
"Make Poverty History" march

Wednesday, October 17, 2007 14:30
Milton Gates on University Street (next to the Social Work building), Milton Gates on University Street (next to the Social Work building), CA
There is an emergency. The crisis of poverty and inequality has reached an unbelievable scale, with more people dying from extreme poverty in the last 10 years than in all the wars of the 20th century put together. The most tragic part is that we can afford to stop these deaths. The world has never been richer, yet has never left so many to die. Please join the School of Social Work and the Centre for Developing-Area Studies on a march to STAND UP and "make poverty history." Registration begins at 2:35 pm at the Milton Gates on University St. (next to the Social Work building). This is your chance to Stand Up and Speak Out for the 50,000 people who die from extreme poverty and the millions more suffering from a lack of food, clean water, health care, education, peace and security. Help us by being part of the growing movement of people who say NO to extreme poverty and join us on October 17.
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