Nancy St. Onge

Nancy St. Onge, Ph.D.

Dr. St. Onge's primary research involves investigating problems related to sports injury and rehabilitation of movement control in impaired populations. The interest is in ​how healthy and special populations control their posture and react to perturbations. This includes studying how electromyographic, kinetic, and kinematic adjustments to mechanical perturbations are affected in health and disease. Variables which are indicative of injury and recovery could be used as an objective basis to decide about the management of special populations and develop or evaluate the outcome of rehabilitation protocol or surgery.



Contact Information

Concordia University Building: Richard J. Renaud Science Complex, 7141 Sherbrooke W.

Office: L-SP 165-23

Nancy St-Onge's Explore Concordia page



(514) 848-2424 ext. 5805

Email Address: Nancy.St-Onge [at]


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