Construction Start: MNI & Duff – Envelope repairs
Please be advised that McGill University has mandated St‐Denis Thompson Inc. to carry out the following project: 22-035 MNI (B159) & Duff (B169) – Envelope repairs
The scope of work includes repair of the foundations, replacement of stones and replacement/addition of handrails to the exterior stairs of the main entrances to the Lyman Duff Building and the Montreal Neurological Institute, located on University Street.
Construction start date: May 13, 2024
Planned construction end date: June 30, 2024
Work schedule: Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Project Manager: Johanne Guertin, GPH – johanne.guertin [at]
Assistant Project Manager: Pierre Beauchamp, GPH – pierre.beauchamp [at]
Contacts for building users:
Lyman Duff (B169):
- Carmen Lampron - carmen.lampron [at]
- Shawn Casey - shawn.casey [at]
Montreal Neurological Institute (B159):
Franco Niro - frank.niro [at]
Scope of work
Lyman Duff main entrance:
- demolition of the existing concrete stairs
- construction of a new foundation
- installation of new stones and granite
- addition of stainless-steel handrails
- cleaning of the entrance façade
- installation of new exterior garbage bin and bench next the staircase
MNI main entrance:
- repair of the existing foundation
- installation of new stones and granite
- installation of new stainless steel handrails
- cleaning of the entrance façade.
Impact & mitigation
- Closure of Lyman Duff main entrance and MNI main entrance during the construction work. Rerouting signage will be put in place to direct users to alternate doors:
- Lyman Duff: entrance on University Street next to the corner of avenue des Pins.
- MNI: universally accessible entrance on the left of the main entrance.
Dust and noise control:
- Protection of openings (windows, ventilation, etc.) will be put in place to prevent dust from entering the buildings.
- Noise levels will be monitored in coordination with the Building Director and users.