Researchers from Canada, the UK, Sweden and the US have discovered more than 30 genes that strongly affect an antibody involved in allergies and asthma. Some of the genes could provide targets for drugs to treat those conditions, according to the international team’s study, published online in Nature on Feb. 18.

Classified as: Research, epigenetics, Genome Québec, Lathrop, McGill News, allergies, asthma, Immunoglobin E
Published on: 18 Feb 2015

A new study on a large cohort of kidney cancer patients in Europe sheds light on the genetic architecture of the disease -- and reveals an apparent link between exposure to aristolochic acid and incidence of kidney cancer, particularly in Romania.

Classified as: Génome Québec Innovation Centre, Genome Québec, aristolochic acid, kidney cancer, Lathrop, Riazalhosseini, Romania
Published on: 29 Oct 2014
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