Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to complete this program?

Strictly speaking, 135 credits will take 4 1/2 years. However, the Faculty of Education has agreed (spring 2001) to a number of measures which, in principle, can shorten the time to an even 4 years. This would then be the same time as for completion of a conventional 120-credit B.Ed. Most important of these is the possibility to take either or both of the Field Experiences and the Professional Seminars 1 and 2 in the month of May. For details, consult an adviser.

Will my B.Sc. degree qualify me for entry to Graduate School in Science?

Yes - and no. The degree is a bona-fide B.Sc., but it is not designed specifically to prepare you for Graduate School in Science. Some departments in some universities may accept you for graduate work, but usually there will be additional courses to take. After all, you were not able to take as many courses, particularly at advanced level, as students in conventional one-subject Major programs. It is best to consult an adviser in the particular department which interests you.

Can I transfer out of the program?

Students in the Concurrent Program may apply to transfer to either a conventional B.Sc. or a conventional B.Ed. program. To do so, they should submit a Faculty Transfer Application to the Student Affairs Office of the Faculty into which they wish to transfer. The decision will be made based on their grades in the relevant component of the Concurrent Program. Students who do transfer to a conventional program may not transfer back to the Concurrent Program.

How do I withdraw from the Program?

Drop or withdraw from all of your courses and contact the Student Affairs Office. To return to McGill at a later date, you will have to apply for readmission.

What Science courses should I take in my Freshman year?

This question applies only to non-Quebec students.

You take the same courses as any other Science Freshman students. The particular courses will therefore depend on which of the different options you plan to follow. More details are given in the Calendar.

What do I do about timetable conflicts?

If the conflict is between two Science courses (typically laboratory courses in two different departments), then they may be able to have you placed in different laboratory sections. If the conflict is between a Science course and an Education course, then it may be possible to make special arrangements. This is particularly true if the Education course is a Professional Seminar or a Field Experience. However, do not assume that special arrangements can always be made. Check with the one of the co-ordinators as soon as you are aware of a timetable conflict.

Can I take Distance Education courses in this Program?

There is only a problem if you wish such courses to count among your Science electives. In such cases you must have the explicit permission of the Director of Advising Services in the Faculty of Science.

There is one important exception to this rule: EDEC 247 Policy Issues:QC&Indigenous Ed , taken as a Distance Education course, is a valid Science elective for any student in the Program.

Can I substitute for Science courses in this Program?

This is not usually possible, but can sometimes be arranged. You must have the explicit permission - in advance - of the Science department concerned, and the permission should be in writing. Give a copy of the written permission to the Science Co-ordinator for the program, or arrange that he gets an email from the department. In case of difficulty, the Co-ordinator may be able to help you.

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