Spatialization, Orchestration, Perception
IRCAM Forum Workshops
Montreal, February 4–5–6 and 11–12, 2021
Le programme ci-dessous énumère tous les événements en direct du Forum Ircam Montréal. Les liens vers les rencontres Zoom en direct seront affichés ici peu avant chaque atelier ou table ronde. Pour les tables rondes, il est fortement recommandé de visionner à l'avance les vidéos associées, et nous vous encourageons à partager vos questions avec les panélistes. Notre canal Slack peut également être utilisé pour des discussions asynchrones des vidéos et des ateliers à tout moment. Toutes les heures sont indiquées dans le fuseau horaire de Montréal (EST, UTC-05:00).
The program below lists all the live-via-Zoom events of the IRCAM Forum Montreal. Links to live Zoom meetings will be posted here shortly before each workshop or round table. For round tables, viewing the associated videos in advance is highly recommended, and we encourage you to share your questions with the panelists. Our Slack channel can also be used for asynchronous discussions of the videos and workshops at any time. All times are listed in Montreal's time zone (EST, UTC−05:00).
9:15-9:30 Accueil et introduction / Welcome and introduction
9:30-10:15 Table ronde / Round table 1: Timbre and orchestration I
Modérateur / Chair—Matthew Zeller (McGill University)
• Aurélien Antoine, Philippe Depalle, and Stephen McAdams (McGill University), “Harnessing the Computational Modelling of the Perception of Orchestral Effects for Computer-Aided Orchestration Tools”
• Stephen McAdams, Meghan Goodchild, Alistair Russell, Beatrice Lopez, Kit Soden, Er Jun Li, Alfa Barri, Shi Tong Li, and Félix Baril (McGill University), “The Orchestration Analysis and Research Database (Orchard)”
• Landon Morrison (Harvard University), “Computer-Assisted Orchestration, Format Theory, and Constructions of Timbre in New Media Culture”
• Lindsey Reymore (McGill University), “Instrument Qualia, Timbre Trait Profiles, and Semantic Orchestration Analysis”
10:15-11:00 Table ronde / Round table 2: Timbre and orchestration II
Modérateur / Chair—Lindsey Reymore (McGill University)
• Lena Heng and Stephen McAdams (McGill University), “Timbre’s function in perception of affective intents. Can it be learned?”—résumé / abstract, vidéo / video
• Erica Y. Huynh (McGill University), Joël Bensoam (IRCAM), and Stephen McAdams (McGill University), “Bowed plates and blown strings: Odd combinations of excitation methods and resonance structures impact perception”
• Han-Na Kim (University of Toronto), “Timbre Saturation for Chamber Orchestra”
• Jason Noble (McGill University), “A case study of the perceptual challenges and advantages of homogeneous orchestration: fantaisie harmonique (2019) for two guitar orchestras”
11:30-13:00 Atelier du Forum IRCAM avec / IRCAM Forum Workshop with Carmine Emanuele Cella (orchestration assistée par ordinateur et Orchidea / computer-assisted orchestration and Orchidea)
14:00-15:30 Panel de compositeurs / Composer panel 1: Linda Bouchard, Carmine Cella, Zosha Di Castri, Philippe Leroux, James O'Callaghan
Modérateur / Chair—Robert Hasegawa (McGill University)
• Linda Bouchard (Concordia University, residency at Matralab), “Live Structures / Structures vivantes”
• Carmine Cella (University of California, Berkeley, CNMAT)—voir l'Atelier du Forum IRCAM en direct ci-dessus / see live IRCAM Forum Workshop above
• Philippe Leroux (McGill University), “L’enseignement de la musique mixte: nouveaux outils - nouveaux concepts”
• James O’Callaghan, “Alone and unalone: conceptual concerns in simultaneous headphone and speaker diffusion”
9:30-11:00 Atelier du Forum IRCAM avec / IRCAM Forum Workshop with Thibaut Carpentier (spatialisation / spatialization)
11:30-12:15 Table ronde / Round table 3: Spatialization, virtual reality, and augmented reality
Modérateur / Chair—Nicolas Bouillot (SAT Metalab)
• Amy Brandon (Dalhousie University), “Composing for AR space: creating interactive spatial scores for the METAVision headset”
• Matthew D. Gantt (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), “Sound and Virtuality: Creative VR, Ambisonics and Expanded Composition”
• Andrea Gozzi (SAGAS—University of Florence), “Listen to the theatre! Exploring Florentine performative spaces
• Florian Grond and Wieslaw Woszczyk (McGill University), “Exploring the possibilities of navigating and presenting music performances with a 6DoF capture system”
• Rob Hamilton (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), “Virtual Instrument Design for the 21st Century”
12:15-13:00 Table ronde / Round table 4: Spatialization, Spat, and SpatGRIS
Modérateur / Chair—Thibaut Carpentier (IRCAM)
• Michael Century (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), “Performance-demonstration of Pauline Oliveros’s Expanded Instrument System for HoA using Spat”
• Nicola Giannini (Université de Montréal, CIRMMT), “Eyes Draw Circles of Light, acousmatic piece for dome of speakers”
• Jack Kelly (McGill University), “SPAT tools for presence research in immersive music reproduction”
• Robert Normandeau (Université de Montréal), “ControlGRIS/SpatGRIS3: Spatialization tools developed at UdeM”
• Diego Quiroz (McGill University), “Gestural Control for immersive recordings using Leap Motion for SPAT:Revolution”
13:30-14:15 Table ronde / Round table 5: Spatialization, sound art, and immersive experience
Modérateur / Chair—Guillaume Boutard (Université de Montréal)
• Jeffrey Boyd, Friedemann Sallis, Martin Ritter (University of Calgary), “The hallucinogenic belfry: analyzing the first forty measures of Keith Hamel’s Touch for piano and interactive electronics (2012)”
• François-Xavier Féron (STMS Lab [CNRS, Ircam, Sorbonne Université]), Cédric Camier (Saint-Gobain Recherche, CIRMMT), Catherine Guastavino (McGill University, CIRMMT), “The sound centrifuge: spatial effects induced by circular trajectories at high velocity”
• Catherine Guastavino (McGill University, CIRMMT), “Spatial sound art in public spaces”
• Laurie Radford (University of Calgary), “Getting into Place/Space: The Pedagogy of Spatial Audio”
• Nadine Schütz (Artistic Residency IRCAM), “Land Sound Design” and “Composing with Echoes”
14:15-15:00 Table ronde / Round table 6: Composing timbre and space
• Monica L. Bolles, “Orbits: An exploration in spatial audio and sonification”
• Dongryul Lee (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), “A Thousand Carillons: Acoustical Implementation of Bell Spectra Using the Finite Element Method and Its Compositional Realization”
• Anésio Azevedo Costa Neto (Instituto Federal de São Paulo—IFSP / Universidade de Brasília / IDMIL—McGill University), “Cerrado—Applying spatialization techniques to expanded perceptive fields”
• Marlon Schumacher and Núria Giménez-Comas, “Sculpting space”
Zosha Di Castri, The Phonograph
Philippe Leroux, Voi(Rex)
James O'Callaghan, Alone & Unalone
Jean-Michaël Lavoie, chef invité / guest conductor
Vincent Ranallo, baritone
Frédéric LeBel, électronique / electronics
Une co-présentation avec Le Vivier / A co-presentation with Le Vivier
Billets requis ($10/$15/$25/$40) / Tickets required ($10/$15/$25/$40)—Billetterie / Tickets
Symposium iX — Son & Immersion / Sound & Immersion
We are pleased to co-present the Symposium iX organized by the Société des arts technologiques (SAT) on February 6, 9:30-3:00 EST. This 7th edition of the Symposium iX, dedicated to immersive sonic experience, will be presented on the Hub Satellite, a new web VR platform developed by the SAT. While access to the web platform is limited to a small audience (already sold out), the events will also be streamed on Vimeo for all Forum participants.
Programme / Program
9:30-9:40 Présentation du Metalab, laboratoire de recherche de la SAT / Presentation of Metalab, SAT research laboratory
9:40-10:15 Projet Bretez, archéologie de paysages sonores / Bretez project, archeology of soundscapes
10:15-11:30 Navigation à 6 degrés de liberté dans l’Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal / 6 degrees of freedom navigation in the Montreal Symphony Orchestra
11:30-12:15 Rendu de scènes audio spatiales hétérogènes avec SATIE / Rendering heterogeneous spatial audio scenes with SATIE
12:15-13:30 Auralisation en temps réel avec vaRays / Real-time auralisation with vaRays
13:30-15:00 Présentation des oeuvres immersives et projets sélectionnés / Presentation of immersive works and selected projects
9:30-11:00 Atelier du Forum IRCAM avec / IRCAM Forum Workshop with Jean-Louis Giavitto and José Miguel Fernández (Antescofo)
11:30-13:00 Atelier du Forum IRCAM avec / IRCAM Forum Workshop with Simone Conforti
13:30-14:15 Table ronde / Round table 7: La musique électroacoustique, l’interprétation et le multimédia [FR]
• Denis Beuret, “Ensemble virtuel, un programme qui groove”
• Emilie Fortin and Sophie Dupuis, “Reconceptualiser une oeuvre interdisciplinaires: Known Territories 2.0”
• Ludovic Landolt, “Musique Éternelle - Bourdon et occurrences harmoniques des cloches”
• Jacques Rémus (Ipotam Mécamusique), “Les Thermophones, récentes évolutions et spatialisation”
• Roxanne Turcotte (CMCQ SMCQ), “Les oiseaux de Nias”
14:15-15:00 Table ronde / Round table 8: Interactivity and multimedia in composition
Modérateur / Chair—James O'Callaghan
• Carlos Delgado, “Real-time Gestural Control of Sound Synthesis, Spatialization, and Video Effects Parameters”
• Ben Neill (Ramapo College of New Jersey), “Fantini Futuro”
• Marcel Zaes (Brown University), “#otherbeats: Resisting the Grid — Performing Asynchrony”
• Tiange Zhou (UC San Diego), “LUX FLUX: Design sound and light work in Max/Msp through DMX”
• Ofer Pelz and Matan Gover (CIRMMT), “Sound Tracks: An interactive video game composition”
9:30-11:00 Atelier du Forum IRCAM avec / IRCAM Forum Workshop with Philippe Esling (orchestration assistée par ordinateur et IA / computer-assisted orchestration and AI)
11:30-13:00 Panel de compositeurs / Composer panel 2: Sasha Blondeau, José Miguel Fernández, Jean-Luc Hervé, Georgia Spiropoulos [FR]
Modérateur / Chair—Philippe Leroux (McGill University)
• José Miguel Fernández, "Score centralisé : AntesCollider et autres applications artistiques d'Antescofo"
• Jean-Luc Hervé, "Modèles naturels dans l'écriture de Germination"
• Philippe Leroux (McGill University), “L’enseignement de la musique mixte: nouveaux outils — nouveaux concepts”
13:30-14:15 Table ronde / Round table 9: Composers from the McGill Digital Composition Studio
Modérateur / Chair—Sean Ferguson (McGill University)
• Omer Barash, Mit Groys Kheshek for cello and electronics, Zachariah Reff, cello
• Joy Blanchard, Prelude 3 for violin and electronics, Jana Kaminsky, violin
• Xue Han, voulez-vous une berceuse? for tenor voice and electronics, Alexandre Jamar, tenor
• Jonas Regnier, Compulsion-Spirale for alto saxophone and electronics, Tommy Davis, alto saxophone
14:15-15:00 Table ronde / Round table 10: Composing with technology
Modérateur / Chair—Pierre Michaud (Université de Montréal)
• Taylor Brook (Columbia University), “Agency and Meaning of Computer-Generated Music in Virtutes Occultae”
• Christopher Chandler (Union College), “The Generative Sound File Player: A Corpus-Based Approach to Algorithmic Music”
• Louis Goldford (Columbia University), “Assisted Orchestration, Spatialization, and Workflow in Two Recent Compositions”
• Christopher Trapani, “The augmented orchestra: Spinning in Infinity”
Live@CIRMMT présente un concert en collaboration avec Forum IRCAM, avec le McGill Contemporary Music Ensemble sous la direction de Lorraine Vaillancourt. La vidéo restera en ligne pour regarder plus tard. / Live@CIRMMT presents a concert in collaboration with Forum IRCAM, featuring the McGill Contemporary Music Ensemble under the direction of Lorraine Vaillancourt. The video will remain online for later viewing.
Jean-Luc Hervé, Germination, 12 instruments + electronics
Marilou Buron, Qui croire de soi ? (world premiere)
Lorraine Vaillancourt, chef invité / guest conductor
Charles-Eric Fontaine, chef étudiant / student conductor
Maddie Studt, soprano
Plus d'informations et lien de web-diffusion / More information and webcast link
Georgia Spiropoulos, Roll...n'Roll...n'Roll
Alexandra Tibbitts, harpe / harp
Frédéric LeBel, électronique / electronics
Huei Lin, vidéaste / videographer
Une co-présentation avec Le Vivier / A co-presentation with Le Vivier
Photo : Sébastien Roy, avec Woulg et Push 1 stop à la Société des arts technologiques (SAT), 2017