January 3, 2023 | Intimate partner violence, after a period of decline, has been on the rise in Quebec and the rest of Canada since 2016, according to Statistics Canada. The report suggests that...
Activists defending their communities and the surrounding environment against development of extractive industries and land grabs for agrarian use face high rates of criminalization, physical...
A study published today in the BMJ Open shows that in countries where there is a complete ban on all corporal punishment of children there is less fighting among young people. There was 31% less...
Human-computer interactions, such as playing video games, can have a negative impact on the brain, says a new Canadian study published in Molecular Psychiatry. For over 10 years, scientists have...
Domestic violence takes many forms. The control of a woman’s reproductive choices by her partner is one of them. A major study published in PLOS One, led by McGill PhD student Lauren Maxwell,...
Emotional abuse may be as harmful as physical abuse and neglect. This finding led by a team of researchers at McGill University complements previous imaging research showing that emotional and...