Purpose is to understand post-COVID symptom evolution and impact on patients’ lives

As of Sept. 20, 2022, there have been more than 1.1 million cases of COVID-19 in Quebec. It is estimated that 10 to 30 per cent of cases will have lingering symptoms after the acute illness. This means that as many as 330,000 Quebecers may experience what’s become known as long COVID, or post-COVID-19 syndrome.

Classified as: Lesley Fellows, covid-19, Nancy Mayo, Neurology, Neuro
Published on: 20 Sep 2022

The Department of Pediatrics would like to introduce our newest member, Dr. Hugh McMillan, appointed Associate Professor in the Division of Pediatric Neurology, starting August 1, 2021.

Classified as: pediatrics, Neurology
Published on: 15 Mar 2021

Congratulations to Dr. Myriam Srour, Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Neurology, and Dr. Robert Koenekoop from the Department of Pediatric Surgery for their success as co-PIs on a grant entitled Neurodevelopmental basis of nervous system disorders (NeuroBasis) awarded by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation. The aim of their work will be to discover new mutations and new genes that cause neural and retinal degenerations in children suffering from inherited retinal dystrophies, pediatric seizures, autism and other disorders.

Classified as: pediatrics, Neurology
Published on: 22 Dec 2020

Canadian and international scientists are joining forces to promote research into how COVID-19 affects the central nervous system, as they strive to understand whether and how the new coronavirus and other respiratory viruses could lead to lasting brain damage. Brought together as part of a new initiative called VINEx, created by Rocket Science Health, a Victoria-based medical devices company, the group is aiming to lead the charge in understanding how viruses invade the brain – an area of study that has received relatively little attention.

Classified as: VINEx, Alan Evans, Neurology, Psychiatry, covid-19, nervous system
Published on: 13 Aug 2020

Each year, the McGill Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences awards three prestigious prizes, Maude Abbott, Haile. T. Debas and Rosemary Wedderburn Brown Prize, to deserving faculty members, which celebrate exceptional contributions to our tripartite mission of education, research and service to society, as well as the legacy of McGill luminaries who continue to inspire us today.

Classified as: pediatrics, Neurology, maud abbott
Published on: 7 Aug 2020

Launching on June 26, 2020, the Helmholtz International BigBrain Analytics Learning Laboratory (HIBALL) will work to create 3D brain models at an unprecedented cellular-level resolution.

Classified as: brain modeling, The Neuro, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (The Neuro), Neurology, HIBALL, Alan Evans
Published on: 2 Jul 2020

Dr. Maryam Oskoui, Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, has been appointed as the Division Director of Pediatric Neurology for a 5-year term.

Classified as: pediatrics, Neurology
Published on: 20 May 2020

An international team spearheaded by researchers at McGill University has discovered a biological mechanism that could explain heightened somatic awareness, a condition where patients experience physical discomforts for which there is no physiological explanation.

Classified as: Neurology, health and lifestyle, serotonin, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, Temporomandibular disorders, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Human Pain Genetics, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
Published on: 19 Jun 2019

Please join the Department of Pediatrics in congratulating the following Faculty Members on their promotion to Associate Professor. Each richly deserve this recognition of personal accomplishment.

Dr. Ilana Bank, Division of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Moshe Ben-Shoshan, Division of Allergy, Immunology and Dermatology
Dr. Sasha Dubrovsky, Division of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Maryam Oskoui, Division of Neurology
Dr. David Zielinski, Division of Respirology

Classified as: pediatrics, promotion, emergency medicine, allergy and immunology, Neurology, respirology
Published on: 8 Feb 2018

Tal Arbel - pioneering researcher challenges gender stereotypes, as reported by the McGill Reporter

Classified as: computer vision, Neurology, neurosurgery, women in science
Published on: 18 Nov 2017

Much work to be done to improve diagnosis and treatment

When NHL star player Sidney Crosby suffered a concussion during a game in May – the fourth concussion of his career – the news made nationwide headlines. A few years earlier, a concussion had kept the Pittsburgh Penguins star off the ice for ten months.

Concussions can have serious consequences, even in cases where the victim shows few symptoms immediately. Victims often shrug off a mild blow to the head, unaware that brain damage has occurred.

Classified as: Sports, concussions, football, mental health, medicine research, MNI, Neuro, Neurology, alain ptito
Published on: 7 Jun 2017

A foray into plant biology led one researcher to discover that a natural molecule can repair axons, the thread-like projections that carry electrical signals between cells. Axonal damage is the major culprit underlying disability in conditions such as spinal cord injury and stroke. 

Classified as: Biology, brain injury, neurosurgery, Neurology, axons, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (MNI), Fusicoccin-A, Andrew Kaplan, Alyson Fournier, spinal injury
Published on: 8 Mar 2017

Discovery could be key to treating brain and spinal cord injury

A foray into plant biology led one researcher to discover that a natural molecule can repair axons, the thread-like projections that carry electrical signals between cells. Axonal damage is the major culprit underlying disability in conditions such as spinal cord injury and stroke.

Classified as: Neuro, MNI, stroke, Neurology, spinal cord injury, axon repair, 14-3-3, Fusicoccin-A, Alyson Fournier
Published on: 8 Mar 2017

The Neuro is recognized as a major Canadian center for ALS research and patient care. During June, designated ALS Month, The Neuro redoubles its efforts to inform the public and the media about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and urges all to help support ALS research.

Classified as: ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Neurology, neuroscience, Angela Genge, Dr. Angela Genge, Rami Massie, Guy Rouleau, Bernard Brais, Heather Durham, Heidi McBride, Peter McPherson, Eric Shoubridge, Stefano Stifani, Hiroshi Tsuda
Published on: 13 Jun 2016

Researchers use optogenetics to produce pain relief by shutting off neurons with light

The potential of light as a non-invasive, highly-focused alternative to pain medication was made more apparent thanks to research conducted by scientists at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital of McGill University and the McGill University Health Centre.

Classified as: optogenetics, MNI, analgesia, pain relief, chronic pain, Research, Neurology, philippe seguela
Published on: 20 Apr 2016


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