Highlights from HBHL Symposium 2024

Over 300 attendees gathered on May 8 and 9 at the McGill University Centre for the HBHL Symposium 2024—a two-day event showcasing the latest advances in neuroscience and brain health research. The Symposium featured keynote addresses from Kate Webb (McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School), Alberto Cairo (University of Miami), Gillian Einstein (University of Toronto) and Noah Philip (Brown University), covering topics ranging from data visualization to health equity, PTSD and sex differences in Alzheimer’s disease.
The Symposium also featured three insightful panel sessions led by prominent researchers and industry leaders, with discussions on trauma responses, modifiable factors in brain health and strategies for transitioning research in personalized medicine towards commercialization and policymaking.
This year's Symposium highlighted the next generation of researchers, providing nearly 100 trainees the opportunity to showcase their work during a poster session and a Trainee Flash Talk session. Congratulations to our presentation winners:
Theme 1 Posters: Yigu Zhou, Michelle Wang
Theme 2 Posters: Ylauna Penalva, Dennis Drewnik
Theme 3 Posters: Franziska Mudlaff, Celia Sciandra
Theme 4 Posters: Paolo Bastone, Chen-Yang Su
SGBA+ Posters: Atchaya S. Kanagasabai, Gabriella Malamud
Flash Talks Judges Award: Jessica Ahrens
Flash Talks Audience Award: Leanne Young
A heartfelt thank you to all speakers, attendees, volunteers and sponsors (adMare BioInnovations, Illumina, Pfizer, EVIDENT) whose support was instrumental in making this event a resounding success. We already look forward to next year's Symposium, where we will continue to explore cutting-edge developments in neuroscience and brain health!