Over the last year, the Max Bell School's Centre for Media, Technology and Democracy been building out a research program on kids & tech to explore a range of policy implications related to...
September 16, 2021 | The Media Ecosystem Observatory's Canadian Election Misinformation Project's recent memo too a look at the American disinformation landscape, assessing the degree to which it...
September 13, 2021 | The Media Ecosystem Observatory's Canadian Election Misinformation Project recently published a memo on how misinformation is fomenting violent protests among those who that...
August 24, 2021 | In this CBC Radio interview, Aengus Bridgman, director of the Canadian Election Misinformation Project, comments on manipulated media and misinformation in the ongoing federal...
August 24, 2021 | Election 44 is underway, and the Media Ecosystem Observatory's Canadian Election Misinformation Project is hard at work tracking election mis- and disinformation. Learn more about...
August 19, 2021 | Mis- and dis-information are a growing threat to the integrity of free and fair elections and to the strength of democracies the world over. That is why McGill University and the...
August 18, 2021 | Facebook and other social media companies have done a lot over the past five years to address the problem of their platforms' being used by bad actors to influence elections or...
December 2020 | This new report by the Media Ecosystem Observatory looks into vaccine hesitancy in Canada in the lead-up to the development of a vaccine. Key findings included that 65% of Canadians...