Person lying down with two girls performing test

CHARLab trainees conducting a neurovascular test, including vascular ultrasound on the femoral artery to assess blood vessel function and health.

The Cardiovascular Health and Autonomic Research Laboratory (CHARLab) applies an integrative approach to understand the complex interactions which occur between gonadal hormones and the cardiovascular system to determine overall health. Our evolving research program currently spans 4 general pillars:

  • Basic: Understand sympathetic neuro-vascular regulation of cardiovascular outcomes at rest and during responsiveness to acute stressors in healthy individuals, including understanding the impacts of sex and gender in these pathways/outcomes;
  • Clinical: Examine how chronic changes in the gonadal hormone milieu affect cardiovascular health across the life span, including in individuals with PCOS and transgender individuals, and evaluate the efficacy of interventions to improve cardiovascular health in these populations.
  • Sports Science: Explore the interplay between circulating androgens and athletic ability in female athletes, including understanding the mechanisms which may link androgens to performance outcomes.
  • Interdisciplinary: Using a collaborative approach driven by open communication with individuals with PCOS and transgender individuals, understand and optimize the experiences and overall health of these populations

Logo of CHARLab [Cardiovascular Health & Autonomic Regulation Laboratory]


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