Healthy options are a package deal at Oatbox and Yumibox
McGill students Mengyin Hong, 28, and Zoey Li, 22, the duo behind Yumibox, met two years ago, when a professor suggested Li as an assistant for Hong on her master’s project. Hong had moved from China to study at McGill, Li was from Vancouver, where she moved from China at age 4. Working together, they discovered they had similar goals and beliefs.
They launched their business six months ago, even before completing their studies at McGill.
What had begun as a food blog (Yumitrition) to counter some of the “wild and inaccurate nutrition claims” that permeate the Internet evolved into an e-commerce platform selling whole-grain granolas that this year won a $15,000 McGill Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship start-up prize as well as a grant from the Startup Canada Women Founders Fund.
Read full article: Montreal Gazette, November 14, 2016