Professor Barry Eidlin published an op-ed in the Washington Post  entitled "Los Angeles teachers just proved that the common wisdom about unions is wrong" on what the 2019 Los Angeles teachers’ strike can tell us about U.S. labour’s prospects.

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Published on: 5 Feb 2019

Assistant Professor Barry Eidlin published an op-ed in the Washington Post to mark Labour Day 2018, entitled “Unions Struggle in the Courts, But They Have a Fighting Chance in the Streets.” While unions have taken a beating in recent decades, he notes, this year’s events offer some glimmers of hope for workers. The key is the arena of struggle.

Classified as: news
Published on: 24 Sep 2018

Assistant Professor Barry Eidlin was named the winner of the 2018 Early Investigator Award from the Canadian Sociological Association. It is awarded annually to a sociologist who is deemed to "have made significant research contributions in the early stages of their career.” In announcing the award, the CSA Research Advisory Subcommittee noted that it was"tremendously impressed with Dr. Eidlin’s research and publication record at this early stage of his career. His diverse accomplishments and intellectual leadership stood out as particularly stellar.

Classified as: news
Published on: 24 Sep 2018

Assistant Professor Barry Eidlin was named the winner of the 2018 Early Investigator Award from the Canadian Sociological Association. It is awarded annually to a sociologist who is deemed to "have made significant research contributions in the early stages of their career.” In announcing the award, the CSA Research Advisory Subcommittee noted that it was"tremendously impressed with Dr. Eidlin’s research and publication record at this early stage of his career.

Classified as: news
Published on: 24 Sep 2018

Hélène Riel-Salvatore has hung up her hat as a teacher and program coordinator at McGill French Language Centre, but will continue to work towards better access to health and social services for English-speaking communities in Québec. Over her career, she initiated and animated FLC French courses for McGill HSS students with a constant passion and energy, and retirement will be anything but idle. Hélène Riel-Salvatore plans to remain active – including, to our great good fortune, within Dialogue McGill as senior advisor for Languages and Cultures.


Classified as: news, Hélène Riel-Salvatore, McGill French Language Centre, McGill HSS students
Published on: 5 Feb 2018

January 2018 | Milaine Alarie was interviewed on the radio show "Medium Large" to discuss her research on age-hypogamous intimate relationships (see link).

Classified as: news
Published on: 20 Jan 2018

The most recent edition of the EuropeNow Journal, entitled Governing the Migration Crisis, features an interview that was conducted by one of the graduate students, Sakeef Karim, as well an introduction co-authored by Prof. Jennifer Elrick. 

Here is a link to the issue:

Classified as: news
Published on: 11 Oct 2017

October 2017 | Congratulations to Joanne Terrasi for winning the Arts Award of Excellence for Administrative and Support Staff!


Classified as: news
Published on: 10 Oct 2017

Teaching Home Care in the Simulated Apartment

As the average age of the population rises, care is moving out of the hospitals and into the homes. Home care may be an option for patients who are recovering after a hospital stay, or for individuals who are dealing with an illness and want to remain at home for as long as safely possible to maintain their existing lifestyle and independence.

Classified as: news, Simulation Centre, medical simulation, Medical Simulation Centre, simnovate, Simnovators
Published on: 19 Jun 2017

The McGill Graduate Sociology Student Society is organizing an alumni event during the American Sociological Association Meetings. This event will bring together current and past graduate sociology students to help them network. The event will consist of two roundtables with guests who are currently employed in tenure-track positions and non-academic positions followed by a reception.

To learn more about the event please visit their site:

or contact

Classified as: news
Published on: 19 Jun 2017

Congratulations to Barry Eidlin for winning the Charles Tilly Award for Best Article from the American Sociological Association's Section on Comparative Historical Sociology!

Classified as: news
Published on: 19 Jun 2017

Congratulations to Skye Miner for winning the Prix Jean Monnet from the Centre Jean Monnet de Montréal.

Classified as: news
Published on: 19 Jun 2017

PhD candidate Milaine Alarie was interviewed on television about her work on age-hypogamous relationships:

Classified as: news
Published on: 17 May 2017

The Canadian Sociological Association will hold a panel celebrating the sociology of John Hall. For more information, visit:

Classified as: news
Published on: 17 May 2017

On March 29, McGill University’s Steinberg Centre for Simulation and Interactive Learning launched a special Simnovate supplement of the British Medical Journal (BMJ) Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning.  The event, held at the Omni Hotel in Montreal, featured an academic symposium as a sequel to last May’s highly successful Simnovate International Summit, which drew 150 “simnovators” from around the world.

Classified as: news, Simulation Centre, simnovate, Medical Simulation Centre, medical simulation, Simnovators
Published on: 31 Mar 2017


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