Jewish Studies 2015: Refereed Publications and other scholarly activities

On this page: Book chapters | Refereed Journal Articles | Dictionary Entries and Book Reviews | Non-refereed Publications | Presentations in Academic Contexts | Research Grants | Visiting Appointments and Fellowships | Official Positions in Learned Societies, Journals, Academic Organizations | Peer Reviewing | Community Lectures | Official Positions in Community Organizations



Book Chapters

Fraenkel, Carlos “Philosophy and Theology,” in Oxford Handbook of the Abrahamic Religions, ed. Guy Stroumsa, Oxford University Press, 2015, 332-354.

Refereed Journal Articles

Aberbach, David, ‘“A One-Sided Love Affair”:  German-Jewish Literature 1789-1939,’   Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, pp. 1-19.

Caplan, Eric and Schein, Jeffrey, “The Educational Philosophies of Mordecai Kaplan and Michael Rosenak: Surprising Similarities and Illuminating Differences,” Journal of Jewish Education, 80:4 (2014), 388-410.

“Back to Zechariah Frankel and Louis Jacobs? On Integrating Academic Talmudic Scholarship into Israeli Religious Zionist Yeshivot and the Specter of the Historical Development of the Halakah,” Modern Jewish Studies 14:1 (2015), pp. 89-108.

“Further Reflections on Classification of Mishneh Torah,” Hakirah 19 (2015), pp. 29-70.

Dictionary Entries and Book Reviews

Fraenkel, Carlos, “We hear and we disobey,” Review Essay of David Nirenberg’s Anti-Judaism and Neighboring Faiths for the London Review of Books, February 2015 [French translation of “We hear and we disobey” in Books: Livres et Idées du Monde Entier]

Frank, Esther, Review of Forman, Freda Johles, eds., The Exile Book Of Yiddish Women Writers: An Anthology of Stories That Looks to the Past So We Might See The Future. Canadian Jewish Studies/Etudes Juives Canadiennes, Vol XX111, 2015. pp 155-156. Association for Canadian Jewish Studies, Canada.

Halevi-Wise, Yael, Review of Gilead Morahg’s Compassion and Fury: On the Fiction of AB Yehoshua. Hebrew Studies 56 (2015): 101-104.

Halevi-Wise, Yael, Review by Alejandro Medina of my 2013 book Sephardism: Spanish Jewish History and the Modern Literary Imagination in Symposium 69.2 (2015): 114-116.

Heller, Daniel, Shlomo Avineri, Herzl’s Vision: Theodor Herzl and the Foundation of the Jewish State, in Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 9,3 (Winter 2015), pp.555-557.


Presentations in Academic Contexts

Aberbach, David, Lecture at the London School of Economics, Department of International Development: ‘Divine Scroungers: Scripture, legislation and the poor in Western literature’

Aberbach, David, Conference Presentation, Brown University, Jewish Attitudes to Poverty and Wealth: ‘The False Beggar in Mendele’

Fima, Lea, Masculine Identity in the Israeli Army as Represented in Uri Barbash’s Film One of Us, 1989, 31st Annual Conference of the Association for Israel Studies (AIS) on "Sustainable Israel: A Changing Society in the 21st Century" at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, June 2, 2015

Fima, Lea, The History of Israeli Cinema (1933-2014), on "Amos Gitaï: Unique Perspectives on a Diverse Practice" conference at University of Montreal, Canada, April 15, 2015

Fraenkel, Carlos, “Between War and Peace: Diversity and a Culture of Debate,” Political Theory Workshop, Yale University, December 2, 2015.

Fraenkel, Carlos, “Images and Imagination in Medieval Muslim and Jewish Philosophy,” Eikones Annual Conference, Universität Basel, November 2015.

Fraenkel, Carlos, Academy of the Jewish Museum, Berlin: discussion of Teaching Plato in Palestine with Karim Sadek, June 9, 2015.

Fraenkel, Carlos, “Themistius’ Paraphrase of Metaphysics 12: Text, Ideas, Reception,” Oxford University, June 2015.

Fraenkel, Carlos, PEN World Voices Festival of International Literature: presentation of Teaching Plato in Palestine. New York City, May 9, 2015.

Fraenkel, Carlos, “Metaphysics, Skepticism, and Sufism in al-Ghazâlî, Maimonides, and Abraham ben Maimonides,” Yale University, February 5, 2015

Frank, Esther, "A Yiddish and Canadian Poet: Translating R. Korn” in Translation, Representation and Identity: Yiddish Literature's Diverse "Publics". MLA Conference, 2015.

Heller, Daniel, “Jews as Russia’s Others” Guest Lecture in RUSS440, “Russia and its Others” , McGill University (February 19, 2015)

Heller, Daniel, “Terrorism Between Poland and Palestine, 1935-1939” Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies Conference (November 19, 2015)

Heller, Daniel, “Mobilizing the Shtetl: Betar and the Quest to Transform Small-Town Life in Interwar Poland” Ruth Gay Seminar in Jewish Studies, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, New York (November 23, 2015)

Hundert, Gershon, From Account Book to Pinkas. International Conference on Pinkassim. Leipzig, Dubnow Institute, University of Leipzig. July 2015.

Kaplan, Lawrence, “The Love and Fear of God in the Writings of Maimonides According to R. Joseph B. Soloveitchik,” International Conference on the Impact of Maimonides, SUNY Buffalo, November, 2015.


Aberbach, David, McGill University Conference Grant to participate in conference at Brown University, on Jewish Attitudes to Poverty and Wealth, November 1-3, 2015 ($1500.)

Frank, Esther, Internal Grant ARIA  McGill University Translation project from Polish to English  for book on poet Rachel Korn 1898-1982 summer 2015

Hundert, Gershon, Rothschild Foundation Europe; Recovering the Records of European Jewry: The Pinkassim Project. September 2014; June 2016. £100,000. I am one of three Principal Investigators. The award is held at the University of Leipzig.

Hundert, Gershon, SSHRCC; Insight Development Grant; Recovering the Records of European Jewish Autonomy 1500-1800; June 1, 2013; May 31, 2016; Award Holder; $64,198.

Hundert, Gershon, SSHRCC; Insight Grant; Experiencing Change: A Galician Jewish Wine Merchant in the 18th Century; April 1, 2012; March 31, 2016; Award Holder; $80,332.



Visiting Appointments and Fellowships

Aberbach, David, Senior Visiting Fellow, London School of Economics

Caplan, Eric, as Vice-President of the Mordecai M. Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood, planned and oversaw the launch of the website,

Fraenkel, Carlos Mavis Gallant prize for non-fiction (Quebec Writers’ Federation)

Halevi-Wise, Yael, Visiting Professor at the Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies at INALCO and the Centre de Recherche Moyen-Orient et Mediterranée (Paris), Fall 2015.

Halevi-Wise, Yael, Visiting Professor at the Department of Hebrew and Comparative Literature, Haifa University (Israel), Spring 2016.

Official Positions in Learned Societies, Journals, Academic Organizations

Hundert, Gershon, Editorial Board (review of articles; policy decisions): Kwartalnik Historii Żydów (Jewish Historical Inst. Warsaw)‎

Hundert, Gershon, Editorial Board: AJS Review (Association for Jewish Studies)

Hundert, Gershon, Academic Advisory Board, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, New York City.

Hundert, Gershon, Editorial Board: Bloomsbury Studies in Central and Eastern Europe

Hundert, Gershon, Academic Committee of the Jewish History in Galicia and Bukovina Project, Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for Russian and East European Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Hundert, Gershon, President, American Academy for Jewish Research


Peer Reviewing

Hundert, G. External Reviewer: Stanford Humanities Center.

Hundert, G. External Reviewer: School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton NJ.

Hundert, Gershon, External Reviewer, Doctoral and Research Fellowships, Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture

Community Lectures

Caplan, Eric, Discussant and convener, panel, “The Future of Reconstructionist Liturgy and Prayer,” Imagine the Possibilities: A Conference on the Future of Jewish Liturgy and Prayer, Society for the Advancement of Judaism, New York, May 16, 2015.

Caplan, Eric, With Rabbi Dr. Marcia Falk, “Do we Have the Courage to Dare (Liturgically)?” Imagine the Possibilities: A Conference on the Future of Jewish Liturgy and Prayer, Society for the Advancement of Judaism, New York, May 16, 2015.

Caplan, Eric, Moderator and convener, panel, “Prayer as a Prod to Social Justice,” Imagine the Possibilities: a Conference on the Future of Jewish Liturgy and Prayer, Congregation Rodeph Shalom, New York, May 17, 2015.

Caplan, Eric, co-chaired with Dan Cedarbaum and Elie Kaunfer, the conference, “Imagine the Possibilities: The Future of Jewish Liturgy and Prayer,” New York, May 15-17, 2015.

Halevi-Wise, Yael, “L’identité dans l’ouvre de A.B. Yehoshua,” Journée autour d’Abraham Yehoshua, Association Lacanienne de Paris (Sept. 9, 2015), Paris.

—invited lecture delivered in French

Halevi-Wise, Yael, Roundtable on David Ohana’s Origins of Israeli Mythology: Neither Canaanites nor Crusaders, 31st Annual Meeting of the Association of Israel Studies (June 2015), Montreal.

—invited discussant

Halevi-Wise, Yael, Public Outreach: “Five Generations in Jerusalem,” Sha’ar Shomayim Study Group Nun

(April 30, 2015), Montreal.

 Hundert, Gershon, Feb . 2015, Lecture at Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue: "Ashkenazic Views of Sephardim in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries"

 Official Positions in Community Organizations

Caplan, E. Vice-President, The Mordecai M. Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood, 2011-

Caplan, E. Chair, The Jacob Zipper Education Award, 2004-

Caplan, E. Chair, Advisory board, JQMTL (Federation CJA) (until June 2015)

Frank, E. Member of Yiddish committee Jewish Public Library

Frank, E. Member of the J.I. Segal Awards Committee, Jewish Public Library.

Halevi-Wise, Yael, Board Member, Klezkanada: Tradition, Innovation and Continuity


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