Fessenden professorships and prizes

McGill’s Faculty of Science is very fortunate to have resources, partners, and visionary benefactors, such as the family of Canadian inventor Reginald Fessenden, to enable the process of translating discoveries from creative ideas into marketable technologies and services through funding and mentoring. 

Large white satellite dish outdoors with mountains in the background

Fessenden Professorship Awards

accelerate the validation and technology transfer of promising concepts that are in the early- or mid-stages of development, and bring them closer to a commercial product and market. Awards are available only to Faculty members. 

Gloved hand holding petri dish with unknown pink liquid

Fessenden Innovation Prizes 

provide seed funding and mentoring to support ideas that may eventually develop into technologies or services to generate positive benefits for society. Prizes are open to students as well as faculty members. 

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