuality | The Journal of Homosexuality is devoted to scholarly research on homosexuality, including sexual practices and gender roles and their cultural, historical, interpersonal, and modern social contexts. In addition to research on human sexuality, articles in this journal also explore the political, social, and moral implications of research on human sexuality. | 12 issues per year |
Journal of Lesbian Studies | The Journal of Lesbian Studies gives the lesbian experience an international and multicultural voice, presenting book reviews, poetry, letters to the editor, debates, and commentaries. The content of this journal balances academic and practical information to appeal both to academics and a general audience. | 4 issues per year |
Law & Sexuality: A Review of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Legal Issues | The official legal publication of the National Lesbian & Gay Law Association, Law & Sexuality is a student-edited law review devoted solely to covering legal issues of interest to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community on a wide variety of subjects, including constitutional, employment, family, health, insurance, and military law. | Varies |
Sexualities | Sexualities is an interdisciplinary international journal that publishes articles, reviews, and scholarly comment on the shifting nature of human sexualities. The journal publishes work of an analytic and ethnographic nature which describes, analyzes, theorizes, and provides a critique on the changing nature of the social organization of human sexual experience in the late modern world. | Varies |
Gender and International Development
Journal | About | Frequency |
The Ahfad Journal: Women and Change | The only scholarly journal published on a regular basis in Sudan, The Afhad Journal publishes manuscripts on topics affecting women in developing countries and on the contributions of women to rural and national development. | Varies |
Gender and Development | Each issue of Gender & Development focuses on a key topic of interest to those involved in promoting gender equality through development. An up-to-the-minute overview of the topic is followed by a range of articles from researchers, policy makers, and practitioners. Insights from development initiatives across the world are shared and analyzed, and theoretical concepts, and their uses for policy and practice, are explored. | 3 issues per year |
Gender, Technology and Development | Gender, Technology and Development serves as a forum for exploring the linkages between changing gender relations and technological development. This multidisciplinary journal develops the theory and practice of gender and technological development and defines policy and programs in their political, economic, and social contexts. | 3 issues per year |
Journal | About | Frequency |
Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography | The aim of Gender, Place & Culture is to provide a forum for debate in human geography and related disciplines on theoretically-informed research concerned with gender issues. Articles based on primary research from a diverse array of topics related to feminist geography are encouraged. | 10 issues per year |
Health and Medicine
Journal | About | Frequency |
Archives of Women's Mental Health | The official journal of the International Association for Women's Mental Health, Archives of Women's Mental Health publishes work on psychodynamics and social and biological aspects of psychiatric and psychosomatic disorders in women. The exchange of knowledge between psychiatrists and obstetrician-gynecologists is a major aim of this journal. | Varies |
Biology of Sex Differences | Biology of Sex Differences considers manuscripts on all aspects of the effects of sex on biology and disease. Sex has profound effects on physiology and the susceptibility to disease. The function of cells and organs depends on their sex, determined by the interplay among the genome and biological and social environments. The study of sex differences is a discipline in itself, with its own concepts and methods that apply across tissues. | Varies |
Journal of Women and Aging | Through a variety of disciplines and a blend of scholarly and clinical articles, the Journal of Women & Aging provides practitioners, educators, researchers, and administrators with a comprehensive guide to the unique challenges facing women in their later years. | 4 issues per year |
International Journal of Sexual Health | As the official journal of the World Association for Sexual Health, the International Journal of Sexual Health promotes sexual health as a state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being through a positive approach to sexuality and sexual rights. | 4 issues per year |
Women and Health: A Multidisciplinary Journal of Women's Health Issues | Interdisciplinary coverage of the nexus between gender and health. Includes book reviews. | 4 issues per year |
Women and Therapy | Looks at the relationship between women and therapy from a feminist viewpoint. | 4 issues per year |
Women's Health and Urban Life: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal | Women's Health and Urban Life addresses a wide range of topics that directly or indirectly affect both the physical and mental health of girls and teenage and adult women living in urban or urbanizing pockets of the world. The orientation of the journal is critical, feminist, and social scientific. | 2 issues per year |
Journal | About | Frequency |
Gender and History | Gender & History is a major international journal for research and writing on the history of femininity, masculinity, and gender relations. Spanning epochs and continents, this journal publishes rigorous, though readable, articles both on particular episodes in gender history and on broader methodological questions which have ramifications for the discipline of history as a whole. | 3 issues per year |
Journal of Women's History | Devoted exclusively to the international field of women’s history. Recognizes the multiple perspectives captured by the term “feminisms”. Focuses on work on women that is sensitive to the particular historical constructions of gender that shape and are shaped by women’s experience. | 4 issues per year |
Journal of the History of Sexuality | The Journal of the History of Sexuality illuminates the history of sexuality in all its expressions, recognizing various differences of class, culture, gender, race, and sexual orientation. Original articles and critical reviews from scholars are invited for submission. | 3 issues per year |
Women's History Review | Women's History Review provides a forum for the publication of new scholarly articles in the rapidly expanding field of women's history. The journal seeks to publish contributions from a range of disciplines that further feminist knowledge and debate about women and/or gender relations in history. | 6 issues per year |
Journal | About | Frequency |
Body & Society | Body & Society is dedicated to the publication of contemporary empirical and theoretical work from a wide range of disciplines focusing on social and cultural analysis of the human body. Concerns include debates within feminism, technology, ecology, postmodernism, medicine, ethics, and consumerism, which take the body as the central analytic issue. | 3 issues per year |
Canadian Journal of Women and the Law | The Canadian Journal of Women and the Law provides an outlet for those wishing to explore the impact of the law on women's social, economic, and legal status, and on the general conditions of their lives. | 2 issues per year |
Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies | Affiliated with the Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women at Brown University. Publishes feature articles bringing together cultural studies and feminist analysis. | 3 issues per year |
European Journal of Women's Studies | Exploring the complex theoretical and empirical relationship between women and the particular, yet diverse, context of Europe, the European Journal of Women's Studies supports cutting-edge scholarship and research on European women's studies. | 4 issues per year |
Feminist Collections | One of a package of three titles available from the Office of the Women’s Studies Librarian (University of Wisconsin) that are particularly useful for the librarian collecting in women’s studies. Publishes review essays on the literature on a topic, book reviews, bibliographies, lists of web sites, and news about journals. | 4 issues per year |
Feminist Formations (Formerly: NWSA Journal) | Feminist Formations is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal publishing groundbreaking work by scholars, activists, and practitioners in feminist, gender, and sexuality studies. | 3 issues per year |
Feminist Periodicals | Another of the package from the Wisconsin office. Provides tables of contents to issues of recently published women'’ studies periodical titles. Also includes an annotated listing of the journals covered. | 2 issues per year |
Feminist Studies | In addition to feature articles of feminist analysis on a variety of topics, publishes fiction and poetry, calls for journal articles, notices of upcoming conferences, and list of “publications received.” | 3 issues per year |
Feminist Theory | Feminist Theory is an international interdisciplinary journal launched in April 2000 to provide a forum for critical analysis and constructive debate within feminism. | 3 issues per year |
Frontiers: A Journal of Women's Studies | Publishes feature articles in all areas of women’s studies, especially those that show the diversity of women in race, ethnicity, class, and sexual orientation. Includes art, fiction, and poetry. Some theme issues (“Latina/Chicana leadership,” “motherhood and maternalism,” “Asian American women”). | 3 issues per year |
Genders (online) | Genders publishes essays about gender and sexuality in relation to social, political, artistic, and economic concerns. | 2 issues per year |
Gender, Work and Organization | Gender, Work & Organization promotes awareness of gender as a central feature of all aspects of everyday life, especially in the field of work and organization. This interdisciplinary and international journal fosters research, debate, analysis, and theory formation through publication of critical and scholarly articles and book reviews. | 6 issues per year |
Journal of Gender Studies | The Journal of Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary and multicultural journal which publishes articles relating to gender from a feminist perspective covering a wide range of subject areas including the social and natural sciences, arts, and popular culture. | 6 issues per year |
Journal of International Women's Studies | The Journal of International Women's Studies provides a forum for scholars, activists, and academics to explore the relationship between feminist theory and organizing. The journal aims to build bridges across the conventional divides of scholarship and activism: 'Western' and 'third world' feminisms, professionals and academics, women and men. | Varies |
Journal of Lesbian Studies | Publishes theme issues on various aspects of lesbian life (“lesbian perspectives on work and family life;” “the meaning of beauty in our lives,” “the lesbian polyamory reader”). Includes book reviews. | 4 issues per year |
Journal of Sex Research | The Journal of Sex Research (JSR) is a scholarly journal devoted to the publication of articles relevant to the variety of disciplines involved in the scientific study of sexuality. JSR is designed to stimulate research and promote an interdisciplinary understanding of the diverse topics in contemporary sexual science. | 8 issues per year |
Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering | Designed as a unique and much-needed resource for educators, managers, and policymakers, the Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering publishes original, peer-reviewed papers that report innovative ideas and programs for classroom teachers, scientific studies, and formulation of concepts related to the education, recruitment, and retention of under-represented groups in science and engineering. | 1 issue per year |
Men and Masculinities | Offering high-quality, interdisciplinary research in the emerging field of men and masculinities studies, Men and Masculinities presents empirical and theoretical scholarship grounded in current theoretical perspectives within gender studies, feminist theory, queer theory, and multiculturalism. | Varies |
MS. | Publishes feature articles on a wide variety of women’s issues, U.S. and international news items, sections on health and work life, and opinion pieces. Includes review of books and the arts. | 6 issues per year |
New Books on Women, Gender and Feminism | One of the titles offered in the package from the Wisconsin Women’s Studies Librarian. Provides bibliographies of new English-language nonfiction books in women's studies, listed by broad topic, poetry, dramatic works, and periodicals. | 2 issues per year |
off our backs: A Women's News Journal | One of the oldest feminist publications provides current news on all feminist issues and reports of recent conferences in the U.S. and abroad. Includes articles, commentary, reviews, news, and letters. | 6 issues per year |
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society | Examines theories and methodologies from a variety of disciplines and provides important links between feminist theory and the realities of women's lives. | 4 issues per year |
Violence against Women | Violence Against Women is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that focuses on gender-based violence against women in all forms and across cultural and national boundaries, publishing a wide range of articles, including empirical research, activist/advocate notes, poetry, and legal news. | 12 issues per year |
Women's Review of Books | In addition to lengthy reviews of a dozen or more books, publishes some poetry, job and conference announcements, and a list of books received. | 12 issues per year |
Women's Studies Quarterly | Publishes theme issues on various topics on women’s studies and feminist teaching. May include poetry, book reviews, course reading lists or syllabi. Features notices of conferences and publications and a “resources” section of organizations, videos, web sites, and electronic products. | 2 issues per year |
Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal | Publishes feature articles about women in anthropology, art, economics, history, literature, sociology and the sciences. Also includes book and film reviews and some poetry and fiction. | 8 issues per year |
Women & Environments International Magazine | Women & Environments International Magazine examines women's multiple relations to their environments - natural, built, and social - from academic, theoretical, and practical feminist perspectives | Varies |
Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal | An interdisciplinary and cross-cultural journal, Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal serves readers by providing a forum for women-centered issues and approaches to sport and physical activity. | Varies |
Women & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory | Women & Performance is an interdisciplinary publication featuring scholarly essays on dance, film, new media, and the performance of everyday life from feminist perspectives. Submissions are invited that seek dialogue between varied fields of performance scholarship, and which explore critiques of race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, technology, and nation. | 3 issues per year |
Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal | Women's Studies provides a forum for the presentation of scholarship and criticism about women in the fields of literature, history, art, sociology, law, political science, economics, anthropology, and the sciences. It also publishes poetry and film and book reviews. | 8 issues per year |
Journal | About | Frequency |
Cardozo Journal of Law and Gender | Interdisciplinary in outlook, the Cardozo Journal of Law and Gender publishes articles on a diverse cross-section of legal topics. In additional to feminist legal discourse, this journal features the nation's only gender-related annotated legal bibliography. | 3 issues per year |
Columbia Journal of Gender and Law | The Columbia Journal of Gender and Law publishes articles that express an expansive view of feminist jurisprudence, embracing issues relating to women and men of all races, ethnicities, classes, sexual orientations, and cultures. | Varies |
Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy | The Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy is an interdisciplinary publication devoted to a discussion of gender, sexuality, race, and class in the context of law and public policy. The mission of this journal is to foster debate, to publish work largely overlooked by other law reviews, and to encourage scholarship outside the bounds of conventional law school curricula. | 2 issues per year |
Feminist Legal Studies | Feminist Legal Studies is committed to an internationalist perspective and the promotion of feminist work in all areas of law. Though the focus of this journal is law, interdisciplinary work addressing the concerns of lawyers and others, women and men, is also a priority. | 3 issues per year |
Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law | The mission of the The Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law is to explore the impact of gender, sexuality, and race on both the theory and practice of law. This journal seeks to complement the work being done by existing feminist journals while expanding inquiries into the intersections between gender, sexuality, race, and the law. | 3 issues per year |
Harvard Journal of Law and Gender | The Harvard Journal of Law & Gender publishes argument and analysis related to gender and the law, feminist jurisprudence, and social equity. Articles, recent developments, essays, and book reviews from the legal and non-legal communities that approach gender as an axis of power within law and throughout society are invited for submission. | 2 issues per year |
Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law | As gender plays a unique role in the formation of social policy, development, and administration of the law, the Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law is committed to creating a dialogue among disparate social, economic, and gender groups in order to find equality under the law. | Varies |
Michigan Journal of Gender & Law | The Michigan Journal of Gender & Law is dedicated to providing a forum for exploring how gender issues and the related issues of race, class, sexual orientation, and culture impact the lives of women and men. This journal seeks to compare, contrast, and combine theoretical and practical perspectives on gender issues in order to provide a bridge between theory and practice. | 2 issues per year |
Law & Sexuality: A Review of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Legal Issues | The official legal publication of the National Lesbian & Gay Law Association, Law & Sexuality is a student-edited law review devoted solely to covering legal issues of interest to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community on a wide variety of subjects, including constitutional, employment, family, health, insurance, and military law. | Varies |
Journal | About | Frequency |
Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature | Contains scholarly articles, notes and queries on literature from all time periods and places, including foreign-language literature, and from every genre: poetry, prose, drama, essays, diaries, memoirs, journalism and criticism. Focuses on women and writing, feminist critical and literary theory. | 2 issues per year |
Journal | About | Frequency |
Women and Music: A Journal of Gender and Culture | Women and Music, an annual journal of scholarship about women, music, and culture, is a publication of the International Alliance for Women in Music. Drawing on a wide range of disciplines and approaches, this journal seeks to further the understanding of the relationships among gender, music, and culture, with special attention to the concerns of women. | 1 issue per year |
Journal | About | Frequency |
Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy | Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy is a forum for cutting-edge work in feminist philosophy. Richly interdisciplinary in orientation, Hypatia serves as a resource for the philosophy and wider women's studies communities and for all those interested in philosophical issues raised by feminism | 4 issues per year |
Political Science
Journal | About | Frequency |
International Feminist Journal of Politics | International Feminist Journal of Politics is a cross-cultural and international forum to foster debate and dialogue at the intersection of international relations, politics, and women's studies. | 4 issues per year |
Journal of Women, Politics & Policy | The Journal of Women, Politics & Policy examines the impact of public policies on women's lives, examining areas such as tax and budget issues, poverty reduction and income security, education and employment, caregiving, and health and human rights, including violence, safety, and reproductive rights. | 4 issues per year |
Politics & Gender | Politics & Gender aims to represent the full range of questions, issues, and approaches on gender and women across the major subfields of political science, including comparative politics, international relations, political theory, and US politics. | 4 issues per year |
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society | Looks at politics and culture from the perspective of gender. Addresses changes in family, state, market, and civil society. Interdisciplinary and multicultural in scope. | 4 issues per year |
Journal | About | Frequency |
Feminism & Psychology | Fostering the development of feminist theory and practice in psychology, Feminism & Psychology represents the concerns of women in a wide range of contexts across the academic/applied 'divide.' Scholarly articles, both theoretical and empirical, book reviews, and relevant interviews are appropriate for submission. | 4 issues per year |
Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy | The Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy promotes a better understanding of what contributes to healthy adult relationships and how therapy facilitates the process. Experts address key treatment issues for all types of adult relationships. | 4 issues per year |
Journal of Feminist Family Therapy: An International Forum | The Journal of Feminist Family Therapy provides an international forum to further explore the relationship between feminist theory and family therapy theory and practice. The journal presents articles of a theoretical nature as well as articles focusing on empirical research and clinical application. | 4 issues per year |
Psychology and Sexuality | Psychology & Sexuality is an international journal which publishes high quality quantitative and qualitative psychological research on sexualities. The journal aims to advance knowledge and understanding of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, heterosexual and queer issues in psychology and allied disciplines. | 4 issues per year |
Psychology of Men and Masculinity | Psychology of Men & Masculinity is devoted to the dissemination of research, theory, and clinical scholarship that advances the psychology of men and masculinity. This discipline is defined broadly as the study of how boys' and men's psychology is influenced and shaped by both gender and sex, and encompasses the study of the social construction of gender, sex differences and similarities, and biological processes. | 4 issues per year |
Psychology of Women Quarterly | The aim of Psychology of Women Quarterly is to establish a greater understanding of women’s issues and sex roles in society. Includes research reports, theoretical articles, and book reviews. | 4 issues per year |
Sex Roles: A Journal of Research | An interdisciplinary, behavioral science journal with a feminist perspective. It publishes original research reports and review articles that illuminate the underlying processes and consequences of gender role socialization, gendered perceptions and behaviors, and gender stereotypes. | 12 issues per year |
Sexuality Research and Social Policy | Sexuality Research and Social Policy is an international multidisciplinary forum for the publication of original peer-reviewed state-of-the-art empirical research on sexuality, theoretical and methodological discussions, and the implications of this evidence for policies across the globe regarding sexual health, sexuality education, and sexual rights in diverse communities. | 4 issues per year |
Journal | About | Frequency |
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion | Disseminates feminist scholarship in religion and functions as a forum for discussion and dialogue among women and men of differing feminist perspectives. | 2 issues per year |
Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women’s Studies and Gender Issues | Nashim provides an international, interdisciplinary forum—the only one of its kind—for the innovative work being done in Jewish women’s and gender studies. Each issue is theme-oriented, produced in consultation with a distinguished feminist scholar, and includes articles on literature, text studies, anthropology, archeology, theology, contemporary thought, sociology, the arts, and more. | 2 issues per year |
Social Work
Affilia | Addresses the concerns of social workers and their clients from a feminist point of view. Includes research articles, book reviews, news updates, fiction, and poetry. | 4 issues per year |
Journal | About | Frequency |
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion | EDI engages with the field of inequality, offering a platform for critical and rigorous exploration of equal opportunities concerns including gender, ethnicity, class, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion, as well as other nascent and incipient forms of inequalities in the context of society, organisations and work. | 8 issues per year |
Gender and Society | Official publication of Sociologists for Women in Society. Presents the latest research and theory on the social and structural implications of gender. ncludes articles, research reports, and book reviews. | 6 issues per year |
Studies in Social Justice | Studies in Social Justice publishes articles on issues dealing with the social, cultural, economic, political, and philosophical problems associated with struggles for social justice. This interdisciplinary journal aims to publish work that links theory to social change and the analysis of substantive issues. | 2 issues per year |
Transnational Feminist Studies
Journal | About | Frequency |
Feminist Review | British publication featuring theme issues on a variety of topics, often with an international focus (“rethinking Caribbean difference,” “citizenship: pushing the boundaries,” “international voices.”) Includes book reviews. | 3 issues per year |
Gender Issues | Gender Issues is interdisciplinary and cross-national in scope focusing on gender and gender equity. The journal publishes basic and applied research examining gender relationships as well as the impact of economic, legal, political, and social forces on those relationships. | 2 issues per year |
International Journal of Gender & Women's Studies | An interdisciplinary international journal which publishes articles relating to gender and sex from a feminist perspective covering a wide range of subject areas including the social and natural sciences, the arts, the humanities and popular culture. | 2 issues per year |
Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism | Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism, a feminist, interdisciplinary journal whose goal is to provide a forum for the finest scholarship and creative work by and about women of color in U.S. and international contexts. | 2 issues per year |
Women's Studies International Forum | Publishes feature articles on feminist research of multidisciplinary and international topics. Includes a “feminist forum” section of forthcoming conferences, calls for papers, web sites, and new books. | 6 issues per year |