

Published: 17 June 2010


We are excited to announce the launch of IN CIRCULATION, a new interdisciplinary journal based in the Department of Art History & Communication Studies at McGill University. Please feel free to circulate our CFP widely (see attachments for pdf).  The deadline to submit for our first issue is the 1st of July, 2010. See the last paragraph of the call for submission guidelines. Please send submissions to INCIRCULATION [at]  Any questions can be sent there or addressed to us directly.  Thank you,

Joseph & Cheryl, editors

joseph.sannicandro [at]

cheryl.thompson [at]


IN CIRCULATION is an interdisciplinary journal based in the Department of Art History & Communication Studies at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec.  The journal is a bi-annual peer-reviewed journal, published electronically in the Fall and Spring of each year.  A limited number will be printed as broadsheets.  Each issue will address both historical and contemporary realities. Drawing on the diversity of the bilingual city in which it is based, the journal will explore the circulation of aesthetic, political, and cultural ideas. Without making any specific ideological claims, we nonetheless believe that scholars and artists can take an active role in determining the constitution of the world.

Each issue calls for a discussion of the theories, styles, methodologies, and ideologies that appear to have run their course.  That is, we seek to re-discover, re-theorize, and re-conceptualize the concepts, thinkers and artists for whom others in the scholarly community have already delivered the eulogy.  We seek papers that illuminate the relevancy of past thinkers, methodologies, or styles, or those that simply add one more nail to their coffin.

Issue One: Transglobal Conversations

Trans is a prefix that denotes moving across, beyond, or through.

Globalism is often defined as an attitude that places the interest of the world above those of individual nations. A defining characteristic of this trend has been the unprecedented circulation of information, bodies, commodities, and currency. Multi-national corporations dominate global economics, policies are often made by international bodies, and even civil society has organized as an actor in global forums. As a result, many have announced the death of the nation-state, a concept closely identified with imperialism, nationalism, and war. But are these proclamations premature?  Are ideas and practices still informed by the physical place they are rooted in?  Do the local philosophical traditions of the world still influence artistic and scholarly output? Or has a migratory class of workers and creators severed any claims to rootedness?  Has the nation-state truly become a meaningless signifier?

IN CIRCULATION is not limited to one particular approach alone.  We seek papers that raise questions, discourses and issues in the context of a duality, triangularity, and transterritorial politics.

We welcome papers that deal with questions of aesthetics, policy, postcolonialism or posthumanism.  We are not, however, biased to any one in particular, and welcome any submission that speaks to the supposed end of the nation-state from any disciplinary perspective.

Submission Guidelines

Papers can be in English or French, and should include a 250-word abstract. Submissions should be in Chicago Style, and be formatted for blind review.  We will accept .doc, .rtf, or .pdf, or google docs formats only. We accept both short pieces and longer articles, not to exceed 6,000 words.  Authors are responsible for clearing copyrights for all images or media in their submission.  The deadline for submissions for our inaugural issue is July 1st, 2010, and should be sent to INCIRCULATION [at]  Thank you.

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