What services does the core offer?
The core offers cell analysis and cell sorting services. All services are offered on an hourly rate. The fee varies depending on the service (cell sorting is more expensive then cell analysis) and the researchers affiliation. Free access to a computer equipped with the analysis program FlowJo is also offered to the platform’s users.
Cell Analysis Service:
The core is equipped with 2 cytometers used for cell analysis: a BD LSRFortessa and a BD FACSCanto II. To be allowed to use one of those 2 instruments, users must follow a 3 hours training course with the person in charge of the platform. Once trained, the users are allowed to acquire their samples by themselves. The platform also offers the option of asking the operator to do the analysis but it is more expensive. The users also have access to an analysis computer. This computer is equipped with FlowJo, a well known data analysis program. A one hour training course on this program is also available.
Cell Sorting Service:
The platform offers cell sorting services. The BD FACSAria is a high-speed sorter with a fixed-alignment cuvette flow cell. This flexible cytometer provides superior performance in high-speed cell sorting and multicolour analysis. Our Aria is able to detect up to 7 colors on 2 lasers (blue and red). The sorter is also equipped with an ACDU device, allowing single cell sorting in plates, ideal for cloning. Sorted cells can be put back in culture after the procedure, use in adoptive transfers or used for RNA extraction for example.