Des pistes pour lutter contre un « cocktail explosif ». Lire ici

Published on: 27 Feb 2023

A new chapter in Alzheimer’s research. Read more

Published on: 27 Feb 2023

Violent extremism in Canada is now considered a significant public health issue requiring prevention programs. At the same time that a surge in far-right movements has become a top concern for national security, Ottawa continues efforts to bring home and reintegrate women detained in Syria after travelling to join the Islamic State.

Classified as: violent, extremism, Quebec, radicalized, mental health, individuals, far right, far left, Religious
Published on: 22 Feb 2023

Le mythe de la femme noire : pour aller au-delà de la Jézabel et de la nounou. Lire ici

Published on: 15 Feb 2023

Dear Colleagues,

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Simon Ducharme as the new Associate Chair, Research . As Associate Chair of Research for the Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Ducharme will be responsible for the Department’s research mission and oversee strategic research planning. He will also assist the Chair in the coordination of research activities, recruitment of researchers, and review the research-track residency program.

Published on: 15 Feb 2023

Un régime méditerranéen pour ralentir le déclin de la mémoire? Radio-Canada

Chinese study shows healthy lifestyle can slow age-related memory loss. South China Morning Post

Published on: 4 Feb 2023

Canadian researchers cheer U.S. regulator's push for tighter rules on CBD


Published on: 4 Feb 2023

Mieux manger aide à ralentir le déclin de la mémoire, confirme une étude


Published on: 27 Jan 2023

Mois de la sensibilisation à la maladie d'Alzheimer. Écoutez ici

Published on: 20 Jan 2023

Parler du suicide au lieu de censurer

(Par Robert Whitley) De nombreux médias ont rapporté la nouvelle selon laquelle le ministère de la Santé du Québec demande aux enseignants et aux bibliothécaires de ne pas recommander ou même de ne pas parler aux élèves du roman de François Blais, Le garçon aux pieds à l’envers : Les chroniques de Saint-Sévère. Cette recommandation repose sur la conviction que la lecture de ce roman peut susciter des comportements suicidaires chez les élèves.

Published on: 11 Jan 2023

Crise du verglas : les effets sur les femmes enceintes et leurs bébés

Published on: 11 Jan 2023

'Born stressed': The 1998 ice storm and anxious babies

Suzanne King, a researcher at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute, has been researching the effects of stress on pregnant women and their children. She asked women to recall stressful experiences from their pregnancies decades later, which she said wasn't ideal.
When the ice storm hit, she saw it as a perfect opportunity to follow women and their children over several years, she told CBC's Radio Noon.

Published on: 11 Jan 2023

How racial bias can affect 911 calls and what dispatchers in Montreal are learning to stop it
The training provided to 911 operators, which is among the first of its kind in North America, is part of an internal push for change inside the Montreal police. It prompted the operators to question how they can prevent biases or racist stereotypes from filtering through a 911 call into the police response.

Published on: 9 Dec 2022

Experts on accessibility, ableism and inclusion across Canada gather for second National Dialogues and Action

Published on: 9 Dec 2022

Montreal initiative aims to help Black youth find path to success
It is targeting Black youth aged 18 – 25 because, according to lead researcher Dr. Robert Edward Whitley, associate professor in McGill university’s department of psychiatry, they tend to fall into the NEET category.
“NEET is an academic word that means ‘not in education, employment and training,'” he explained. “We do know that young Black men tend to be overrepresented in that category.”

Published on: 9 Dec 2022


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