Objective 9

Encourage diversity in origin and ideas among students, faculty, and staff


McGill recognizes the need in an increasingly global environment to build a work force that is representative of academic and administrative staff and of the institutional responsibility to extend access to under-represented groups, including those in underserved socio-economic groups.1


McGill has an Employment Equity Policy passed by the Senate (May 2007) and the Board of Governors (June 2007).2

Principal’s Task Force on Diversity, Excellence, and Community Engagement (PTFDECE) and  its Administrative Response outlined strategies and actions for advancing the equity agenda. (SEM)


McGill has not been as successful as desired or even plan in recruiting and enrolling students from lower socio-economic groups. Our outreach efforts in this regard have not been sufficient to encourage students from these and other underserved groups to come to McGill or probably even to consider coming to McGill.

Strategy 9.1: McGill will work to build a diverse work force that is representative of the pool of potential candidates with appropriate qualifications from designated groups while retaining individual merit and achievement as the prime criteria for all staffing decisions. (Employment Equity Policy June 2007).

Strategy 9.2: McGill will recruit, retain, and provide appropriate professional development and support for a diverse administrative and support staff.

Action 9.2.1: Evaluate existing programs and establish new programs and provide resources to implement programs aimed at increasing diversity of qualified students, administrative and support staff.

Action 9.2.2: Promote and improve communication about the activities of the Aboriginal work force subgroup.(SEDE)

Strategy 9.3: McGill will reinvigorate efforts to recruit and retain qualified students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds and under-represented minority groups, including Aboriginal students.

Action 9.3.1: Strengthen mechanisms, such as the development of outreach programs and portfolio review for under-represented and Aboriginal students.

Action 9.3.2: Promote and improve communication about activities conducted the Aboriginal Community Outreach coordinator.

Action 9.3.3: Broaden academic unit participation in activities related to Aboriginal students.

Action 9.3.4: Demonstrate a commitment to making the University more physically accessible through the implementation of Universal Design principles.

1 “Diversity” is reflected not only in race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability, but also in language, sexual orientation, gender identity, community, politics, culture, way of life, economic status, and interests. [PTFDECE Preliminary Administrative Response]
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