In a recent piece for Asia Times, Desautels Professor Reuven Brenner shines a light on Canada’s VC culture, contrasting its sluggish returns with those of the US, which outstrips its northern neighbour across the border. Professor Brenner lays the blame on everything from Canada’s taxation schemes (which he says reduce the incentive to invest and sap the necessary capital that angel investors could put toward nascent entrepreneurs) to a weakened state of academia in this country.

Classified as: Reuven Brenner, finance
Published on: 30 Mar 2017

In a piece for the Asia Times, Desautels Professor Reuven Brenner looks at Trump aide Stephen K. Bannon’s view of history and how it forms his domestic and foreign strategy. Professor Brenner says that Bannon’s “generational view of history” can be traced back to analogues in the ancient world, specifically those of Aristotle and Plato, not to mention the US founding fathers.

Classified as: Reuven Brenner, finance
Published on: 7 Mar 2017

An Asia Times piece quotes columnist David P. Goldman that the Trump administration rose from the ashes of the Republican and Democrat intellectual elites. “He was a complete outsider,” Goldman says, “a totally improbable candidate, who was elected because the establishment fell into such discredit with the voters.”

Classified as: Reuven Brenner
Published on: 1 Mar 2017

In an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal, Desautels Finance Professor Reuven Brenner examines the 1970 essay Whose Country Is America? by Eric Hoffer. Professor Brenner looks at how the essay seems to have predicted the tenor of the last US presidential election, as well as the histrionics that have rocked America since.

Classified as: Reuven Brenner, finance
Published on: 28 Feb 2017

In a recent essay for the inaugural issue of American Affairs, Desautels Faculty of Management professor Reuven Brenner writes that it is time to drop the macroeconomic myths that have been damaging us for decades, and put accountability back at the centre of our economy. Against the backdrop of the 2008 financial crisis, he examines the practices and theories that took hold in the 1930s, and how they have affected everything from democracy to the basic assumptions we make about economics.

Classified as: Reuven Brenner, finance
Published on: 24 Feb 2017

Professor Reuven Brenner of the Desautels Faculty of Management was in Manhattan, NY on February 21 to mark the inauguration of American Affairs, a quarterly journal of public policy and political thought for which he is a contributing writer and serves on the Advisory Board. The launch was hosted at the Harvard Club with guests such as Peter Thiel, former CEO and Co-Founder of PayPal.

Classified as: Reuven Brenner, finance
Published on: 23 Feb 2017

It’s difficult to get a handle on how many illegal immigrants there are in the US, but the estimated number is around 12 million, with just over half being from Mexico. Yes, there is a criminal element hidden in these numbers, but it is safe to say that the majority are working and may even have families. Rounding them up and shipping them home would be a major undertaking, and could cause friction with Mexico.

Classified as: Reuven Brenner, finance
Published on: 17 Feb 2017

For 2014-15, the graduation rate from US high schools hit a record 83%. As far as statistics go, that’s one that anyone would love, but there’s more going on than you’d think — and, according to Professor Reuven Brenner, politicians and bureaucracies can make a statistic say nearly anything.

Classified as: Reuven Brenner, finance
Published on: 10 Feb 2017

The year 2016 started with an insane US decision concerning the Middle East and the world: signing a deal on January 16 with Iran’s mullahs (a deal whose details have not been revealed to these days).

Classified as: Reuven Brenner
Published on: 9 Jan 2017

Though Broadway musicals (including Andrew Lloyd Webber and even the late Pavarotti’s occasional Atlantic City solo) do not compare in many minds to opera, Las Vegas has been discovering the long-forgotten relationship between gambling and culture.

Classified as: Reuven Brenner
Published on: 12 Dec 2016

I spent the first fourteen years of my life under communism. When my parents got out in 1962, I realized to my utter astonishment that much of academia was on the left, praising communism, rationalizing increased centralization of powers under a variety of jargons. Even the US was not immune to these ideas, and that the left and academia despised workers who wanted routine lives, rather than revolutions.

Read full article: Asia Times, December 4, 2016 

Classified as: Reuven Brenner
Published on: 5 Dec 2016

Written by Reuven Brenner

"If we can prevent the Government from wasting the labor of the people under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy,” Thomas Jefferson said.

The last few decades in the US showed that the “we” Jefferson referred to were not successful achieving this goal.

Read full article: Asia Times, November 3, 2016 


Classified as: Reuven Brenner
Published on: 24 Nov 2016

Written by Reuven Brenner

Recent experience and debates about spending on infrastructure as being the panacea for Japan, the US, Western Europe, Canada, for job creation in particular, have reminded me of a long, detailed study I wrote about that topic back in 1998 about the miserable Canadian experience. At the root of that experience was the destruction of accountability in the federal government: and it is worth repeating how that happened. Perhaps present decisionmakers in political capital today can learn some lessons.

Classified as: Reuven Brenner
Published on: 24 Nov 2016

"If we can prevent the Government from wasting the labor of the people under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy,” Thomas Jefferson said.

The last few decades in the US showed that the “we” Jefferson referred to were not successful achieving this goal.

Classified as: Reuven Brenner
Published on: 4 Nov 2016

„Na czym powinna polegać skuteczna polityka proinnowacyjna?” – to temat wykładu profesora Reuvena Brennera, który we wtorek został zorganizowany dla członków Narodowej Rady Rozwoju oraz ekspertów z zakresu innowacji w Pałacu Prezydenckim.

Read full article: Prezydent, June 7, 2016 

Classified as: Reuven Brenner
Published on: 21 Jun 2016


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