
Have you completed all the required steps?


Existing Sections - review and indicate changes to:

   Instructor Unavailability (submitted via Minerva)

        * Even if an instructor plans to be on sabbatical (or other leave) during the academic year, an unavailability form should be submitted in case the leave is postponed or cancelled

DCU Data Submission Checklist: 

Verify course offerings

Verify Banner tabs against SCACRSE for pre-requisites and restrictions

Add/modify/disable courses

Verify enrolment – Note: increases must be approved by the Class Scheduling team

Validate pattern request

Cross-listed groups


Department Unavailability

Verify if a specific time for a course that has FRC pattern with the detailed day and time is indicated on the delivery. Please ensure that all forced times follow the University time slot. For example, Monday at 8:30; 11:30; 1430 for a 3-hour course duration

Confirm room requested – Ensure that a room tab is there and if no room is required please add a note

Add or modify Instructors – Ensure that Instructors are set to teaching or non-teaching as required. Ensure Instructors have the appropriate percentage

Room attribute preferences (max of 2)



Review Course Combinations: 

 Ensure that all course combinations are required

 Delete inactive courses from combinations

 Ensure that the courses within the combination are part of the same term

Department meeting and Seminars: 

 Verify days, times for all meetings and seminars. Indicate if it is for all courses or only specific courses. The same applies to Instructors.

 Times for meetings must be on slot same as courses

 Once all data has been entered and verified run a conflict report to correct any errors.

 Once you have finished and confirmed all of your information please check the done button so that your class scheduling representative can review your data.

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