Participant recruitment

How many people have been invited to take part in the study?

Over 200,000 people living in Quebec were invited to take part in this research study. We recruited people through a mailing list developed in collaboration with the Règie de l'assurance maladie du Quebec (RAMQ) and also through random digit dialing conducted through a collaobration with the Bureau of professional interviewers (BIP).

RAMQ mailing list

We sent out letters to 6,000 individuals identified as having possible type 2 diabetes. We asked interested people to send back a consent form. We carried out our selection procesure in accordance with procedures set out by the Commission de l'accès à l'information du Québec (CAI).

BIP random digit dialing

We dialled nearly 200,000 phone numbers at random in collaboration with our partners at BIP. People who agreed to be interviewed were then asked if they had type 2 diabetes. Those people who had type 2 diabetes and met our inclusion criteria were invited to participate in the telephone interview.


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