Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) - Alan Blizzard Award
Developed by the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) , this award is presented to collaborative teachings on projects by a team of two or more individuals that enhances student learning. University teaching is typically assumed to be a solitary, private, and individual activity. Collaboration can also be an effective strategy for accomplishing student learning. The Alan Blizzard Award highlights excellence in collaborative university teaching and learning.
Award: Recipients will present their project at the STLHE annual conference and each member will receive a certificate of recognition. $2,000 in funding will be awarded to assist the team travel and for expenses associated with attened the annual conference. The winning paper will appear as a fetures paper on CELT and will also be posted on the STLHE website.
Eligibility: Atleast onein tea of whom must be currently teaching at a Canadian university, regardless of discipline or level of appointment. Nominations of individuals from more than one institution who are working together on a collaborative teaching project are eligible and welcome.
Deadline: Mid March
For information on application procedure and further details, please visit the webpage: