AMT rejects Bombardier bid for new train cars, goes with Chinese firm

Published: 18 May 2017

At one point, Bombardier would have been a shoo-in for the contract to build new commuter-train cars for Montreal’s Agence Métropolitaine de Transport, but not this time....

Research Proposal - Isla Milne, McGill University

Thursday, November 20, 2014 14:30

Ms. Isla Milne, a doctoral student at McGill University in the Strategy and Organization area will be defending her research titled: 1001 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 1G5, CA...

The Bombardier loan is good business

Published: 13 February 2017

Though Ottawa’s $372.5 million loan to Bombardier is causing a commotion in some quarters, Desautels Associate Professor Karl Moore says that a plane like the CSeries is a rare thing in Canadian...

Karl Moore talks Hot Cities

Published: 21 March 2017

For reading week, Desautels Associate Professor Karl Moore took a group of students on the ninth edition of the Hot Cities of the World Tour, which is an annual trip that gives 30 McGill undergrads...

Leadership, management and a false dichotomy

Published: 25 April 2017

In a letter to Malaysia’s The Star Online, management consultant Dr Ranjit Singh Malhi takes issue with the widely-held distinction between managers and leaders. Though many theorists draw a line...

Public pressure, executive chairman resignation come among wider troubles for Bombardier

Published: 15 May 2017

Ballooning C Series costs, job losses and government cash all played into the recent investor revolt at Bombardier, but running underneath are other problems: The C Series is picking up steam after...

Karl Moore on taking an extrovert break

Published: 5 June 2017

Karl Moore can talk to anyone, writes prolifically, and lends his expertise on a wide range of subjects. But in a recent piece for Forbes, the Desautels Professor admits that one thing he can’t do...

Seminar: Martin Ruef, Duke University

Friday, May 16, 2014 10:30to12:00

Institutions, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship: New York City During the Industrial Revolution, 1790-1860...

Professor Henry Mintzberg on meaningful protest in the age of Trump

Published: 2 February 2017

These days, it seems that there’s a new protest erupting every minute. But in the new reality of the day, are old-school demonstrations and marches enough? And really, were they ever? Cleghorn...


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