Response strategy

CINE receives many requests from Indigenous communities in Canada, the United States, and internationally to research their food systems and the environment.

We have many requests and limited resources. If we can respond, the research involves a five-step plan of action to answer questions from community leaders about nutrition and the environment.

The response strategy is designed to answer questions from communities by providing information and data they can understand and use and is composed of two elements: education and research.

  1. The community reaches out: The journey begins with a request from community leaders or members.
  2. Establish a relationship: we take the time to learn about the community and share our insights.
  3. Searching for information: CINE reviews existing information and knowledge. 
  4. Connect, Assist or Short study: Depending on the community needs there are three possible paths. 
  5. Full research proposal: If further investigation is required and resources are available, we collaborate on a comprehensive research plan. 

Requests for research can be made through a CINE Indigenous Advisory Board or directly to cine.aes [at] (CINE).

cine.aes [at] (subject: Research%20request) (Make a request)
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